
  • 网络Urban power supply;City Power Supply
  1. 对城市供电设施小型化的几点认识

    Several Points of View of Miniaturization for City Power Supply Facilities

  2. 以提高轨道交通供电安全性,减少轨道交通供电网的电流总谐波畸变率和各次谐波电压含有率对城市供电系统的影响。

    By enhances the rail transit power supply security , reduces the rail transit for the electrical network electric current total overtone distortion factor and various subharmonics voltage including rate to the city power supply system influence .

  3. ABB公司进行的研究表明,对于城市供电网而言,采用高压气体绝缘开关装置(GIS)与高压电缆相结合,比采用空气绝缘开关装置(AIS)和架空线更具有优越性。

    Studies carried out by ABB show that for urban supply networks the combination of HV gas-insulated switchgear ( GIS ) and HV cable has important advantages over systems with air-insulated switchgear ( AIS ) and overhead lines .

  4. 城市供电、水、热能力不断提高。

    Urban power , water and heat supply capacity have been improving .

  5. 南方电网十一五城市供电可靠性规划

    Power Supply Reliability Planning for Urban Power Network of China Southern Power Grid

  6. 城市供电问题的研究与思考

    Considering and study on power supply for city

  7. 城市供电网计算机实用计算中几个问题的处理技巧

    Skills Dealing with Some Problems in Practical Calculations of Urban Distribution Network by Computer

  8. 城市供电高压开关柜的最佳配置和选择

    The best configuration and selection of HV electric cabinets for city 's power supply

  9. 基于工作流的电厂缺陷管理系统城市供电系统设备缺陷管理的数据模型

    Power Plant Failure Management System Based on Workflow

  10. 这样结合实例研究能为武汉市城市供电及供水部门提供一定的参考价值。

    This may have some inference value to the urban electricity and water supply departments .

  11. 他们已经拥有向你的城市供电的技术力量,如果你允许它进来。

    They already have the technology to power your cities , if you 'll allow it to be .

  12. 通过对比,指出了我国城市供电安全性标准的不足并提出了改进建议。

    By comparison , this paper shows the imperfect aspects in our standard and presents the suggestions for improving .

  13. 在城市供电、供水、城市垃圾处理方面的短缺和缺乏管理尤其突出。

    In the city of electricity , water supply , the city to the shortage and lack management especially outstanding .

  14. 中国在西部新建的多达70家燃煤发电厂将向东部主要城市供电。

    Up to 70 new coal-fired plants to be built in western China will be linked to the main cities in the east .

  15. 随着城市供电网络容量的增大和电缆线路的广泛应用,系统单相短路电容电流越来越大。

    With the increasing urban power capacity and the wide use of cable , single-phase short-circuit capacitive current is going higher than ever before .

  16. 为确保城市供电,合理安排供电部门的生产计划,须预测未来城市年用电量。

    In order to make the plan of rational electrical power production , urban annual electrical power consumption in the future must be predicted .

  17. 中国国家电网公司要求城市供电可靠性达99.9%~99.99%。

    The State Grid Corporation of China demands that the availability of the urban power should reach a degree between 99.9 % and 99.99 % .

  18. 利用城市供电变电站实测数据,对城市负荷进行模式识别及参数辨识,得出无功功率静态电压模型;

    By the model and parameter identification of the datas from the transformer substation , model of the static voltage and the reactive power is obtained .

  19. 这其中包括超过1100万千瓦的太阳能,足以为中国的一座小型城市供电,并且高于其他任何国家一年的新增装机容量。

    That included more than 11GW of solar , enough to power a small Chinese city and more than any country has built in a single year .

  20. 城市供电设施是城市基础设施的重要组成部分,随着城市化进程的不断加速,建设全地下变电站是大势所趋。

    Power supply facilities is an important part of the infrastructure of cities . With the accelerated urbanization process , it is a general trend to construct underground substation .

  21. 这组作者设想了为大城市供电的船载电站,它需要更少的电网基础设施,而且它让对具有成本效益的核能的投资从一开始就变得更容易。

    The authors envisage ship-borne power plants providing energy to big cities , requiring less grid infrastructure and making it easier to invest in cost-effective nuclear energy from scratch .

  22. 电力电缆以其独有的优越性,比如不占用空间输电走廊、美化城市供电、可靠性高等优点,使其在工程实践中应用越来越广。

    For its unique advantages , such as no power transmission corridor , city beautified , high reliability , the application of power cable in engineering works has become an increasingly widespread .

  23. 同时,由于土地资源的限制,在我国城市供电负荷中心,更是需要建立占地面积小,能节约土地资源的新型电网变电所。

    At the same time , due to limited land resources , urban power supply load centers in China , but also need to build small footprint , to save land resources , the new substation .

  24. 城网建设与改造是利用城市供电企业一部分现有电力系统资源和生产资料,经过投资建设,形成新的、更高更新的城市供配电生产能力。

    Urban network construction and reconstruction is a project that aims to form a newer and higher productivity of urban distribute network by taking use of parts of existing power system resource and product material . The investment of urban network construction and reconstruction project is very large .

  25. 输水管网模糊地震可靠性的MonteCarlo法分析程序浅谈城市配网供电可靠性


  26. 建设20kV配电网提升城市电网供电能力

    Constructing the 20 kV Distribution Network to Enlarge the Power Supply Capacity of the Urban Network

  27. 城市铁路供电系统仿真软件的开发及其应用

    The Development & Application of Urban Railroad Power Supply System Simulation

  28. 浅谈城市配网供电可靠性

    Talking about the Reliability of the Urban Power Distribution Network

  29. 埋地式变压器在城市配网供电工程中的应用

    Buried Transformer and Its Application in Urban Distribution Engineering

  30. 城市住宅供电服务中若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on Problems Existing in Urban Residence Power Supply