
  1. 布鲁尔的目前的合约将会到夏季结束,而上赛季21岁的前锋有部分的日子是租借到他的祖国荷兰RKC华域克效力。

    His present deal is due to expire in the summer and the21-year-old striker spent the second part of last season on loan back in his native Dutch homeland with RKC Waalwijk .

  2. 这一天也是夏季结束的标记。

    It also has become a symbol of the end of summer .

  3. 夏季结束时他回到了伦敦。

    At the end of the summer he came back to London .

  4. 谁也不知道夏季结束前下一场大火会在哪里爆发?

    And who knows where other fires will break out before summer ends .

  5. 在夏季结束前,他读了几本书。

    At the end of the summer , he read a few books by himself .

  6. 约翰逊说,夏季结束时,她可能会去找一份来年修完学业后入职的工作。

    Johnson said she might look for a job at the end of the summer to start after she completes the degree next year .

  7. 两人在夏季结束时分手,那时肯尼迪不得不回校学习,而斯威夫特需要完成一张专辑。

    The pair split at the end of summer , when Kennedy had to return to his studies and Swift had an album to finish .

  8. 他是4月份写的信,满心指望能在夏季结束之前将一切事情办妥,离开安提瓜回国。

    He wrote in April , and had strong hopes of settling everything to his entire satisfaction , and leaving Antigua before the end of the summer .

  9. 莫尔希在皇家戏剧学院的研究生课程将于今年夏季结束,她希望从中掌握投身创意行业所需的技能。

    Her postgraduate course at Rada finishes in the summer and Ms Morsch hopes it will equip her with the skills to switch to the creative industries .

  10. 欧盟委员会副主席马加里蒂斯·斯希纳斯表示,他们的目标还包括在夏季结束前让至少70%的成年人接种疫苗。

    European Commission vice president Margaritis Schinas says they also aim to have a at least 70 % of the adult population vaccinated by the end of summer .

  11. 不过这间博物馆比较像是一个展览,只占了动物园里一个厅的空间,开放时间到夏季结束为止。

    It is more of an exhibit than a museum , occupying a single room at the zoo , where it will be open until the end of the summer ;

  12. 由此,在夏季结束前达成框架性协议已经不太可能,而这是在年底前达成具体协议的必要步骤。

    The collapse makes it unlikely that an outline deal can be agreed before the summer , a step necessary to complete a detailed agreement by the end of the year .

  13. 当我这样做的时候,正是作一个改变的时候,它们也喜欢被分开,不过我今年没有将这事完成,作为夏季结束的标记。

    It was time for a change when I did it , and they have loved being divided , but I have missed them pushing through this year to mark the end of the summer .

  14. 夏季结束了,市场和经济萎靡不振,一场关于全球金融规则的激烈辩论已经开始;银行家和政策制定者不应再泛泛而谈,进行言不由衷的辩解,而是应该终于变得认真起来。

    The summer is over , markets and economies are fragile and an almighty fight over global financial rules has begun ; bankers and policymakers should spare us the rhetoric and disingenuous arguments , and finally get serious .

  15. 为抑制资本流出,俄罗斯央行在今年3月份将基准利率由5.5%上调至7%。这原本应是一项临时性举措,按计划会在夏季结束前解除。

    The Russian central bank responded by putting up its key interest rate to 7 % from 5.5 % in March , in what was originally meant to be a temporary measure , to be unwound by the summer .

  16. 在撰写本文时,夏季即将结束,新的学年就要开始,Twitter的服务器上不断涌现出世界各地的网虫和非网虫们发布的更新。

    As I write this , summer is drawing to a close , the school year is starting up , and Twitter 's servers are continuously pumping out updates from geeks and non-geeks around the world .

  17. 乔纳森•福瑞尔:CNN的气象员闪着他的眼睛,盯着他身后电脑上旋转的云图,说:“看样子,北欧的夏季已经结束了。”

    JONATHAN FREYER : The weatherman on CNN had a glint in his eye as the clouds walls swirled the computer graphic behind him and he declared " well it looks as summer had ended in Northern Europe . "

  18. 收获完成了,夏季也结束了。

    The harvest is past , the summer is ended .

  19. 甚至到了下个月,到了夏季学期结束。

    And the next month . And after summer break .

  20. 夏季即将结束,学生们将重返校园。

    Summer is winding to a close , and students are returning to campus .

  21. 最后一个夏季周末结束后,好莱坞获得了创记录的47亿美元的票房收入。

    Hollywood is winding up the final weekend of the summer with the record 4.7 billion dollars in box office revenues .

  22. 他们的神话相信,每年的11月1号标志着夏季的结束,这个时候自然和超自然力量之间的界限消失,逝者的灵魂就自由散布人间。

    According to Celtic mythology , November 1 marked the end of summer , and it was then that the boundaries between the natural and the supernatural were believed to disappear , and spirits of the dead moved freely among the human world .

  23. 它也被看作是夏季的非正式结束。

    It is also considered the unofficial end of summer .

  24. 农民庆祝在这个日子在夏季收获季节结束。

    Farmers celebrate the end of the summer harvesting season on this date .

  25. 鲍勃在夏季真的结束后就不知夏令营的朋友的去向了。

    Bob lost track of his friends at camp after summer was over .

  26. 两人都称北约盟国会在夏季战斗季节结束后减少军队。

    Both men said NATO allies would look at how to continue reducing troops after the summer fighting season .

  27. 在气候温和的国家,季节性流感通常在春季减弱,在夏季来临前结束。

    In countries with a temperate climate , seasonal epidemics typically taper off in the spring and end before summer .

  28. 绿潮一般发生在春夏两季,大多数在夏季高温期结束,有时可延续到秋季。

    Generally , green tide occurs in spring or summer and end in summer when temperature is high , but sometimes extended to the fall .

  29. 周二是夏季假日季节结束后的第一个全天交易日,在伦敦交易时段,美元兑欧元汇率跌至今年以来的最低点。

    On the first full trading day after the summer holiday season wrapped up , the dollar hit its lowest point this year against the euro during London trading .

  30. 但分析师也警告称,当前的价格反弹或许为时过早,因为传统的夏季淡季尚未结束。是市场情绪引发了下跌,也是情绪引发了反弹,汉密尔顿表示。

    But analysts warned the current rally could be premature , as the traditionally slow summer period has not yet finished . It was a sentiment-led downturn , it 's a sentiment-led bounce as well , Mr Hamilton said .