- 名enlarged edition

In 2005 , the forth edition of it is published by the Commercial Press , which is introduced in this article .
MethodsThe questionnaire from the Handbook of Rating Scales for Mental Health was adopted and50 venereal patients in our department in May2001 were asked to answer the questions .
A New Milestone : A Reading of A Short History of Translation in the West ( Revised Edition ) The judgement of the article 's author comes from the thorough study of the text itself ; and there is no avoidance to any scholars .
Phrases of the Character " Suo " in MODERN CHINESE
Some Errors in the Part of Grammar in the Third Revised Edition of Modern Chinese
A Best Improved Example of Textbooks-On the Revision of Grammar Chapter in Modern Chinese Language
Remarks on the revision of the part of grammar in the second revised edition of Modern Chinese
Review on " Vocabulary " Section in " Modern Chinese Language ( The Fourth Revision Edition )" Compiled
Predicate-only Adjectives and Adverbs : Review on Parts of Speech in " Modern Chinese Language ( The Fourth Revision Edition )" Compiled
Brief Discussion on Modifications in " Modern Chinese Language ( The Fourth Revision Edition )" Compiled & A Case Study on Rhetoric in Chapter Six
In the paper , the author analyzes some problems in the book Modern Chinese written by HUANG and LIAO . The problems exist in the definition of concepts , classification of words and phrases , grammatical and sentence analysis .