
  • 网络tetrachloroethylene;PCE;perchloroethylene;TCE;PERC
  1. 三氯乙烯和四氯乙烯对体外培养皮肤KC细胞氧化损伤及维生素E的保护作用

    Effects of TCE and PCE on cultured human keratinocyte lipid peroxidation and protective effect of Vitamin E on it

  2. 利用电化学的方法研究了四氯化碳,四氯乙烯的降解脱氯机理。

    Electrochemical method was used to explore the degradation mechanism of CT and PCE .

  3. 时效处理可显著提高Ni(Cu)PPTFE复合涂层的硬度和磨损性能,聚四氯乙烯起到良好的减摩效果。

    With aged treatment , they will be improved obviously in hardness and wear resistance and enjoy good result of PTFE solid lubrication .

  4. 同时对干洗场所室内空气中四氯乙烯、IP、空气中细菌总数、CO、CO2的净化效果以及不同时间负离子衰减量进行了评价。

    Meanwhile , Purification effect of tetrachloroethylene , IP , bacteria number , CO , CO 2 and reduction of negative ion with time was also assessed .

  5. 四氯乙烯(PCE)在厌氧条件下通过还原脱氯发生生物降解。

    Tetrachloroethylene ( PCE ) is biodegraded by reductive dechlorination in anaerobic condition .

  6. H2SO4-HNO3体系中锌精矿浸出与四氯乙烯萃硫的耦合

    Coupling Process of Zinc Concentrate Leaching in H_2SO_4-HNO_3 Medium and Sulphur Extracting with Tetrachloroethylene

  7. 四氯乙烯光解活泼自由基及其与烃或醇的夺氢反应的ESR研究

    A study of ESR spectra of active radicals generated in the photochemical hydrogen abstraction reaction between ethylene tetrachloride and hydrocarbon or alcohol

  8. 四氯乙烯(PCE)的广泛使用和不合理的处置已经使其成为地下水中普遍存在的有毒有害的有机污染物。

    Tetrachlorothylene ( PCE ) is a toxic organic compound widely used and commonly detected in groundwater .

  9. 在聚四氯乙烯(PTFE)中分别填充碳化硅(SiC)、石墨及不同配比的SiC-石墨混合物,制备了具有不同力学和摩擦学性能的PTFE基复合材料。

    Polytetrafluoroethylene ( PTFE ) composites filled with SiC , graphite and the mixer of SiC and graphite with various ratios respectively were made by compression molding .

  10. 实验发现DMF对粗蒽制取精蒽效果较好,四氯乙烯对粗咔唑的精制效果明显优于传统工艺。

    It was found that it was more efficient for refining crude anthracene with DMF and for refining crude carbazole with TCE .

  11. 采用丁二酸对球状亚微米级SiO2颗粒进行表面改性,以提高SiO2颗粒于四氯乙烯溶剂中的电泳性能,制备适于电子墨水用的白色电泳颗粒。

    In order to improve the electrophoresis properties of the spherical SiO_2 particles in tetrachloroethylene , the prepared spherical sub-micron SiO_2 particles were modified by butanedioic acid .

  12. 利用批实验的研究方法以四氯乙烯(PCE)和四氯化碳(CT)为目标污染物,研究纳米镍/铁在去除PCE过程中的影响因素。

    The factors influencing the removal of perchloroethylene ( PCE ) and carbon tetrachloride ( CT ) by nano-Ni / Fe have been studied by batch experiments .

  13. 以尿素和甲醛为壁材,油性蓝和TiO2纳米粒子分散在四氯乙烯中作为囊芯,通过原位聚合法制备了蓝色电泳显示微胶囊。

    Electrophoretic microcapsules were prepared via in-situ interfacial polymerization using ureaformaldehyde ( UF ) resin as the outer membrane and oil blue and TiO2 nanoparticles dispersed in tetrachloroethylene as core materials .

  14. 采用BET、XRD、SEM等手段对其物理化学特性进行表征,以四氯乙烯光降解反应为探针反应,考察了TiO2/ACF催化剂的光催化降解性能。

    The TiO2 / ACF catalysts were characterized by BET , XRD , and SEM . The photodegradation activity of TiO2 / ACF was investigated using tetrachloroethylene ( TCE ) as a probe molecule .

