
dà qián fēnɡ
  • power forward
  1. 这名中国籍大前锋2007年高调加入NBA,但因在球场上没有让人印象深刻的表现很快归于沉寂。

    The Chinese-born power forward entered the NBA to much fanfare in 2007 only to fade quickly into anonymity after failing to impress on the court .

  2. NBA改变了他的命运,让这名高中生彻底改变了人生际遇,作为一名大前锋,他在本赛季拿着1478万美元的年薪。

    NBA changed his fate , so that high school students who completely changed the life fate , as a power forward , he of the season with a14.78 million U.

  3. CBA与NBA优秀大前锋进攻技术结构特征及相关能力的比较分析

    Comparative Research of Outstanding Power Forwards ' Offence Technique Structure between CBA and NBA

  4. 与NBA优秀大前锋相比,易建联身高有优势,体重和力量欠缺,潜力很大;

    Yijianlian is higher and full of potential , but short of avoirdupois , power and personal techniques comparing with NBA excellent Power Forward .

  5. 采用文献资料与数理统计相结合的研究方法,对NBA优秀大前锋的技术结构进行评价,阐述了在现代篮球比赛中大前锋的作用。

    Through literature study and statistics , the paper evaluates the technical structures of the NBA excellent power forwards and expatiates on the functions of the power forwards in the modern basketball matches .

  6. 过去两个赛季,曾是NBA大前锋的克里斯特科维亚克带领犹特人队冲进美国全国大学生体育协会(NCAA)联赛。他似乎认可孙峰棱的理解。

    Krystkowiak , a onetime N.B.A. power forward who has led the Utes to the N.C.A.A. tournament the past two seasons , seemed to endorse Sun 's takeaway .

  7. 星期二这天,据波士顿媒体记者NicoleYang报道,欧文和丹佛掘金大前锋米尔萨普以及前NFL马特勒斯班尼特一起加入了班级。

    On Tuesday , Nicole Yang of Boston.com reported Irving is joined in the class by Denver Nuggets power forward Paul Millsap and former NFL tight end Martellus Bennett , among others .

  8. 中国队大前锋易建联取得11分15个篮板,获得该锦标赛的MVP,郭艾伦拿到全队最高的17分,而年仅19岁的新星周琦拿下16分11个篮板。

    Chinese power forward Yi Jianlian finished with 11 points and 15 rebounds , and was named MVP of the tournament . Guo Ailun got the team-best 17 points , and 19-year-old rising star Zhou Qi took home 16 points and 11 rebounds .

  9. 试析篮球大前锋的特点及训练措施

    Analyzing the Characteristics of the Basketball Big Forwards and Their Training

  10. 浅析篮球比赛中大前锋的进攻手段和特点

    Basketball Game of the Offensive Power Forward and Characteristics Means

  11. 这次胜利是全明星大前锋诺维茨基的第一次总冠军。

    The win is the first championship for star power forward Nowitzki .

  12. 现代篮球大前锋队员的主要技术动作及运用

    Technical movement of modern basketball power forward and its application

  13. 波尔津吉斯尼克斯大前锋(卫冕冠军)

    Kristaps Porzingis New York Knicks PF ( defending champion )

  14. 优秀男篮大前锋进攻中持球动作结构特征分析

    Study on Characteristics of Basketball Holding Structures in Attacking of Elite Big Forwards

  15. 能把一些大前锋推出禁区。

    Can push some power forwards off the block .

  16. 作为回报,湖人将得到一个攻防俱佳的大前锋。

    In return Lakers get a serviceable PF who will play defense and board .

  17. 第13届世界女篮锦标赛大前锋进攻的特点

    Offensive characteristics in the 13 ~ ( th ) world Women 's basketball championships

  18. 我们需要一个大前锋,最好是他的个子能长一些。

    We need another power forward , and he 'd better have some length .

  19. 他是个大前锋没错吧?

    He was a power forward , right ?

  20. 小拉里-兰斯湖人大前锋

    Larry Nance Jr. Los Angeles Lakers PF

  21. 当你说“大前锋”,乔德伊萨曲棍球永远被排除在外。

    When you say " Power Forward ", Gordie Hockey could never be left out .

  22. 但是他可能是有史以来最出色的大前锋,他为球队做了他能做的一切。

    He does everything for this team , and most importantly he is a winner .

  23. 伊巴卡现在能花更多时间防守对方的大前锋而且还能做一个更好的协防者。

    Ibaka can now spend more time defending power forwards and working as a help defender .

  24. 在德安东尼的进攻体系中,大前锋主要用来拉开空间。

    In Mike D'Antoni 's offense , the power forward serves primarily as a floor spacer .

  25. 现在很多球队都有相对灵巧的大前锋,而火箭则只有传统大前。

    With so many teams down-sizing at the position , the Rockets had only traditional power forwards .

  26. 当然,他的技巧使他不让人觉得他应该是一个大前锋。

    Of course , it 's that same finesse that makes him an unusual fit at power forward .

  27. 我们知道哈斯勒姆在大前锋的位置上是个优秀的防守者,也许是联盟中最好的。

    We know the power forward Haslem is a good position defender , maybe the best in the league .

  28. 拉德曼,可能是现在的替补大前锋,对抗身体强壮的球员显得很薄弱。

    Vlad Radmanovic , probably the current backup Power Forward , is not a good fit against physical players .

  29. 本研究期望为中国队大前锋队员后备人才的培养与训练提供一定的理论依据。

    This research expects the Chinese team power forward for the Talented and training to provide a theoretical basis .

  30. 安排大前锋位置,选用多种类型的后卫队员可使中国队的阵容配备更趋合理。

    It can be made better to allocate the fist advance guard and adopt different styles of the safe guard .