
  • 网络fund liability
  1. 实际上,养老基金负债是员工贷给担保企业的长期贷款,以基金资产为担保。

    Pension fund liabilities are , in effect , long-term loans by employees to the sponsoring company , secured on the assets of the fund .

  2. 此举会改变外汇基金负债的组合成分,而资产部分却不变。

    In this case , there would be a change in the composition of the liabilities of the exchange fund and no change in its assets .

  3. 贝叶斯方法在养老基金资产负债管理中的应用

    The Application of Bayesian Method in ALM for Pension Fund

  4. 本文建立了一个养老基金资产负债管理的动态模型,解决养老基金在相关性资产之间的配置问题。

    A dynamic model for asset liability management of pension fund which accounts for correlations among financial assets is presented in this paper .

  5. 量化宽松或使政府能够更容易地以较低成本筹措资金,但此举将使养老基金未来负债的净现值增大,导致已然入不敷出的基金出现问题。

    Quantitative easing may make it easier for governments to raise funds cheaply ; but , by increasing the net present value of pension funds ' future liabilities , it creates problems for funds already running deficits .

  6. 养老基金动态资产负债管理模型与分析

    The Dynamic Asset / Liability Management Model and Analysis on Pension Fund

  7. 当今许多养老基金的资产负债结构也是如此。

    This is also the case with many of today 's asset liability structures for pension funds .

  8. 英国养老基金追求资产与负债相匹配,导致与通胀挂钩的50年期英国国债的收益率为负值。

    The desire of UK pension funds for assets to match their liabilities has driven the 50-year inflation-linked gilt yield negative .

  9. 因此,必须采取相应对策,如让保险资金积极参与证券投资基金、推行资产负债管理模式以及将保险投资和产品开发统一起来等,以尽快改变资产负债与证券市场对接不协调的局面。

    So we must adopt appropriate countermeasures , as we make insurance founds into security investment founds , to change the inharmonic situation as quickly as possible .

  10. 知情人士表示,雷曼的有限合伙人基金权益(持有负债较少)总数可能不超过10亿美元。

    Lehman 's limited partner fund interests , which hold less liability , probably total no more than $ 1bn , one person close to the matter said .

  11. 这导致较小的企业成为私人股本基金的目标,这些基金能够增加负债,改善经营,迅速获得成果。

    That makes the smaller ones targets for private equity funds that can get quick results by gearing up balance sheets before improving operations .

  12. 资产净值指的是基金投资组合资产的总市值减去基金的总负债以及其他成本费用后的净值。

    NAV of an investment fund refers to the total value of the funds underlying investment portfolio , less any fees , charges , expenses and other liabilities accrued by the fund .

  13. 另一方面,资本市场又让养老基金承担了它所具有的风险,并由此而迫使养老基金对自己的负债管理模式作出若干适应性的改变,并引出了投资管理的问题。

    For another , retirement insurance is forced to undertake the risks and adapts it to appropriation of management model .

  14. 提出养老保险基金的预算审计是养老保险基金健康发展的前提,重点介绍了对养老保险基金资产、负债、征收、支出和管理的审计要点。

    Propose the budget-auditing of the endowment insured fund is a prerequisite of sound development of the endowment insured fund , then has introduced the audit of endowment insured fund assets , debts , imposing , expenditure and management .