
  1. 大理一种烟草叶斑病的病因初步诊断

    Preliminary Diagnose of the Causal agent of a Tobacco Leaf Spot Disease in Dali

  2. 因此本项研究主要介绍大理一中基于网络远程同步学习模式实验的情况。

    Therefore , this study mainly introduces the remote synchronous English learning experiment based on network in Dali No.1 Middle School .

  3. 最后他们如愿以偿。官方媒体新华社周三报道说,旅游企业新华石寨子公司已将1400万元(合220万美元)款项交付云南省一家法院,以偿还与旅游城市大理一处房地产项目有关的债务。

    Tourism company Xinhua Shizhaizi has handed over 14 million yuan ( $ 2.2 million ) to a court in southwestern China 's Yunnan province to cover debts owned in connection with a real estate project in the scenic city of Dali , the state-run Xinhua news agency said Wednesday .

  4. 经过长途跋涉,他们来到了大理,一个中国名城。

    After a long journey , they came to dali , a famous city in china .

  5. 大理,一个浪漫的天堂

    Dali , a Paradise of Romance

  6. 那时候的大理就是一个普通的小镇,只是多了一些古老的城墙和众多的老建筑。

    Back then , it was a little town that happened to have ancient walls and lots of old buildings .

  7. 现在云南大理经营着一家青年旅社、28岁的聂湘(音译)赞同这一观点。

    Nie Xiang , 28 , a hostel owner in Dali , Yunnan province , supports this notion .

  8. “身体作为一个大理性,一个统一的多元体”,尼采以“大理性”和“自体”来拓展身体这个论题。

    " The body as a large rationality , a unified multiplicity ," Neitzsche uses " large rationality " and " self " to open up the topic of the body .

  9. 喜洲为隶属于大理市的一个历史文化名镇,而且也是大理白族文化的发祥地之一。

    Xi Zhou is a famous history and culture town which is affiliated of Dali City , and it is also the one of the birthplace of Bai nationality culture in Dali .

  10. 大理白族扎染,一种古朴的民间手工艺。

    Dali bai tie-dye , a simple folk crafts .

  11. 当我去云南旅行时,尝到了云南咖啡觉得非常美味,但是从大理店里买下的一袋咖啡豆花了不少钱。

    When I traveled to Yunnan , I discovered how wonderful Yunnancoffee is , but paid a hefty price for a bag of beans in a tourist store in Dali .

  12. 在开发商因信贷环境紧缩、政府抑制投机而受到打击之际,大理或许不是最后一个农民工子女替父母举牌抗议的地方。

    With developers feeling the squeeze from a tightening credit environment and curbs on speculation , Dali may not be the last place we see migrant children carrying protest signs on their parents ' behalf .

  13. 本文简述了大理州档案馆的丰富馆藏资源,为研究大理、发展大理提供了一个窗口。

    The paper gives a brief account of the rich files in the Archives , offering an access to study and develop Dali .