  • Anger;be angry;be displeased;be annoyed
  • 怒,生气:~怒。~喝(hè ㄏㄜˋ)。~诟。~斥。~睨。

  • 对人不满,怪罪:~着。~怪。~责。


(怒; 生气) be angry; be displeased:

  • 生嗔

    get angry


(对人不满; 怪罪) be annoyed (with sb.):

  • 他嗔着我说错了话。

    He was annoyed with me for having said the wrong thing.

  1. 他嗔着我说错了话。

    He was annoyed with me for having said the wrong thing .

  2. 上下翼面各需要用两个密封嗔块。

    Two sealing blocks are needed for both upper and lower surfaces .

  3. 这座桥的设计造型如此抢眼,一定会让建筑评论家们嗔目结舌。

    This eye-catching bridge design is bound to have the architectural critics tongue-tied .

  4. 温柔确实可以改变我们的嗔心呢!

    Gentleness can indeed change our angry hearts .

  5. 幸或不幸一念嗔。

    Lucky or unlucky just a mind .

  6. 她嗔怨地白了斯鲁特一眼,转过身就走了。

    With a reproachful look at Slote , she turned on her heel and went out .

  7. 障碍我们得到这些良善功德的是象嗔恨等的各种染污。

    The hindrances to obtaining these good qualities are the defilements such as hatred and so on .

  8. 就在你坐的那张椅子上,当你变得嗔恨,那里就是地狱。

    Where chair that you 're sitting on , when you go to aggression that is hell .

  9. 我们要永远避免落入那些坏的品质&例如嗔恨、愤怒、贪婪等等。

    Always try to avoid the bad qualities such as hatred , anger , desire and so forth .

  10. 我昔所造诸恶业,皆由无始贪嗔痴,从身语意之所生,一切我今皆忏悔。

    And created by body , speech and mind , I now know shame and repent of them all .

  11. 所以,与产生嗔恨相反,我们应该发展的是仁爱和慈悲。

    So , contrary to the hatred that is inflicted upon us we should develop loving kindness and compassion .

  12. 如果我们的行为受贪、嗔、痴、我们种植种子的痛苦;

    If we act motivated by greed , hatred , or delusion , we are planting the seed of suffering ;

  13. 但无论如何,我们要了解和认识到,我们自身同样是带来嗔恨心的诱因。

    However , it must be understood and realised that we also play a part in causing a hateful situation .

  14. 这里要说的重点是,嗔恨往往会被认为是因外在的人或事物的激发而起的。

    The point here is that hatred is generally believed to be something that is ignited from external objects or beings .

  15. 我准备一如既往,不顾朝廷之喜嗔。

    I am ready to do so again , without an instant 's regard to the frowns or smiles of a court .

  16. 感冒的症状是打嗔嚏、咳嗽、流鼻涕、咽痛,有时还伴有头痛和低烧。

    Colds make you sneeze and cough , give you a runny nose and sore throat , and sometimes a headache and a slight fever .

  17. 当心处于活跃状态,我们能感觉、记忆和思考,因此贪、嗔、信等等生起。

    When consciousness is active , we feel , remember or think , and so greed , anger , faith , and so forth arise .

  18. 这并没有什么了不起,如果我真的了不起的话,那么我应该一开始就保持正念,不让嗔心升起。

    That 's nothing great & if I were really great , I would have been mindful enough to not let the anger arise in the first place .

  19. 修行成就八正道,企业家就能够拥有悲、智、勇三友,用以对治贪嗔痴三毒。

    Achievement practice the Eightfold Path , entrepreneurs will be able to have compassion , wisdom , courage three friends , three drugs used for treatment Primary Afflictions .

  20. 因此,与产生嗔恨相反,我们应该发展的是仁爱和慈悲。嗔恨依感官作用而对事物产生厌恶。

    So , contrary to the hatred that is inflicted upon us we should develop loving kindness and compassion . Hate is aversion for any object of the senses .

  21. 大乘佛教的传统把他们分开了,并认为涅盘只提到了消灭贪婪(狂热和嗔恨),并从轮回之中解脱出来的结果。

    But the Mahayana tradition separated them and considered that nirvana referred only to the extinction of craving ( passion and hatred ), with the resultant escape from the cycle of rebirth .

  22. 在涅盘状态贪婪和嗔恨的根源已经平息,这样一个人不再遭受人的痛苦(受苦)或进一步处在轮回状态中。

    In Nibbana the root causes of craving and aversion have been extinguished such that one is no longer subject to human suffering ( dukkha ) or further states of rebirths in samsara .

  23. 我们只能在贪、嗔、痴出现的时候消除它们,而不是让他们控制我们,以及影响我们的身口意。

    We can only eradicate the cankers of greed , hatred , and ignorance when they appear , and not allow them to overwhelm us , and influence our thought , speech , and actions .

  24. 怜悯女神在天堂层次之中是唯一的,在天堂层次她完全从我慢和嗔心中解脱出来,她保持不愿意去惩罚正当的那些人,对她来说严厉的课程是合适的。

    The goddess of mercy is unique among the heavenly hierarchy in that she is so utterly free from pride or vengefulness that she remains reluctant to punish even those to whom a severe lesson might be appropriate .