
  • 网络Cadastral Management;Cadastre management
  1. 对GIS技术下地籍管理系统建立中几个问题的探讨

    The discussion of several questions about building cadastral management system based on GIS

  2. 建立基于GIS地籍管理系统是目前土地管理部门正在开展的一项建设性工作。

    It is a constructive task for Land Management Department to build Cadastral Management System .

  3. 多维时态GIS在城镇地籍管理中的应用探讨

    Multidimensional Tense GIS Application Discussion in the Book Management of Urban Land

  4. 地籍管理中GIS技术研究

    Application of GIS in cadastral information system

  5. 基于GIS的多用途城乡一体化地籍管理信息系统设计研究

    Study of Multipurpose Integration of Urban and Rural Cadastral Management Information System Design Based on GIS

  6. 随着计算机的快速发展,GIS技术也逐步应用到地籍管理中。

    GIS technology is gradually applied to the management of cadastral with the rapid development of computer .

  7. 探讨了基于LBS的嵌入式GIS城市地籍管理信息系统(eURLIS)总体结构模型。

    This paper discuss the total structure of an embedded GIS management information system of the cadastre based on LBS.

  8. 根据地籍管理业务的特点,提出了基于J2EE的集成地籍信息系统的总体架构。

    According to the features of cadastral management , the paper presents an overall structure of the integrated cadastral information system with J2EE as its basis .

  9. 介绍了UML的主要内容、主要特点及应用领域,以一个城镇地籍管理信息系统为例,阐述了UML在开发管理信息系统中的应用。

    In this paper , main contents , main features and application fields of UML are introduced . Applications of UML in MIS are described through an example of City Cadastral MIS .

  10. 传统的管理方法已不能满足需求,而GIS及RDBMS的发展则为建立现代地籍管理系统提供了可能。

    The traditional management is not able to meet the requirement . Therefore , the development of GIS and RDBMS makes it possible to establish a system of modern cadastral management .

  11. 通过对多维时态GIS在城镇地籍管理中应用的有关问题探讨,可以认为:目前所建立的地籍管理信息系统,绝大部分是二维的、静态的;

    Through discussion on the problem of multidimensional tense GIS application in the book management of urban land , this paper considers that the management information system of land book set up at present , the majority is two-dimensional , and static .

  12. 为促进现代测量技术和信息化成果在地籍管理工作中的应用,保证地籍数据的现势性,在传统地籍变更模式的基础上提出了基于3S的内外业一体化地籍变更模式。

    In order to promote the application of modern survey technique and information achievement to the management of cadastral and to ensure the up-to-the-minute of cadastral , this paper proposes a new model of cadastral variation based on " 3S " .

  13. 作者综合运用AutoCAD和ORACLE初步建立了一套地籍管理信息系统,具有地籍信息的采集、录入、编辑、修改、查询、变更、统计、分析、输出、安全保密等功能。

    A cadastral information management system has been established by means of AutoCAD and ORACLE , which can be used to cottect , input , edit , modify , retrieve , update , count , analyse , output cadastral information and to keep , safety and secret .

  14. 地籍管理的税源监控信息系统简介

    Brief Introduction to Tax Source Monitoring Information System of Cadastral Management

  15. 城镇地籍管理信息系统建设中的几个问题初探

    Preliminary Discussion Upon the Building of Urban Cadastral Management Information System

  16. 基于空间关系的城镇地籍管理系统设计

    An Urban Cadastral Management Information System Design Based on Spatial Relationships

  17. 城乡一体化地籍管理信息系统数据组织研究

    The Research on Integrated Data Organization of Urban and Rural Cadastre

  18. 从第二次土地调查看上海市地籍管理

    Analysis of cadastral management from the second land survey in Shanghai

  19. 地籍管理信息系统中两个重要问题的探讨

    Discussion of two important questions about the cadastral information system

  20. 加强地籍管理服务特区建设&深圳市规划国土局罗湖分局地籍管理工作概述

    Strengthen Cadastral Management to Serve Construction of the Special District

  21. 基于掌上平台的农村地籍管理信息系统的研究

    Study on Rural Cadastre Management Information System Based on Palm-sized Personal Computer

  22. 建筑物3维模型在地籍管理中的应用

    The Application of 3D Model of Building in Cadastre Management

  23. 多维时态城镇地籍管理信息系统设计构想

    Design of Multi-dimensional Information System of Urban Ground Book Management

  24. 城镇地籍管理是土地管理的核心。

    Town cadastral management is the core business of the land management .

  25. 地籍管理是土地管理的基础技术性工作。

    Cadastre management is the basic work in land management work system .

  26. 林地管理必须以地籍管理为基础。

    Its management must be based on the management of land possession .

  27. 城镇地籍管理信息系统(UCMIS)的设计与研究

    Design and Research of a Urban Cadastral Management Information System

  28. 地籍管理中空间信息更新的改进方法

    Improvement of spatial information update method in cadastral management system

  29. 省级地籍管理信息系统建设与设计

    Design and Construction of the Provincial Cadastre Management Information System

  30. 建立综合地籍管理系统的设计方案

    Designing Schema of Synthesis Management System of Cadastral Information