
wài zhài ɡuǎn lǐ
  • foreign debt management
  1. 外债管理政策体系是财政政策体系的重要组成部分,和货币政策体系特别是其中的外汇管理政策密切相关,对政府宏观调控体制的顺利运行有着重要的影响。

    Foreign debt management system is an important component of fiscal policies and closely correlated with monetary policies , especially with its foreign debt management policies , greatly influencing the national macro-control system .

  2. 从管理的角度来看,对外担保的管理是指外债管理与外汇管制对于对外担保的所作的限制性规定。

    On the view of the foreign guarantee management , the management means the restrictive regulations that the foreign debt management and foreign exchange control exert to the foreign guarantee .

  3. 论外债管理中利率变动的风险及其测度

    Interest Rate Risks and Measures in the Management of Foreign Debts

  4. 有违反外债管理的其他行为的。

    And4.other activities in violation of the regulations on external debt .

  5. 中国外债管理体制研究

    Research on External Debt Management System of China

  6. 这对我国外债管理实践提供了一个新的视角和参考。

    This article provides a new direction and reference to China 's external debt management practice .

  7. 因而对外债管理的成功与否,直接涉及到一国财政风险防范的成功与否。

    Whether the administration of foreign debts is successful or not immediately effects the fiscal risk controlling .

  8. 应用该模型对中国外债管理方式(计划管理方式和余额管理方式)和期限结构进行仿真研究。

    With the model , the simulation results of different management mode ( planning and residual mode ) and the term structure of external debt are also provided .

  9. 第五部分,结合国外贷款相关理论和实践,从管理机制、筹资结构、应用体系、外债管理、风险控制五个方面研究提出解决对策及政策建议;

    The fifth part , analyzes the countermeasures from five aspects as following , management mechanism , finance structure , application system , debt management , and risk control .

  10. 而俄罗斯国内依法建立国家宏观外债管理体系、将外债问题纳入国家整体经济发展战略则是解决这一问题的重要制度保障。

    Meanwhile , to establish national macro management system of foreign loans by law and incorporate this problem into the whole strategic framework of economic development is a significant institutional guarantee .

  11. 特别是由于国家投资体制和政府外债管理体制存在的缺陷等原因,一些政府外债项目还不起债或有意逃废债务,造成许多市县级政府不得不承担偿债责任而且债务负担沉重。

    What is worse , due to defects in the investment management system and governmental foreign debts management system , some projects could not afford to pay back loans or even shifted off loans deliberately .

  12. 可考虑利用税收手段、汇率安排、外汇外债管理等政策和措施加强对国际投机资本的监管。

    Supervision of international speculative capital must be strengthened . In practice , policies and measures such as taxation , arrangement of exchange rate and management of foreign exchange , foreign debt can be taken into consideration .

  13. 主要从金融角度即从外债管理、货币政策的调控、利率及汇率制度等方面采取措施,有效的降低国际资本流动风险。

    The sixth chapter , puts forward many supervision methods from financial aspect , such as foreign loan management , monetary policy regulation , interest rate and exchange rate regulation in order to reduce the international capital flow risk .

  14. 总之,对外担保是一个复合性法律制度,它既要符合国内法中的担保法律规定,同时又要符合外债管理与外汇管制的行政规定。

    In brief , the foreign guarantee is a compound legal system , in which the rules and regulations of the guarantee legislation are the basic demand , and that of the exchange control and the foreign debt management are the extraordinary demand .

  15. 企业外债风险管理问题研究

    A Study of Foreign Exchange Risk Management of Foreign Debt

  16. 中国有效外债规模管理问题研究

    The Studies of Problem of Valid Foreign Loan Scale Management in China

  17. 地方政府外债项目管理研究

    The Study of Local Government External Debt Management

  18. 试论我国企业外债风险管理

    Foreign Liability Risk Management of Chinese Enterprises

  19. 开放经济条件下企业外债风险管理研究

    In the Conditions of Opening Economy , Study on the Risk Management of Foreign Debts of Enterprises

  20. 由于我国企业外债风险管理研究还处在初始阶段,几乎没有系统的研究理论。

    Because the foreign debt management is just beginning in our country , nearly no systematic research is made .

  21. 国家外汇管理局关于改进外商投资企业资本项目结汇审核与外债登记管理工作的通知

    Circular of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange ( SAFE ) on Improving the Administration of Foreign-Funded Enterprises ' Foreign Exchange Sale under Capital Account and External Debt Registration

  22. 然后,探析企业外债风险管理的两个重要目标选择问题,即成本控制目标与盈利目标的选择以及现金流目标与净现值目标的选择。

    Then , the problem of two important target choices is discussed : the choice of the cost control target or the profit target and the choice of cash flow or present value target .

  23. 但国际货币基金组织和巴黎俱乐部债权人顶住中方的反对,敦促刚果作出修订,以确保该协议与刚果对110亿美元现有外债的管理相符。

    But against Chinese opposition , the IMF and the Paris Club of creditors urged Congo to make adjustments to ensure the deal was consistent with Congo 's management of its existing $ 11bn external debt .

  24. 二是首次系统分析了山东省政府外债风险管理工作存在的主要问题,包括外债利用缺乏统一规划,监管体制不顺,贷款违规使用,历史积欠沉重等。

    Secondly , analyses systematically the main problems in Shandong foreign loan risk management , including no plan as a whole in using foreign loans , supervising system is imperfect , using loans illegally , heavy historical debts and so on .

  25. 国家对外债实行登记管理制度。

    The State institutes the policy of managing external debts by registration .

  26. 严格控制借用国际商业贷款,实行外资和外债的统一管理。

    We must strictly control the volume of international commercial loans and exercise unified management over foreign capital and debts .

  27. 在项目融资中,项目风险分担是项目融资的核心问题,同时项目外债风险的管理是项目融资成功的重要保证。

    To supervise the risk management of project . The risk management of project is the key to a successful project financing and the major concern is the share of project risk .

  28. 作者将其与中国外债进行了对比分析,指出了中国外债管理的主要问题,提出了解决问题的思路。

    Through the comparison and analysis with Chinese foreign debts administration , the author points out the main problems in China .

  29. 随着外债规模的不断扩大,我国在外债结构优化和风险防范等外债管理方面暴露出了许多问题。

    With the enlarging scale of foreign debt , many problems have emerged in the structural optimization and the risk management of foreign debt .