
  • 网络Atmospheric dust;NGD
  1. 用X射线衍射和能谱仪对单颗粒矿物作成份分析得知:大气尘的矿物成份主要是石英、长石、白云石、方解石、石膏、重晶石等矿物,以石英为主,其次是伊利石、石膏。

    Through XRD analysis on the single particles , main minerals of the air dust are quartz , felspar , dolomite , calcite , gypsum and barite .

  2. 本论文研究对象是距地面1.5m左右的大气尘。

    The thesis focuses on the dust that is 1.5m from the ground .

  3. 近地表大气尘采集于人的平均呼吸高度(1.5m左右),是较长时间累积的大气颗粒物和地表扬尘的混合物,相对一般意义上的大气降尘,我们称之为近地表大气尘。

    The air dust near the ground is a mixture of atmosphere particulates and surface dust of the ground .

  4. 成都市近地表大气尘的地球化学特征

    The geochemical characteristics of air dust near the ground in Chengdu

  5. 用大气尘计径计数效率测试通风过滤器的研究

    Study on ventilation filter test by air particle size and concentration counting efficiency

  6. 成都经济区近地表大气尘元素地球化学分区研究区域性地球化学异常

    Studies on Elemental Geochemistry Zoning of Near-surface Atmospheric Dust in Chengdu Economic Region

  7. 成都经济区居民呼吸道疾病与大气尘重金属元素的相关性

    The Relation between Respiratory Diseases and Heavy Metals in Air Particulate in Chengdu Area

  8. 成都市近地表大气尘铅分布特征及源解析

    Distribution characteristics and sources of lead in air dust near the ground surface of Chengdu City

  9. 城市环境近地表大气尘研究的意义及进展

    A New Research of Material Carrier in the Urban Atmosphere & Air Dust Near the Ground

  10. 成都市近地表大气尘的矿物学特征及其环境指示意义

    The mineralogy character of the air dust near the ground in Chengdu and Its Environmental Indication Significance

  11. 近地表大气尘主要矿物成分为石英、长石、伊利石、白云石,方解石。

    The air dust was composed of quartz , feldspar , illite , dolomite , calcite , gypsum , etc ;

  12. 介绍了人工尘的用途、人工尘和大气尘之间的联系。

    The use of the synthetic test dust and the relationship of the synthetic test dust and atmospheric dust are introduced .

  13. 分别用大气尘法和实验菌种法对压差和污染物外泄量的关系进行了实验研究,结果显示压差从0变到-6Pa,污染物外泄浓度比仅减少0.03左右;

    Experimentally studies the relation of the pressure difference and leakage rate of contaminations separately by atmospheric dust method and experimental culture method .

  14. 本文主要对成都经济区近地表大气尘中主要的20种元素的空间分布特征进行研究。

    The thesis mainly discusses space distribution character of 20 kinds of element of the air dust near the ground in Chengdu economic area .

  15. 通过对成都市近地表大气尘矿物组成、化学成分的分析,查明了成都市近地表大气尘矿物、元素的含量和空间分布特征。

    Studies of mineral and chemical composition revealed the content and spatial distribution of minerals and elements in air dust near the ground from Chengdu .

  16. 在分块研究的基础上,进行了水土壤植物近地表大气尘间元素的迁移转化及环境健康效应研究。

    Based on the research of above , the thesis studies element transfer in the system of water - soil - plants - air dust .

  17. 介绍了国内现行空气过滤器效率的标准检测方法&大气尘计数法,指出了该效率检测方法的优缺点。

    The method of air filters efficiency test in China ( particles counter method ) is introduced , and its advantage and disadvantage are pointed out .

  18. 通过对不同处理方式处理后的水果中重金属的分析表明,土壤吸收和大气尘降是农作物中重金属的主要来源。

    According to the heavy metal contents in the fruits , soil absorption and atmospheric dust become the main sources of heavy metal pollution in crops .

  19. 在对大气尘过滤试验结果进行整理分析的基础上,对采用洗涤式金属填料空气过滤器去除油雾的可行性进行了分析。

    Based on the analysis of test result on filtration of airborne particle , the feasibility on removal of oil mist by using wash-type metal filler air filter is analyzed .

  20. 4元素来源分析认为,成都市近地表大气尘的主要来源是燃煤、土壤扬尘、交通、冶金、生活垃圾等。

    Speculating on the source of the elements in the dust , the ashes of coal , the dust of soil , rubbish , metallurgy , traffic are the main sources .

  21. 并且结合成都经济区的区域特点,分别对成都经济区内不同地貌单元、不同行政地区及其城区的近地表大气尘元素分布特征进行了研究。

    Built on district difference of the area , the distribution character of elements of the air dust near the ground in different physiognomy cells , districts and their city zones is researched .

  22. 同时利用因子分析法,以公认的有毒有害元素为评价指标,对成都经济区六地区及其城区的大气尘污染进行了评价。

    Moreover , based on factor analysis method , the pollution of the air dust near the ground is evaluated by popular poisonous and harmful elements in six districts and their city zones of Chengdu economic area .

  23. 由于大气尘对生态环境和人体健康有极大的影响和危害,所以研究它的化学成分、性质和分布状况对城乡环境的治理和建设规划有十分重要的意义。

    Since the air dust near the ground has tremendous influence on the ecosystem environment and the human health , it 's very important for us to study its chemistry composition , chemistry property and distribution situation for management and plan of the rural environment .

  24. 通过研究成都经济区大气尘的元素分布特征,可为改善和调控经济区生态环境、城镇工业化的全面推进和城市社会经济可持续发展规划提供科学依据。

    Through the research of element distribution of air dust in Chengdu economic area , it provides a scientific base for us to improve the environment in economic area , control the full development of industrialization in the rural areas and make economic sustainable development plans in the cities .

  25. 大气漂尘中多环芳烃的GC/MS研究

    The Research of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Airborne Particulates by GC / MS

  26. 应用地理信息系统(GIS)技术分析了焦作市城区大气降尘污染状况。

    The geography information system ( GIS ) technology was applied to deal with the pollution state of atmospheric dust fall in Jiaozuo City of Henan Province .

  27. 应用ICP-MS测定大气降尘中有毒重金属的化学形态

    Identifying the Chemical Speciation of Toxic Heavy Metals in Dustfall Through ICP-MS

  28. 用粉尘采样器采集沈阳地区十五个点的大气漂尘,用四氯化碳进行萃取,在1730型FT-IR光谱仪上进行红外定量,绘制沈阳地区大气飘尘及其烃类含量分布图。

    Fly ash of 15 chosen areas of Shenyang was sampled Hydrocarbons were extracted by carbon tetrachloride and determined by a 1730 FT-IR spectrometer .

  29. 大气降尘中较多石膏(大于10%)的存在,说明大气SO2污染比较严重。

    There exists plenty of gypsum in atmospheric particulates , which account for the fact that SO 2 pollution is relatively severe in Hefei area .

  30. 本文研制了一种简易、廉价的GC/MS接口装置,并将其应用于大气漂尘中多环芳烃(PAH)的分析。

    A simple ar , d low-price GC / MS interface has been developed and utilized to measure PAHs in airborne particulate samples .