
  1. 我国矿业城市经济结构转型的再思考

    Reconsideration on Transformation of Economy Structure in Mining Cities of China

  2. 城市经济结构是城市的基础性结构。

    A city 's economic structure is its basic one .

  3. 山西能源型城市经济结构转换研究

    On Transformation of Economic Structure of the Energy-based Cities in Shanxi Province

  4. 城市经济结构和就业结构不同。

    ⑵ The structures of economy and employment were vary .

  5. 本文分析了城市经济结构和宏观经济背景之间的关系,提出了有关看法。

    This paper analyses the relation between urban industrial structure and macro-economic background .

  6. 城市经济结构演进的一般趋势

    On the Tendency of the Urban Economic Structure

  7. 城市经济结构调整与结构性失业

    Restructuring Urban Economy and Structural Unemployment

  8. 城市经济结构问题是我国城市经济的基本问题。

    The urban economical structure is a basic problem of the urban economy in our coun - try .

  9. 城市经济结构调整过程不仅为女性就业和再就业带来压力,也为女性就业和创业提供了发展机遇。

    Socioeconomic adjustment has applied pressures on women 's employment , while it also provides opportunities for entrepreneurship and women development .

  10. 城市经济结构是国民经济结构的主体组成部分,城市经济结构相对于国民经济结构而言具有先导性。

    Urban economic structure is the main body of the national economic structure , and it is the precursor of the national economic structure .

  11. 本文建立了一种基于指标重要性权重的区域经济结构的聚类分析模型,并用于城市经济结构分析。

    The paper sets up a value cluster model of district economic structure based on weight of index and puts it into analysis of city economic structure .

  12. 同时,游憩的研究和发展可以带动城市经济结构的转型,提高休闲产业在第三产业的比重和影响。

    Meanwhile more attention on recreation can drive the transformation of urban economic structure , raise proportion and improve influence of the leisure industry in the tertiary industry .

  13. 城市经济结构是城市结构的基础性结构,是国家和区域经济结构的重要组成部分。

    The urban economic structure is the basic structure of a town 's structure , and is an important component part of the national or regional economic structure .

  14. 城乡人口的变迁与城市经济结构的变革使中国大城市开发其边缘区域的需求激增。中国城市边缘区域正以空前的速度成长,然而其发展方式与西方国家的理论和实践却大相径庭。

    The vicissitude of city and country populations and the change of urban economic structure have made the requirement that big Chinese cities open out their marginal re - gions proliferate .

  15. 清洁生产作为一种世界公认的先进的、理性的生产方式是实现城市经济结构优化进而实现城市可持续发展的必由之路。

    The clean production , recognized as an advanced and rational form of production , is the only way to realize optimization of the urban economic structure and then the sustainable development of towns and cities .

  16. 从结构和内容来看,文章首先从对呼、包、鄂城市经济结构现状入手进行分析,认为目前呼包鄂地区存在城市和区域两层次经济结构,这是区域经济结构的过渡状态。

    From the structure and content , this article begain with the analysis of urban economic structure , there exists two-level economic structure in the region , which is a transition state of the regional economic structure .

  17. 地区产业结构是城市经济结构中的核心内容,是地区的一个基本结构,它的合理化和高级化是地区发展的一个基本前提。

    The industrial structure of the region is the core contents within economic structure , it is a basic structure of the region , it is a basic premise for the region development to be rationalization and high classes turn .

  18. 本文认为只有以生态经济学相关理论为指导,才能实现甘肃资源型城市经济结构转型和经济、环境、资源、社会的协调发展。

    This article presents that only under the guidance of ecological economics and its corresponding theory , can we realize the economy transition of Gansu resource-based city , and keep Gansu economy , environment , resource and society developing harmoniously .

  19. 优化城市生态经济结构

    Improving the Urban Eco economical Structure Better

  20. 天山北麓工业带城市工业经济结构分析

    Analysis on urban industrial structure of the industrial belt on northern slope of Tianshan Mountains

  21. 全球化和信息化进程中城市经济空间结构的演变特征与趋势

    The Characters and Trends of Urban Economic Spatial Structure during the Process of Globalization and Information

  22. 在这样的经济和政策背景下,研究一个资源型城市的经济结构具有重大意义。

    Under such an economy and policy , it is much significant to study the economic structure of a resource-typed city .

  23. 城市的经济结构调整使大量的工业企业退出市场,留下了大量的旧工业建筑。

    With the upgrade of the economic structure , many Industrial enterprises are withdrawing from the market and left many old industrial buildings .

  24. 城市经济社会结构的转型和历史街区更新改造的深入,加快了长沙历史街区由自然型向阶层型转化的进程。

    The economic and social structure of the restructuring and upgrading of the old city in-depth and speed up the block from the natural history of Changsha to the type of class into the process .

  25. 总部经济不但对中心城市的经济结构、就业结构、城市发展产生深刻影响,而且对城市的空间规划、政策体系、配套服务体系建设、环境建设等方面提出新的要求。

    The headquarters economy not only produces the deep influence upon economic construction , employment construction , city development of the center city , but also puts forward the new request for programs of city space , policy system , kit service system developments , environment developments , etc.

  26. 作为山东地方行政权力网络中的中心枢纽,济南城高墙深锁,封闭保守,城市的经济结构、社会结构和空间结构及其特点,都显示出这是一个典型的封建政治型、消费型城市。

    As a net hinge center of Shandong local administrative power , Tsinan closed the door solidly and was self-contained . The city 's economic , social and special constructions including their characteristics , showed that the city was a typical feudalistic political city and a feudalistic city .

  27. 中世纪意大利城市衰落的经济结构因素分析

    On the Internal Cause for the Decline of Italian Medieval Towns

  28. 环鄱阳湖城市群经济空间结构与优化研究

    Research of the Economic Spatial Structure of Poyang Urban Agglomeration and Optimization

  29. 重庆城市化与经济结构转化的灰色关联分析

    Gray Relevance Analysis of Chongqing Urbanization and the Development of Economic Structure

  30. 试论中等城市经济区工业结构合理化

    On the Rationalization of Industrial Structure in Economic Areas of Medium Cities