
  • 网络Four pairs;quadruple-double
  1. 第二天一早,他发现四双鞋子又做好了;

    Early the next morning he found the four pairs finished ;

  2. 我要四双长袜。

    I would like four pairs of stockings .

  3. 但是,第二天早晨,他在那里看到的却是四双做工精细的皮鞋。

    And in the morning he found four fine pairs of shoes there instead .

  4. 这样,鞋匠手头就有了可以买来够做四双鞋子的皮子的钱。

    The cobbler now had enough money to buy leather for four more pairs .

  5. 我们还拥有大概四双袜子。

    And about four pairs of socks .

  6. 那天,鞋匠能买做四双鞋的皮革了。

    That day , the shoemaker was able to buy enough leather for four pairs of shoes .

  7. 尽管她一天换四双鞋,情况依然没有好转。

    Even though she changes her shoes four times a day , the situation never seems to get better .

  8. 四双布满血丝的眼睛注视着这架飞行器,两年的艰辛和汗水终于要结出硕果了。

    With eight bloodshot eyes fixed on a flying object , the toils of a two-year project were about to bear fruit .

  9. 在体查中,患者神志清醒且注意力集中,顺利完成前七后四双指运动试验。

    On examination , the patient was awake and alert with good attention , a digit span of seven forward and four backward .

  10. 其次,论文系统阐述了基于工作过程相关概念的界定以及四双育人模式的构架。

    Second , the paper expounds the related concept definition of work process & oriented and the frame of Si Shuang educational model .

  11. 鸭子说,“我坐在石头上的时候,就很仔细地想过这个问题。我买了四双绒线袜子,它们会把我的鸭蹼包裹得干干净净。

    Said the Duck , 'As I sate on the rocks , I have thought over that completely , and I bought four pairs of worsted socks which fit my web-feet neatly .

  12. 通过各种不同的优异奖授予第四双年展如伊比利亚美洲,ASBEA-项目和世界建筑奖组机构已授予的房子的设计和。

    Various Merit awards by differently awarding agencies like IV Bienal IBERO Americana , ASBEA – Group of Projects and World Architecture Award have been granted to the design of the house as well .

  13. 杂合子样品经过PCR变性、复性之后,其组分包含四种双链分子:两种同源双链、两种异源双链。

    A heterozygous sample after denaturation , renaturation of PCR , contains four duplexes : two homoduplexes and two heteroduplexes .

  14. 在赝自旋对称性条件下,严格求解了四参量双原子分子势中运动粒子的s波Klein-Gordon方程和Dirac方程,并给出了相应的束缚态能谱和相对论性波函数。

    The s-wave Klein-Gordon equation and Dirac equation are solved exactly for particles moving in the four-parameter diatomic potential with pseudospin symmetry . The corresponding energy spectra and wave functions of bound states are obtained .

  15. 此外,用四端口双定向耦合器作为待测器件验证了数学巴伦法的理论,结果与Agilent仪器的测量结果符合很好,说明了这种数学巴伦理论的正确性。

    Moreover , a 4-port dual directional-coupler is used as a personator of balanced device to verify mathematical balun theory . Good agreement of results with that of Agilent equipment is observed and the mathematical balun theory is proved effective .

  16. 介绍了8000kN/5000kN闭式四点双动拉伸多连杆压力机的总体技术方案和经过CAD优化设计的内外滑块多连杆主传动系统等关键技术。

    In this paper , the author introduces general layout of 8000kN / 5000kN straight side 4 point double action multi bar link press as well as know how of multi bar main driving system for inner and outer rams , designed by CAD optimization .

  17. 四个双自由度陀螺捷联惯导系统冗余设计研究

    Four Two-Dimension of Freedom Gyros Inertial Navigation System Redundant Design Analysis

  18. 新型四线圈双稳态永磁操作机构的研究

    Research of a new-style four coil double steady state permanent magnetic actuator

  19. 高效液相色谱法对四种双氯灭痛软膏剂透皮效果的研究

    Study on transdermal absorption effects of four diclofenac sodium ointments by HPLC

  20. 四坡双天沟屋面在加层建筑中的应用

    Application of four-slope and double-gutter roof in stories adding works

  21. 在看你的节目之前我们喝了四份双剂量的咖啡。

    We have four double espressos before we go to your shows .

  22. 四片式双桩张网试验

    Experiment on four panel stow net with double stake

  23. 非增压四冲程双燃料发动机(改装)的性能

    On Power Behaviour of Four-Stroke Double - Fuel Motor

  24. 聚丙烯/尼龙/玻璃纤维/炭黑四元双逾渗复合体系的压阻行为

    Piezoresistive Behavior of PP / PA / GF / CB Composites with Double-percolation

  25. 四种双温蒸汽压缩制冷循环的热力学比较

    Comparison of four refrigeration cycles with two evaporating temperatures

  26. 准四能级双掺Tm/Ho钒酸钆激光器

    Quasi-four-level co-doped Tm / Ho gadolinium vanadate laser

  27. 四种双冠醚的铯离子选择电极

    Cesium Ion-selective Electrodes Based on Four Bis-crown Ethers

  28. 闭式四点双动拉伸压力机

    Straight side four point double action drawing press

  29. 四相双四拍永磁爪极步进电机及其控制系统

    Four phase double four step claw pole PM stepping motor and the control system

  30. 四相双4拍永磁爪极步进电机稳态运行仿真

    The Steady State Simulation of 4-phase Double-four Step Claw Pole Permanent Magnet Stepping Motor