
  • 网络Urban development;City Developments;cdl
  1. 而要准确、全面地认识旅游业对城市发展的推动,选取有代表性的个案加以研究,是一个重要渠道。

    For an accurate and all-round observation of the driving force of tourism on city developments , the study of a typical city can be an important approach .

  2. 该项目计划于2025年完成,阿尔及利亚打算把它作为该国未来城市发展的一个典范。

    Planned for completion by2025 , it will be a model that Algeria intends to use for all future city developments in the country , according to the energy minister .

  3. 城市发展导致大片的乡村遭到毁坏。

    Urban development has led to the ruination of vast areas of countryside .

  4. 那些想要研究城市发展的人眼下就有一个十分现成的范例。

    Those wishing to study urban development have a ready-made example on their doorstep

  5. 当代中国城市发展的文化关注

    Culture Attention in the Process of Urbanization in the Contemporary China

  6. 反思新时期我国城市发展的几个问题

    The Rethinking of Chinese Urban Development Issues in the New Era

  7. 分形维数在城市发展综合实力分析中的应用

    Application of fractal dimension in evaluation of urban comprehensive strength

  8. 21世纪中国城市发展与城市规划

    Chinese Urban Development and Urban Planning in 21 st Century

  9. 新形势下城市发展与规划的新思路

    New Thinkings on Urban Development and Planning under New Circumstance

  10. 其次,城市发展的动力机制比较。

    The second , compare of the two cities ' dynamical mechanism .

  11. 城市发展与环境保护需要生态观念

    Urban Development and Environmental Protection Need a Ecological Idea

  12. 人居健康与复合生态城市发展&历史及国际标准

    Human Settlement Health and Comprehensive Ecological Urban Development - History and International Standards

  13. 铁路建设对梧州市城市发展的影响

    Impacts of railway construction on urban development of Wuzhou

  14. 重庆市开县区域性中心城市发展战略规划研究

    Research on the Development Strategy Plan of Territorial Central City of Chongqing Kaixian

  15. 食物是限制城市发展的制约因素之一。

    Food is considered as one of the limiting factors to urban extension .

  16. 福州市基础设施与城市发展协调性探析

    Analysis on Fuzhou Infrastructure and Its Urban Development Coordination

  17. 现代城市发展若干问题的探讨

    Some problems concerning the development of modern cities

  18. 北京城市发展历史的空间特征分析

    Spatial Features of Beijing City 's Development History

  19. 山间盆地地貌与城市发展

    The geomorphy of mountain basin and urban development

  20. 静态交通管理,对于现代城市发展具有战略性重要价值。

    The static traffic management has important strategetic significance to development of modern city .

  21. 珠海市城市发展的机遇与展望

    The Development Opportunity and Perspective of Zhuhai City

  22. 谈城市发展与社区图书馆建设

    On City Development and Community Library Construction

  23. 论可持续发展与城市发展战略

    On Sustainable Development and City Developing Strategy

  24. 徐州市的供水、降水及城市发展

    Prelimimary Study on the Relations Among Water Supply , Precipitation and Development of Xuzhou City

  25. 第四届东亚运动会对澳门城市发展的影响

    Influence of the 4 ~ ( th ) East Asia Games on Macao city development

  26. 知识服务业与上海城市发展

    Knowledge Service and Shanghai City Development

  27. 生态卫生与生态城市发展

    Ecological Sanitation : and Eco-city Development

  28. 自组织理论与现代城市发展

    Self-Organizing Theory and Modern Urban Development

  29. 地震保险与城市发展规划

    Earthquake Insurance and City Developmental Planning

  30. 当地政府的各项旅游政策是与城市发展规划以及土地利用规划紧密相关的。

    The local authorities ' tourism policies are closely associated with city-development planning and land-use planning .