
guó lì
  • National;state-run;state-maintained
国立 [guó lì]
  • [state-maintained;state-run] 国家设立

  • 国立大学

国立[guó lì]
  1. 发言人Aggy勒罗勒只是说,麦当劳的到来与否并非由博物馆决定,因为卡鲁塞尔是由一家私人公司而非国立博物馆经营。

    Spokeswoman Aggy Lerolle said only that it is not up to the museum veto McDonald 's arrival since the Carrousel is run by a private company rather than the state-run museum .

  2. 跨越式发展导致国立高校在高负债下经营。

    Jumping development of state-run university results in running under heavy debt .

  3. 他在国立神经内科医院接受神经病学的训练。

    He trained in neurology at the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases .

  4. 几乎在所有英国国立小学里,孩子们都在能力水平不一的混合班学习。

    In nearly all British state junior schools , children learn in mixed ability classes .

  5. 他毕业于国立大学。

    He graduated from a national university .

  6. 他说:"新加坡国立大学的统计数据显示,超过40%的学生在上学期间被迫工作,假期期间这一数字增至90%。

    " NUS statistics show that over 40 % of students are forced to work during term-time and the figure increases to 90 % during vacation periods , " he said .

  7. ——在斐济国立大学的讲话“印度制造”是指:我们不仅欢迎有成本效益的企业进行生产,而且还会为这些企业的产品营销提供一个广大的市场。

    By saying Make in India , we are not only inviting11 companies for cost-effective manufacturing , but also giving them an opportunity of a large market for their products .

  8. 这些研究由来自美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth)的津贴资助。

    The studies were funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health .

  9. 美国国立医学图书馆标准出版数据XML文件的制作

    Format of XML file for NLM standard data

  10. 台湾国立中央大学(NationalCentralUniversity)的研究员对水库蓄水进行了首份详尽的全球评估。

    Researchers at Taiwan 's National Central University carried out the first comprehensive global assessment of water held in reservoirs .

  11. 在圣彼得堡国立大学(St.PetersburgStateUniversity)就读期间,杜罗夫学习语言学。

    At St. Petersburg State University , Mr. Durov studied linguistics .

  12. 新加坡是亚洲第一大财富管理中心,拥有亚洲地区排名最高的大学&新加坡国立大学(NationalUniversityofSingapore)。

    Singapore is the number one wealth management centre in Asia . The country has the best ranked university in Asia , the National University of Singapore .

  13. 在台北市郊的一个山谷,很多学校班级、家庭和旅游者拥堵在国立故宫博物院(NationalPalaceMuseum)的入口处。

    In a valley on the outskirts of Taipei , school classes , families and tourists clog the entrance to the National Palace Museum .

  14. 该分析由新加坡国立大学(NationalUniversityofSingapore)的研究员带头进行,从哈佛大学(HarvardUniversity)三项主要涉及护士和医生的长期研究中获取数据。

    The analysis , led by researchers at the National University of Singapore , took data from three long-running Harvard University studies involving mostly nurses and doctors .

  15. 美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)绩效管理研究

    Research on the Performance Management of American National Institutes of Health

  16. 巴中两国MBA教育管理比较分析&以巴基斯坦国立现代语言大学和清华大学为例

    A Comparative Study of MBA Educational Management in Pakistan and China & Taking National University of Modern Languages and Tsinghua University as examples

  17. 美国国立医学图书馆因特网上免费MEDLINE及其实用检索

    Free MEDLINE of National Library of Medicine on INTERNET and Its Practical Retrieval

  18. 这一事故将会在九月举行的美国国立卫生研究院顾问小组会议上讨论,FDA说。

    The incident will be discussed at a September meeting of a National Institutes of Health advisory panel , the FDA said .

  19. 国立卫生研究所研究员SeoNamkyu也认为,需要加大对私立部门的监管力度。

    Seo , from the Institute for National Health Insurance , believes the private sector needs greater regulation .

  20. EPA和国立环境健康科学研究所为空气污染影响研究提供资助。

    The EPA and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences provided funding for the study of the effects of air pollution .

  21. 美国国立卫生研究院(NationalInstitutesofHealth,简称NIH)的这项名为“收缩压干预试验”(Sprint)的研究,追踪了9300名50岁以上的研究对象。

    The National Institutes of Health study , known as the systolic blood pressure intervention trial ( Sprint ) , followed 9300 people who were over the age of 50 .

  22. 开放访问很有吸引力,并且得到了美国国立卫生研究院(nationalinstitutesofhealth)和英国惠康基金会(wellcometrust)等研究基金和英国政府的支持。

    Open access is appealing and is supported both by research funds , such as the US National Institutes of health and the UK Wellcome Trust , and by the UK government .

  23. 国立卫生研究院(NIH)曾长期资助卡佩奇和史密斯的研究工作,但也不尽然。

    The National Institutes of Health has long funded Capecchi 's and Smithies 's research , but not always .

  24. 新加坡国立大学资深研究员凯利(DavidKelly)表示,如今离开乡下关乎机会成本。

    " There is now an opportunity cost attached to leaving the countryside ," says David Kelly , a senior research fellow at the National University of Singapore .

  25. 由老挝流行病学家和泰国临床医生采集的样本经泰国国立卫生研究院检测H5N1感染呈阳性。

    Samples taken by Lao epidemiologists and Thai clinicians were tested by the National Institute of Health in Thailand and were positive for H5N1 infection .

  26. 俄罗斯国立研究大学(NationalResearchUniversity)的阿列克谢•马斯洛夫(AlexeyMaslov)指出,这些会晤取得了实质性成果,与此前那种“没有经济内容的政治装点”形成鲜明对照。

    These meetings have yielded tangible results , notes Alexey Maslov at Moscow 's National Research University , contrasting it with the previous pattern of " political decoration without economic content . "

  27. 国立中山大学EMBA申请人YCTsai表示:台湾高校正处于生源不足的艰难时期。

    Taiwanese schools are having a tough time finding enough students , says YC Tsai , an EMBA candidate at National Sun Yat-sen University .

  28. 韩国首尔国立大学LeeByeong-Chun教授称他成功克隆出一只母犬。

    Lee Byeong-Chun , a veterinary professor at Seoul National University , claims to have cloned a female dog for the first time .

  29. ACU国立致力于严格的奖学金和个人的追求真理和学术自由。

    ACU National is dedicated to rigorous intellectual scholarship and the individual 's pursuit of truth and academic freedom .

  30. 目的探讨美国国立卫生院卒中量表(NIHSS)评分与脑动脉狭窄部位及程度的相关性。

    Objective To approach the relationships between National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale ( NIHSS ) scoring and cerebral artery stenosis .