
ɡuó mín dài yù
  • national treatment
  1. 关于WTO国民待遇原则与进一步完善我国外资法的探讨

    WTO National Treatment Principle and on China 's Foreign Investment Laws

  2. WTO体制下的国民待遇原则研究

    Research on the Principle of National Treatment under the WTO System

  3. 论WTO之国民待遇原则在我国的实践

    On The Application Of WTO 's Citizen Treatment Principle To Ch

  4. 充分利用WTO规则,保留国民待遇的合理例外;

    Fully utilizing WTO rules to keep some reasonable exception ;

  5. WTO跨境交付的国民待遇原则与国际教育合作

    Analysis of WTO National Treatment Principle of Cross-border Supply in Educational Services

  6. 加入WTO与税收国民待遇的模式选择

    Entry into WTO Mode Choice of National Treatment on Taxation

  7. WTO体制下国民待遇制度的法律研究

    Legal Research on the National Treatment System in the WTO

  8. 论行政垄断与WTO国民待遇法律制度之冲突

    On the Conflicts between Administrative Monopoly and National Treatment System of WTO

  9. WTO国民待遇在服务贸易和知识产权领域的适用

    The Application of National Treatment in GATS and TRIPS

  10. 贯彻WTO国民待遇原则完善我国外资立法

    WTO 's Principle of National Treatment and China 's Legislation for Foreign Capital

  11. 国民待遇是WTO的重要原则。

    National treatment is an important principle of WTO .

  12. 从智利酒税案看WTO中的国民待遇问题

    View the National Treatment Problem in WTO from the Wine Tax Case of Chile

  13. WTO国民待遇原则的发展预测

    The Prediction on WTO National Treatment Development

  14. 该章第一节首先回顾了WTO对国民待遇原则适用的限制规定的概况。

    The first section looks back upon the limitations imposed upon National Treatment by WTO rules .

  15. WTO体制规定的国民待遇义务是对成员方政府的义务,要求规范政府的立法和执法。

    After all , the WTO system regulates the obligation of government in the membership state .

  16. WTO的首要原则&非歧视原则,是通过最惠国待遇和国民待遇共同实现的。

    The first principle of WTO non-discrimination principle is commonly realized through most-favoured-nation treatment and national treatment .

  17. WTO确立了最惠国待遇、国民待遇、透明度等原则。

    WTO establishes some principles as the most favored nation treatment , national treatment , transparency , etc.

  18. 该章第一节首先讨论了国民待遇原则在WTO中的内容,说明了其含义以及在WTO诸协议中的规定。

    The first section of this chapter discusses the contents of National Treatment in WTO and its meaning inside .

  19. 因此本文认为,改革WTO国民待遇原则,不仅需要进一步加强市场竞争性分析,同时也应该引入政策考量,在尊重WTO成员方管理自治的基础上推进贸易自由化。

    In order to reform the principle of national treatment , we need further strengthen analysis of market competitiveness .

  20. 加入WTO前,吸引外资是我国外资税收优惠政策的首要功能取向,在制度上表现为对外资的超国民待遇;

    Before Entering WTO , attracting capital is the principle functional orientation , which represent extra-national treatment in system .

  21. 我国加入WTO,意味着我国保险业将全面地与国际保险体系接轨,并且按照全球金融服务贸易协议规定,在保险市场准入、国民待遇等方面承担相应的义务。

    Since our country joined in WTO , our insurance has begun to mingle with the international insurance system .

  22. WTO反补贴规则与国民待遇原则的适用关系

    The Applications of WTO Regulation on Anti-subsidy and the Principle on the Treatment of the People of a Nation

  23. 加入WTO后,WTO的最惠国待遇、国民待遇、透明度等基本原则都要求完善公平的市场竞争机制。

    After China entering the WTO , the basic principles of the WTO requires perfect and fair market competing system .

  24. 结合有关条约看TRIPS中的国民待遇原则

    Understand the Principle of National Treatment in TRIPS According with Related Treaties

  25. 国民待遇原则是TRIPS的几个基本原则之一。

    The principle of National Treatment is one of general principles of TRIPS .

  26. WTO是全球性经贸组织,WTO基本原则之一是非歧视原则(国民待遇原则),中国加入WTO以后应与WTO基本原则精神协调一致。

    WTO is a global economic trade organization , one of whose basical principles is non-discrimination , i. e. , national treatment .

  27. 2006年我国加入WTO五年过渡期结束,我国宣布对外资银行实行国民待遇,兑现了金融业全面开放的承诺。

    In 2006 , with the end of the WTO transition period , China announced to grant national treatment to foreign banks .

  28. 因此,研究WTO国民待遇制度并对中国国民待遇制度的完善提出可行性意见对目前的中国具有很强的现实意义。

    It is very practical to research the national treatment system in WTO and give some advise for implementing national treatment in China .

  29. 我国现行的现行三部外资法有关外商投资企业的超国民待遇和次国民待遇的规定与WTO的国民待遇原则不一致。

    The super and secondary national treatment in three current present Foreign Investment Laws in China cannot conform to the WTO national treatment principle .

  30. 接着,该章总结了国民待遇原则在WTO中的特点和作用,说明了其具有多边化、普遍化、实质性的特点。

    Then , the chapter continues with a discussion of National Treatment within WTO , talking about its multilateral and generalized and substantial sides .