
  • 网络international service trade law
  1. 国际服务贸易的多边性决定国际服务贸易法协调跨国服务贸易关系并试图在全球范围多层次规范服务贸易行为的特质。

    The multilateral quality of international service trade determines such characteristic that the international service trade law must coordinate transnational service trade relations and attempt to standardize the behavior of service trade at many levels in the world .

  2. 论国际服务贸易法的体系和渊源

    On the System and Origin of Law on International Trade in Services

  3. 国际服务贸易法与《服务贸易总协定》:特质与宗旨

    International Services Trade and GATS : Quality and Aim

  4. 国际服务贸易法是国际贸易法的一个新分支,其体系和具体内容都还处于形成和发展之中。

    Law on International Trade in Services is a new branch of International Trade Law , which system and contents are still in an embryonic stage .