
  • 网络Summertime;Summer Hours;summer time;In The Summertime
  1. 他站起来表演了一段优美的《夏日时光》。

    He stood up and rendered a beautiful version of ' Summertime ' .

  2. 你知道这就是夏日时光

    You already know it 's summertime

  3. 钱特尔记起了从前在海滩上度过的无忧无虑的夏日时光。

    Chantal remembered carefree past summers at the beach .

  4. 罗伯特记起了在海滩上度过的无忧无虑的夏日时光。

    Robert remembered the carefree summers at the beach .

  5. 不管你是准备要长途旅行还是一个简简单单没有多少计划的短途出行,夏日时光都是出门探索的好时候。

    Whether you plan a long , faraway journey or a simple , spontaneous trip , summer can be the perfect time to set out and explore .

  6. 这首《Summertime,Summertime》(《夏日时光》)是由简迷斯演唱的。

    This one is " Summertime , Summertime " by the Jamies . ( THE JAMIES - " SUMMERTIME , SUMMERTIME " )

  7. 为什么啊,夏日时光?

    Wherefore , Oh Summer 's Day ?

  8. 但只要你保重自己的身体,愉快的夏日时光任你享用。

    You 're in for a great time as long as you take care of yourself .

  9. 如果有足够的时间可以自由支配,他们也许就会成为幸运儿,将夏日时光带入成年。

    If they have enough time on their hands , they might be among the lucky ones who carry their summertime with them into adulthood .

  10. 在平日较为保守的芬兰人看来,没有什么方式比举办这些新奇有趣的比赛来欢度他们短暂的极昼夏日时光更为美妙了。

    Normally reserved Finns say there is no better way to celebrate the short summer months than with contests that add a jolt of adrenaline and silliness to bright summer nights .

  11. 西门尼斯位于博尔哈家中的起居室内装点着她亲手绘制的风景画,她在家中接受采访,回忆自己曾经在教堂旁边的公寓里度过的那些夏日时光。

    Today , in her home in Borja in a living room lined with landscapes she has painted Mrs. Gim é nez recounted that she spent her summers in an apartment by the church .

  12. 三个老人在树阴下消磨夏日午后的时光。

    There were three old men idling away the summer afternoon under the trees .

  13. 1896年,当时我住在北方,正惬意地享受着夏日最后的时光,就是在那个时候,我听到了父亲的死讯。他死于一次突发疾病,经历了短暂的痛苦后,人就这么离去了。

    I was in the North , enjoying the last beautiful days of the summer of 1896 , when I heard the news of my father 's death . He had had a short illness , there had been a brief time of acute suffering , then all was over .

  14. 当然,总是有些动物来串门,围坐在火炉边舒舒服服地闲聊,说说故事,回忆逝去的夏日里的美好时光和冒险经历。

    And , of course , there were always animals calling in for a comfort able talk round the fire , telling stories and remembering the good times and the adventures of the past summer .