
  1. 2固定资产投资规模对载货汽车需求市场的影响;

    The scale of fixed assets invests to influence lorry require with market ;

  2. 上市公司固定资产投资规模影响因素

    Factors Affecting Fixed-Asset Investment Scale of Listed Companies

  3. 有利经济增长的固定资产投资规模与积累水平的研究

    On the rational accumulation level and the fixed assets investment scale benefit to economic growth

  4. (三)保持固定资产投资规模适度增长,调整和优化投资结构。

    Maintaining appropriate growth in fixed assets investment and readjusting and optimizing the investment structure .

  5. 控制固定资产投资规模

    Controlling investment scale of fixed assets

  6. 合理控制固定资产投资规模,优化投资结构。

    We need to appropriately control the scale of fixed asset investment and improve the investment structure .

  7. 改革开放使中国综合国力不断增强,全社会固定资产投资规模持续增长。

    Reform and opening China 's comprehensive national strength has been continually enhanced and sustained growth in total fixed asset investment .

  8. 经济增长是形成湖南省耕地数量变化的主要宏观驱动因子,耕地减少的发生时间与经济发展的增长基本同步,具体受固定资产投资规模的牵动;

    The rapid decrease of cultivated land coincided in time with the overheated economic growth resulting from the direct investment in fixed assets .

  9. 种粮大户投资的资金来源渠道以借贷+自筹为主,投资结构中对短期性的流动资产投资规模较大,而对长期固定资产投资规模较小。

    It is main capital source channel to loan and self-fund to Large-Scale grain-production households . Short-term current assets more invested than long-term fixed assets .

  10. 加强建设工程造价管理,控制和合理确定工程造价,确保工程造价的准确性,是建设工程造价管理的首要任务,它对控制固定资产投资规模、防止“三超”现象起着关键作用。

    Enforcing construction cost management , controlling and reasonably ascertaining construction cost , and ensuring its precision , are the primary task of construction cost management .

  11. 近年来,我国社会整体固定资产投资规模持续上升,在一定程度上反映了作为微观经济主体的我国公司制企业投资的非效率性。

    Recently the total investment scale of fixed assets in our country keeps rising . It reflects the non-efficiency of our enterprise which is the main body for microeconomic .

  12. 国务院为了扩大内需,公路交通固定资产投资规模年均达到10000亿元的资金需求。

    In order to expand domestic demand , the state department proposed the financing needs corresponding to the yearly average 10,000 billion RMB capital investment scale for the road transportation .

  13. 在一定时期内固定资产投资规模,受国民经济发展水平与国民产品在固定资产投资与消费之间的分配比例所制约。

    The development level of country economy and the distributing proportion of country production between investment of capital asserts and consumption restrict the investment scale of capital asserts in a certain time .

  14. 文章认为,包括固定资产投资规模、消费基金、财政赤字等在内的社会总需求膨胀并不是导致通货膨胀的根本原因,仅从数量上讲就不存在需求膨胀的现象。

    The paper deems that the gross demand increase including fixed asset investment volume , consumptive fund and fiscal deficit is not the fundamental reason of the inflation on ground of just quantitative analysis .

  15. 在经济增长过热过快的情况下,压缩政府开支,减少固定资产投资规模,可以有效的控制社会投资总量,缓解财政赤字的扩大,从而抑制经济过热。

    In the case of fast economic growth , government expenditure , reducing the scale of fixed asset investment can effectively control the total amount of social investment , ease budget deficit expanded to suppress overheated economy .

  16. 随着经济的快速发展和建设工程项目及固定资产投资规模的增长,施工企业项目管理在国民经济可持续健康发展中的作用越来越突显。

    Along with the rapid growth of Chinese economy , the construction loads and the investment of fixed assets are increasing more and more quickly . The construction project management is significant for the sustainable and healthy development of national economy .

  17. 与上海、宁波、青岛和成都等城市比较,去年上半年,大连市固定资产投资规模出现回落,结构也不尽合理。

    Compared with Shanghai , Ningbo , Chengdu and some other cities , in the first half of last year , the scale of investment in fixed assets of Dalian got reduced , and the pattern of investment was not very rational .

  18. 以吴江市为例,定性和定量地对耕地数量变化的人文驱动力进行分析,得出影响本地耕地数量变化的主要驱动因素为:工业发展,固定资产投资规模扩大和农业产业结构调整。

    The human driving powers of variations in the amount of agricultural land in Wujiang city was studied and identified as the development of industry , the expand of the scale of fixed assets investments , and the adjustment of agriculture structure .

  19. 2004年以来国家对固定资产投资规模实行了宏观调控,这一政策实施后对新疆固定资产投资产生了较大的影响,使新疆投资增长速度明显放缓。

    The macro-regulation policy on the scale of investment in fixed assets implemented by China since the year 2004 has brought a great influence on investments in fixed assets in Xinjiang and slowed down the investment rate in fixed assets apparently in Xinjiang .

  20. 近些年来,由于固定资产投资规模不断扩大,工程款的拖欠问题越来越严重,造成了严重的社会后果,引起了政府和社会各界的强烈关注,成了舆论和社会关注的焦点。

    In recent years , with the rapid expanding of the fixed assets investment , the problem of the defaulting is becoming more and more serious which aroses serious social problems and becomes the increasing concerns of the government , of the media , of the public .

  21. 2009年,全社会固定资产投资总规模预期增长20%。

    China 's total investment in fixed assets will grow by20 % in2009 .

  22. 一定要控制固定资产的投资规模,不要把基本建设的摊子铺大了。

    We must control the scale of investment in fixed assets and see that capital construction is not over-extended .

  23. 内地经济专家对预测未来几年固定资产的投资规模,利用外资规模可以在二千亿美元以上。

    Economists in the Mainland forecast the scale of investment of foreign capital in fixed assets will amount to over 200 billion US dollars .

  24. 随着邮政企业的不断发展,固定资产投资的规模也在迅猛发展,固定资产投资计划的管理也越来越复杂。

    With the constant development of post enterprise , the scale of fixed assets investment have been developed rapidly , the management of fixed assets investment plan is more and more complicated .

  25. 重点是控制固定资产投资和信贷规模,在优化结构中促进经济总量平衡。

    The focus of this work is to keep the scale of fixed assetinvestmentand credit under control and to promote overall balance between total supply and total demand while improving the structure .