
mò zì
  • Ink stain;blot;ink smudge
墨渍[mò zì]
  1. 这些墨渍洗不掉。

    These ink stains won 't wash out .

  2. 这页有四个地方有墨渍。

    The page has been blurred with ink in four places .

  3. 通幅淡墨渍染绢地,再洒白粉为雪。

    Through a light ink dyeing silk , sprinkle white as snow .

  4. 这本书破旧了,封面上有墨渍。

    The book was worn out and had ink stains on its cover .

  5. 有什么办法去掉我衣服上的墨渍吗?

    Is there any way to remove the ink blot on my dress ?

  6. 我用这种特别的清洁剂把衬衫上的墨渍洗掉了。

    I removed an ink stain from a shirt with the special cleanser .

  7. 他在合同上签字并小心地吸乾墨渍。

    He signed the agreement and blotted carefully .

  8. 哈利猛地一跳,维罗妮卡?斯美斯丽地址的街道名上出现了一大团丁香色的墨渍。

    Harry gave a huge jump and a large lilac blot appeared on Veronica Smethley 's street .

  9. 但是别着急,试着换个角度来看这张图,这黑色墨渍难道不像破晓前的太阳,黎明前的黑暗吗?

    But wait , try to look at the picture from another angle , is not the black spot like the sun in the daybreak moment , the darkest moment before the sunrise ?