  15. 以实验室合成的纳米双金属颗粒(Ni/Fe和Cu/Fe)为反应材料,对四氯乙烯(PCE)进行脱氯试验研究。

    Nanoscale bimetallic particales ( Ni / Fe and Cu / Fe ) have been synthesized in the laboratory for the treatment of tetrachloroethene ( PCE ) .

  16. 由于氯代有机溶剂的大量使用和使用氯气对饮用水消毒,致使四氯化碳(CT)和四氯乙烯(PCE)成为地下水和饮用水中常见的污染物。

    Carbon tetrachloride ( CT ) and tetrachloroethene ( PCE ) are the common contaminants in groundwater and drinking water because the chlorinated solvents are used in very large quantities and chlorine is used to disinfect drinking water .

  17. [目的]研究体外培养条件下有机溶剂四氯乙烯(perchloroethylene,PERC)对正常人表皮角质形成细胞(normalhumanepidermiskeratinocyte,NHEK)的细胞毒性作用。

    Objective To study the cytotoxicity of perchloroethylene ( PERC ) on the normal human epidermal keratinocytes ( NHEK ) in vitro .

  18. 对两种非水相流体(NAPL)(煤油和四氯乙烯)在3种不同质地的黄土性土壤(沙土、黄绵土和土娄土)中的非饱和入渗特征进行了试验研究。

    Using the method of horizontal column infiltration , unsaturated liquid infiltration characteristic of two kinds of NAPL ( kerosene and PCE ) in different texture soil were studied .

  19. 根据ZL型水泵的水轴承工作条件,提出利用填充聚四氯乙烯作为水轴承材料,并介绍轴承的结构设计。

    The filled PTFE was suggested to be used as the material of water bearing of ZL type water pump in consideration of its working conditions , The paper also deals with the structural design of bearing .

  20. 干洗过程使用的有害物质包括四氯乙烯(PCE)、三氯乙烯(TCE)及少量的三氯乙烷,这些挥发性有机物已列入许多国家和地区优先控制的污染物指标。

    Hazardous substances used by chlorinated dry cleaning operation include perchloroethylene ( PEC ), trichloroethylene ( TCE ) and small amounts of trichloroethane , all known as volatile organic compounds ( VOCs ) listed in many professional testing criteria and limit values of pollutant control index .

  21. 在兰州市随机抽取24家干洗店,现场采样,用气相色谱法测定四氯乙烯的室内空气浓度,计算时间加权平均浓度(TWA),以估算个体暴露量;

    TCE time-weighed average ( TWA ) concentration of sample air , from 24 dry-cleaning shops taken randomly in Lanzhou , were measured with gas chromatography to estimate exposure levels , analyze risk characterization and calculate acceptable indoor TWA concentration of TCE .

  22. 检定池的电解质为9NH2SO4。厚0.5-Mil的聚四氯乙烯膜由表面粗糙化和用聚合物质处理以后,覆膜电极检定器的电流响应一般增加100倍以上。

    The electrolyte for the detector cell is 9N H_2SO_4 . After Teflon membrane of 0 . 5 mil thickness was roughened by surface and treated with polymeric substance , the peak current response of the membrane covered electrode generally enlarged 100-fold .

  23. Ni/Fe双金属降解四氯化碳和四氯乙烯的对比试验

    Ni / Fe bimetal enhanced reductive degradation of CT and PCE

  24. 用于四氯乙烯降解的厌氧污泥的培养与驯化研究

    Study on cultivation and acclimation of anaerobic sludge for tetrachloroethylene degradation

  25. 三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯对小麦叶绿素和土壤呼吸率的影响

    Effects of trichloroethylene and perchloroethylene on wheat chlorophyll and soil respiration

  26. 现行四氯乙烯职业卫生标准的环境影响评价

    Environmental impact assessment on present occupational health standard of tetrachloroethylene

  27. 气相色谱法测定空气中三氯乙烯和四氯乙烯

    To Determine Trichloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene in Air by Gas Chroma to graphy

  28. 不同共代谢基质下四氯乙烯厌氧生物降解研究

    Study on anaerobic biodegradation of tetrachloroethylene with different co-metabolism substrates

  29. 聚四氯乙烯柱塞挤出工艺对制品性能及收缩率的影响

    Influence of Ram Extrusion of PTFE Product Properties and Shrinkages

  30. 四氯乙烯的纯化和稳定化方法

    Study on the Methods of Purifying and Stabilizing Perchloroethylene