
  1. 如果这不是一个事,声闻乘和辟支佛如何生活?

    If it is not a thing , how can sravakas and pratyekabuddhas live ?

  2. 所有这些事是属于诸佛的世界并且不是声闻乘和辟支佛乘可以知道。

    All such things belong to the world of all Buddhas and are not what sravakas and pratyekabuddhas may know .

  3. 观照〈正念〉是一切佛陀法乘修持的中心,无论声闻乘、大乘或菩萨乘皆然。

    Mindfulness is the heart of the practice of all of the Buddha 's vehicles , whether you are in the Shravakayana , the Mahayana or the Bodhisattvayana .

  4. 我之所以提出这样的建议,是因为声闻乘传统里有短期出家的戒律,因此,你可以试试一年期、两个月期,甚至说不定还有一周的短期出家戒律。

    The reason why I suggest this is because Shravakayana tradition has this short term monk 's vow , so you can try out let say about a year , two months , I don 't know-even a week I think .