
  • 网络The Everglades;everglade
  1. 大沼泽地国家公园位于佛罗里达州的最南端。

    The Everglades National Park stretches across the southern tip of Florida .

  2. 像佛罗里达大沼泽地等的大多数国家公园和地标性建筑一直处于关闭状态。

    Most national parks and landmarks , like the Everglades in Florida had been close since the shutdown started .

  3. JuanitaGreen是大沼泽地之友的发言人。

    Juanita Green is the spokesperson for Friends of the Everglades .

  4. 幸亏有了Douglas的努力,今天,大沼泽地的那一部分才得以保持了原貌。

    Today , thanks largely to Douglas , that part of the Everglades remains unchanged .

  5. 据NPR新闻的格雷格·艾伦从迈阿密带来的报道,佛罗里达州州长表示,虽然抗议不断,但是该州没有可用于重新开放大沼泽地国家公园的资金。

    As NPR 's Greg Allen reports from Miami Florida 's governor says no state money can be used to reopen Everglades national park despites protests .

  6. 那么美国瓦卢杰航空公司(Valujet)的例子呢?1996年在佛罗里达大沼泽地发生坠机事故后,这家公司更名为穿越航空(AirTran),成功再次崛起。

    What about Valujet , the US airline that , after a 1996 crash in the Florida Everglades , re-emerged , successfully , as AirTran ?

  7. 你甚至有可能在大沼泽地国家公园看到火烈鸟。

    It is even possible to see flamingos in the Everglades .

  8. 美国大沼泽地国家公园的自然保护效益

    Reserving Effects in the Everglades National Park Big and Good Matter

  9. 大沼泽地之友是马乔里·斯通曼·道格拉斯创立的。

    Friends of the Everglades was started by Marjory Stoneman Douglas .

  10. 大沼泽地国家公园未来会是什么样,我们无法设想。

    STEVE EMBER : The future of the Everglades is not clear .

  11. 每年,大沼泽地国家公园的游客数量都超过了一百万。

    Each year , more than one million people visit the Everglades .

  12. “”大沼泽地之友“会长迈克·切诺韦思说。

    President of Friends of the Everglades Mike Chenoweth said .

  13. 还有国家最老的桃花心木叶生长在大沼泽地国家公园。

    The country 's largest living mahogany tree also lives in the Everglades .

  14. 在佛罗里达大沼泽地国家公园被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。

    Everglades National Park in Florida is listed as World Heritage by UNESCO .

  15. 接着走,你会遇到一个大沼泽地。

    Keep on going and you will come to a great marshy swamp .

  16. 因此,人们只要在大沼泽地国家公园发现了蟒蛇,就会杀死它。

    When pythons are found in the Everglades , they are often killed .

  17. 大沼泽地国家公园被认为是世界上最伟大的生物奇迹之一。

    The Everglades is considered one of the great biological wonders of the world .

  18. 那时,他们并不了解大沼泽地生态系统的复杂性。

    At the time , they did not understand the complexity of the Everglades'ecosystem .

  19. 据联邦政府官员所说,大约有15种濒危物种栖息在大沼泽地国家公园。

    The Everglades is home to about fifteen species that federal officials say are threatened and endangered .

  20. 与其他的国家公园不同的是,大沼泽地国家公园是为了保护生态系统免遭损害而建立的。

    Unlike most other national parks , Everglades National Park was created to protect an ecosystem from damage .

  21. 大概在十年前,美国国会批准了一项计划来修复和改善大沼泽地国家公园。

    STEVE EMBER : About ten years ago , Congress approved a plan to restore and improve the Everglades .

  22. 佛罗里达的一位合法捕蛇者谈到佛州南部大沼泽地缅甸蛇成灾的问题。

    JOE WASILEWSKI , a sanctioned snake hunter in Florida , on the Burmese-python problem in the Florida Everglades .

  23. 国家公园管理局指出,早期殖民地定居者和土地开发商认为这片大沼泽地没有价值。

    The National Park Service says that early colonial settlers and land developers believed the Everglades had little value .

  24. 该海湾约800平方英里的水域隶属于大沼泽地国家公园,因为政府关门而被迫关闭。

    Some 800 square miles of the bay are part of Everglades national park , enclosed because of the shutdown .

  25. 大沼泽地国家公园是淡水鳄鱼和盐水鳄鱼生活在一起的地球上仅有的几个区域之一。

    The Everglades is one of the only places on Earth where freshwater alligators and saltwater crocodiles live in the same area .

  26. 工人们在这里修建了一个庞大的排水系统和抽水站,以便于控制大沼泽地北边奥基乔比湖的泛滥。

    Workers built a huge system of waterways and pumping stations to control the overflow of Lake Okeechobee , north of the Everglades .

  27. 大沼泽地是佛罗里达州利润可观的渔业的一个重要组成部分;事实上,它一直是该州最重要的自然资源之一。

    The Everglades is a vital part of Florida 's lucrative fishing industry , and in fact remains one of the state 's most important natural resources .

  28. 1996年,瓦卢杰航空592号航班起飞后不久就遭遇失火,坠毁于佛罗里达州大沼泽地,机上110人全部罹难。

    In 1996 , ValuJet Flight 592 caught fire shortly after takeoff and crashed into the Florida Everglades , killing all 110 passengers that were on board .

  29. 大沼泽地是世界上惟一一块短吻鳄与普通鳄鱼共存的地方。这里淡水与盐水相互交融,营造了一个红树与锯齿草繁茂生长的环境。

    The Everglades is the only place in the world where alligators and crocodiles co-exist , where freshwater and saltwater mix to create an environment where mangrove trees and saw grass flourish .

  30. 平原宽浅或流域内含大面积沼泽地的河流,春汛来水量主要受春季融冰影响,即与封冻时流量大小相关。

    For the plain wide and shallow river or the river in its basin containing a large area marshland , the melting ice in the spring influences the inflow of spring flood or correlates with the discharge at freezing period .