
duō máo zhènɡ
  • hirsutism;hypertrichosis;polytrichia
  1. 虽然一些疗法在阻止脱毛症上有效果,但FDA对其应用于女性脱发或多毛症的治疗尚未认可。

    Although a number of treatments are effective in arresting androgenic alopecia , they are not FDA approved for use in women with alopecia , nor in hirsutism .

  2. 代谢方面的异常包括高甘油三酯血症、低高密度脂蛋白(HDL)、糖代谢异常、黑棘皮症,女性患者存在多毛症、多囊卵巢综合症(PCOS)、月经紊乱。

    Metabolic manifestations of FPLD include hypertriglyceridemia , depressed HDL cholesterol , dysglycemia , acanthosis nigricans , and , among women , hirsutism , polycystic ovary syndrome ( PCOS ), and menstrual irregularities .

  3. 奥地利的利奥波德·佛罗因德教授发现X射线可致人毛发脱发,便建议用X射线来治疗多毛症。

    Dr. Leopold Freund of Austria observed that x-rays made people 's hair fall out and recommended it as a treatment for hypertrichosis .

  4. 结论IPL脱毛系统治疗隐性脊柱裂伴发的局部多毛症,疗效可靠,操作简单,治疗速度快,无并发症发生,是一种比较理想的脱毛方法。

    Conclusions IPL is an ideal method to depilate hirsutism of spina bifida occulta because of its credible effect , simple operation , rapid treatment and no serious complication .

  5. 强脉冲光子治疗隐性脊柱裂伴发的局部多毛症

    Hair removal with intense pulsed light in hirsutism of spina bifida occulta

  6. 多毛症毛发多的,且分布不正常。

    Heavy growth of hair , often in abnormal distribution .

  7. 多毛症的病因和药物治疗进展

    The causes and progress of drug therapy of hirsutism

  8. 女性多毛症表现为面部、胸部和腹部长毛。

    Women with hirsutism grow hair on their faces , breasts and stomachs .

  9. 女性多毛症源于女性体内的雄性激素水平过高。

    The hair grows because they have abnormally high levels of the'masculinising'androgen hormones .

  10. 激光治疗多囊卵巢综合征患者多毛症随机对照试验研究

    A randomized controlled trial of laser treatment among hirsute women with polycystic ovary syndrome

  11. 我知道你一直受多毛症困扰。

    I know that you suffer from hypertrichosis .

  12. 间断低剂量给予与每日给予非那雄胺在治疗妇女多毛症方面的疗效相似

    Intermittent low-dose finasteride is as effective as daily administration for the treatment of hirsute women

  13. 他是个多毛症的人?

    That he was a hairy s.o.b. ?

  14. 前列腺素类药比马前列素引起的眼睫毛多毛症

    Hypertrichosis of the eyelashes caused by bimatoprost

  15. 毛发生长过旺(称为多毛症)的情况可能因为种族的不同而不同,体重问题也是如此。

    Excess hair growth , called hirsutism , also can differ by ethnicity , as can body weight .

  16. 氟他胺与螺内酯联合达英35治疗特发性多毛症临床疗效比较的随机对照研究

    Comparison of the clinical efficacy of flutamide and spironolactone plus Diane 35 in the treatment of idiopathic hirsutism : A randomized controlled study

  17. 雄激素性多毛症指女性终毛过多,且呈男性型分布和生长特征,常比痤疮更晚出现。

    Hirsutism often occur later , it refers to the excessive growth of terminal hair in women , with distribution and growth characteristics like men .

  18. 雄性激素循环于血液系统,治疗多毛症关键在于降低这些雄性激素的水平。

    Androgens travel around the body in the blood stream , and a key way of treating hirsutism is to reduce the level of these androgens .

  19. 浓厚的黑色毛发已经覆盖了他的背部、手臂以及双腿,引起这种症状的疾病是发病率为十亿分之一的全身性多毛症。

    The thick black hair that already covers his back , arms and legs is caused by a one in a billion condition known as hypertrichosis universalis .

  20. 他们对一种名为多毛症或狼人综合症的罕见疾病进行了研究,从中找出了导致这种疾病的遗传缺陷。多毛症患者的面部和身体上半部长满了厚重的毛发。

    They have tracked down a genetic fault which is behind a rare condition called hyper-trichosis , or werewolf syndrome , where thick hair covers the face and upper body .

  21. 其优良品质包括:可促进体重减轻,轻度改善血脂,改善多毛症和月经不规律,并且可能会改善肝脏脂肪变性。

    Among its desirable qualities are that it induces weight loss , there is mild improvement in lipids , it improves hirsutism and menstrual irregularities , and it may improve hepatic steatosis .

  22. 医学上也将多毛症称为“阿姆布拉斯综合征”,俗称“狼人综合征”。此病多是由先天遗传所致,患者全身毛发过剩,或是局部毛发过剩。

    Hypertrichosis is also known medically as Ambras syndrome and cheekily as " werewolf syndrome . " Genetics cause people with hypertrichosis to have an excessive amount of hair , which may grow all over the body or only in concentrated areas .