
ɡuó jì shōu zhī shùn chà
  • Balance of payments surplus;international payment surplus;favorable balance of payments
  1. 中国国际收支顺差规模逐年增大,引起世界其他国家的不满。

    Year-to-year increasing scale of Chinese international payment surplus has brought about dissatisfaction of other countries in the world .

  2. 内需扩大后,出口和内销的比例会发生较大的变化,进口也会扩大,相应地国际收支顺差会减少。

    Following the expansion , the proportion of export to domestic sales will change significantly . Import will also increase , and accordingly the international payment surplus will decrease .

  3. 人民币的升值压力源于我国持续的国际收支顺差。

    The continued balance of payments surplus bring us appreciation pressure of RMB .

  4. 我国的货币需求、中央银行冲销操作与国际收支顺差

    Money Demand , Sterilization Policy of Central Bank and Balance of Payments Surplus in China

  5. 外商直接投资的持续流入是中国国际收支顺差的一个重要原因。

    The continuously inflow of FDI is an important reason of the Chinese BOP surplus .

  6. 所谓不稳定,就是投资增长率过高,信贷投放过多,货币流动性过大,外贸和国际收支顺差过高。

    Unsteady development means overheated investment as well as excessive credit supply and liquidity and surplus in foreign trade and international payments .

  7. 自2001年以来,我国的出口贸易和利用外资获得了持续的增长,并导致国际收支顺差的迅速增加和外汇储备的大幅增长。

    Since 2001 , China 's foreign trade and foreign investment was sustained increasing , and lead to the rapid increase in the balance of payments surplus and foreign exchange reserves increase .

  8. 利用历史数据进行整体效果实证检验的结果表明同步指标体系和危机指数能够较为准确地反映国际收支顺差式失衡的状态和程度。

    Using historical data , the overall effect of positive test results showed that the index of coincident indicators system and the crisis to more accurately reflect the balance of payments surplus type and extent of the state of imbalance .

  9. 他们应当让本币汇率浮动,刺激国内需求从国际收支顺差转为国际收支逆差,并在此过程中,向全球提供大量可自由兑换的人民币。

    They should let their own currency float , stimulate domestic demand to switch from a balance of payments surplus to balance of payments deficit , and in the process supply the world with a sizeable volume of freely convertible renminbi .

  10. 论经济转型期中国汇率改革作用的局限性&客观、冷静地对待国际收支双顺差

    The Limited Effect of Exchange Rate Reform in the Transitional Economy China

  11. 国际收支双顺差下的经济政策选择与调整

    On the Double Surplus of Balance of Payments : Economic Policy Choice and Adjustment

  12. 中国国际收支双顺差现象研究:对中国外汇储备突破万亿美元的理论思考

    Twin Surplus in China : Reflections on China 's One Trillion Dollar Foreign Exchange Reserves

  13. 国际收支双顺差对我国经济的影响及对策研究

    The Influence of Balance of Payments " Double Surplus " to Our Country 's Economics and Relevant Counter-measures

  14. 2005年,中国的国际收支巨额顺差,具有鲜明特色。

    In 2005 , the international payments of China has a huge surplus , it has a distinguishing feature .

  15. 目前,长期国际收支巨额顺差造成的流动性过剩将对现阶段的经济稳健运行造成影响。

    At present , the excess liquidity result of long-term huge BOP surplus will make an impact on the stable operation of economic .

  16. 在中国,随着刘易斯拐点的显现,国际收支双顺差的格局也会趋于收敛。

    In China , with the appearance of " Lewis turning point ", the double surpluses in balance of payments should converge gradually .

  17. 近年来,我国国际收支持续顺差,国家外汇储备快速增长,出现双顺差甚至三顺差的局面。

    In the recent years , the balance of payment is two surpluses because of the increase of the reserve of the foreign exchange .

  18. 国际收支持续顺差下汇率升值的经验与启示&以日本、德国为例

    Experience and Implication in Dealing with the Problem of Exchange Rate Appreciation under Sustained Favorable Balance of Payments & Based on Japan and Germany

  19. 内容提要我国经济运行中,高储蓄率、高投资率和国际收支双顺差长期并存。

    In Chinese economy , the high saving rate , high investment rate and double surplus of balance of payments coexist in a long term .

  20. 市场化和经济全球化背景下出现的问题给我国货币政策造成了巨大的冲击,其中大规模的短期资本涌入、加之巨额贸易顺差,使得中国的国际收支双顺差。

    The context of economic globalization has caused tremendous shock to the monetary policy in our country , such as the massive influx of short-term capital and the huge trade surplus .

  21. 为了实现调控货币供应量的目标,防止高通货膨胀,央行使用各种货币政策工具来冲销这种由国际收支双顺差所带来的被动的货币供给变动。

    In order to control the money supply and prevent high inflation , PBC has used some monetary policy instruments to sterilize the passively expanded money supply driven by the double surpluses .

  22. 由于我国实行的是强制结售汇制度,随着国际收支双顺差的不断增大,外汇储备越来越多,外汇占款逐年增加。

    Because of the compulsory foreign exchange settlement and sales system , with the increasing of dual balance of payments surplus , we have more and more foreign exchange reserves every year .

  23. 文章指出:我国国际收支双顺差的不平衡问题是制度、政策、结构和特定发展阶段所形成的,具有一定的长期性、客观性和趋势性。

    The imbalance of double surpluses in China 's payments of balance is the result of the combined force of the country 's system , policy , structure and certain development stage .

  24. 流动性过剩已经成为经济金融体系稳健运行的隐患,国际收支双顺差的激增给我国流动性带来的冲击,已经成为众多学者以及政府研究的重要课题。

    Excess liquidity has become a hidden danger to the stable operation of the economic and financial system . Dual surplus of BOP has become important issues of many academics and the Government due to its great shock to the liquidity .

  25. 保持适度的经济增长是保持国际收支平衡或顺差的关键点之一。

    It is important to keep moderate economic growth rate .

  26. 经济与环境两大效益并重&河北省可持续发展及其可操作性方案保持适度的经济增长是保持国际收支平衡或顺差的关键点之一。

    Keep Balance the Economic and Environmental Benefits It is important to keep moderate economic growth rate .

  27. 美国经常账户逆差与经济增长持续性浅析及对中国的启示国际收支经常项目顺差

    A Brief Analysis of Adverse Balance of American Frequent Items and the Sustainability of Economic Growth current account surplus

  28. 从开放体系宏观经济模型的角度来看,由于中国国际收支长期保持顺差,导致了国际储备的大量积累,这是导致人民币升值的基础。

    Seen from the open macro-economic model , the large accumulation of international reserve coming from our BOP surplus is the basis of RMB appreciation .

  29. 内容提要中国国际收支的双顺差推动了经济增长,但也造成了物价上涨、贸易摩擦和国民福利损失。

    The twin surpluses in China 's international payments has promoted Chinese economic growth , but also has caused the rise of price , trade friction and lose of national welfare .

  30. 人们通常认为新兴亚洲经济体有着大量的国际收支经常项目顺差,而这却并不能使它们在世界贸易中占有应有的比重,因为亚洲的消费者倾向储蓄多过消费。

    It is often argued that emerging Asian economies have large current-account surpluses and are thus not pulling their fair weight in the world because consumers like to save rather than spend .