
shì jiǔ
  • Alcoholism;be addicted to drink
  1. 他嗜酒贪杯、狂妄自大且脾气暴躁,这常常使他在夜总会和人发生恶性斗殴。

    His boozing , arrogance , and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls

  2. 由于种种原因,她嗜酒了。

    For one reason or another , she took to the bottle .

  3. 许多嗜酒成癖的受害者已经被挽救过来

    Many sufferers have been reclaimed from a dependence on alcohol .

  4. 方法对30例长期嗜酒所致精神障碍患者进行BAEP检测,并与正常人进行对照。

    Methods BAEP were investigated in 30 patients with alcohol induced mental disorders and normal subjects .

  5. Ivan的父母都是嗜酒者。年轻时,他学会了”我服务,我存在“。

    The son of two alcoholics , Ivan learned young that service justified his existence .

  6. 如果我像他们一样,我不是变成嗜酒的追逐二十岁小男孩的金发帅哥,就是变得和我妈一样【Chandler的爸爸是同性恋,最后在拉斯维加斯装扮成女人唱歌演艺。】

    Chandler : If I turn into my parents , I 'll either be an alcoholic blond chasing after twentyyearold boys , or ... I 'll end up like my mom .

  7. 目的探讨嗜酒前后胃乙醇脱氢酶(ADH)活性的变化机制。

    Objective To study the mechanism of activity change of gastric alcohol dehydrogenases ( ADH ) . We investigated ADH before and after ingestion of alcohol on rats .

  8. 首先运用酒精依赖疾患识别测验(AUDIT)和饮酒问卷(AlcoholUseQuestionnaire,ADS)筛查出A村经常饮酒的人员,然后采用参与式观察和深入访谈法对他们嗜酒信息的收集和整理。

    First use of alcohol dependence disorders identification test ( AUDIT ) and alcohol consumption questionnaire ( Alcohol Use Questionnaire , ADS ) drink regularly screened out A village people , and then using participant observation and in-depth interviews on their information collection and collation of alcohol .

  9. 结论嗜酒、消化道出血、SBP病史以及ChildPugh分级作为SBP易感因素可以预测SBP的发生,采用选择性肠道去污染等办法可以降低SBP的发生率,改善预后。

    Conclusion The predisposing factors including addiction to drinking , gastrointestinal hemorrhage , SBP history and Child-Pugh grade can foresee the occurrence of SBP , which can be reduced by selective intestinal decontamination . Additionally , prognosis is improved .

  10. Foroud和她的同事对219个嗜酒的欧洲裔美国人家族进行了调查。

    Foroud and her colleagues examined a sample of219 alcoholic families of European American descent .

  11. 更深入的研究表明啮齿类动物大脑中SNCA基因的表达水平,在嗜酒与非嗜酒动物中表现不同。

    Further studies have shown that different levels of SNCA exist in the brains of rodents that prefer alcohol versus those who do not like alcohol .

  12. 广州市精神病医院从1965年-1992年的27a间共收治嗜酒所致的器质性精神障碍患者100例,住院166人次。

    100 cases who were admitted to Guangzhou Psychiatric Hospital because of alcohol - induced organic mental disorders from 1965 - 1992 were analysed .

  13. 这很有趣因为这确认了先前的嗜酒和非嗜酒大鼠的SNCA基因在同一区域的单核苷酸有联系。

    This is interesting because it appears to confirm a previous association between SNPs in the same region of the rat SNCA gene that differ between alcohol-preferring and non-preferring rats .

  14. 杰米·福克斯(JamieFoxx)、罗斯·拜恩(RoseByrne)和鲍比·坎纳瓦尔(BobbyCannavale)也是,特别是卡梅隆·迪亚兹(CameronDiaz),她带着近乎骇人的自暴自弃,全心投入汉尼根小姐(MissHannigan)这个角色——安妮的寄养母亲,一个嗜酒、邋遢的刻薄女人。

    So do Jamie Foxx , Rose Byrne , Bobby Cannavale and , especially , Cameron Diaz , who flings herself into the role of Miss Hannigan , Annie 's boozy , blowzy meanie of a foster mom , with almost frightening abandon .

  15. 这一次,在翻拍新作中扮演有志纯真少女的是歌坛巨星LadyGaga,她精彩演绎的这个胸怀抱负又害羞的创作型歌手被一名比自己年长又嗜酒的乡村歌手(布莱德利·库珀饰)“发现”。

    This time round , the role of aspiring ing é nue goes to pop superstar du jour Lady Gaga , who knocks it out of the park as the aspiring , but shy , singer-songwriter ' discovered " by an older , alcoholic country musician ( Bradley Cooper ) .

  16. 海洛因滥用对嗜酒行为的影响

    The effect of heroin use on alcohol - preferring behavior

  17. 嗜酒对胎盘超微结构的影响

    Effects of alcohol drinking on the ultrastructure of human placenta

  18. 我和我嗜酒如命的父亲度过了一个冬天。

    I spent that winter with my insane alcoholic father .

  19. 她说服丈夫改掉嗜酒的习惯。

    She persuaded her husband to forsake his drinking habit .

  20. adj.肉体的,世俗的贪食和嗜酒被称为肉体上的罪恶。

    carnal Gluttony and drunkenness have been called carnal vices .

  21. 胍丁胺对先天嗜酒FH/Wjd大鼠饮酒行为的影响

    Effect of agmatine on alcohol-drinking behavior in alcohol-preferring FH / Wjd rats

  22. 原来她和丈夫在嗜酒劝戒会相识。

    Turns out she and her husband met in aa .

  23. 类似地,嗜酒者的生活也因他们对酒精的依赖而心胸狭隘和丧失人性。

    Similarly alcoholics'lives are narrowed and dehumanized by their dependence on alcohol .

  24. 这意味这你该庆幸你嗜酒的时候还年轻。

    It means you 're lucky you got sober young .

  25. 嗜酒者肝脏病变的形态学研究

    Morphological study on 40 cases of alcoholic liver disease

  26. 嗜酒所致的器质性精神障碍100例临床资料分析

    Alcohol-induced organic mental disorders clinical analysis of 100 cases

  27. 结论大学生中嗜酒者普遍存在焦虑抑郁情绪,情感障碍突出。

    Conclusion-Students were alcoholics crowd widespread anxiety depressed mood , affective disorder prominent .

  28. 大部分熊猫人并没有如此嗜酒。

    Most Pandaren are not fond of strong drinks .

  29. 贪食和嗜酒被称为肉体上的罪恶。

    Gluttong and drunkenness have been called carnal vices .

  30. 爱尔兰教师因“嗜酒成性”遭拒

    Irish Teacher Denied Job Due to " Alcoholism "