
  • 网络Mainland Bank;the continental bank;Banco Continental
  1. 在雷尼热狗店之后的那个夏天,我在费城的一家大陆银行(ContinentalBank)做柜员。

    The summer after I worked at Lenny 's , I was a teller at Continental Bank in Philadelphia .

  2. 富邦金融控股股份有限公司(fubonfinancialholdingco)是目前唯一参股大陆银行的台湾企业,它持有厦门银行20%的股权。

    Fubon Financial Holding Co is the only Taiwanese company with a stake in a Chinese lender , owning 20 per cent of Xiamen bank .

  3. 曾经担任国际货币基金组织(imf)总裁的克勒呼吁,建立更加严格的法规,并重建“大陆银行业文化”。

    Hler a former head of the international monetary fund called for tougher regulations and the reconstruction of a " continental European banking culture " .

  4. MOU生效后,台湾7家已符合规模的大陆银行办事处可升格为分行;

    After the MOU becomes effective , seven representative offices of Taiwanese banks in China with conforming sizes can be upgraded to branches ;

  5. 根据ECFA中早期收获清单的相关规定,ECFA首次提出了大陆银行经许可在台湾可以设立办事处,且满一年后即可申请在台设立分行。

    The relevant provisions of the ECFA and early harvest list firstly proposed that the mainland banks with permission could set up offices in Taiwan and establish branches after one year .

  6. 中国大陆银行业从来就表现欠佳。

    The mainland 's banks have never looked in better shape .

  7. 谅解备忘录也将允许大陆银行逐步进入台湾市场。

    The MOU will let mainland banks gradually enter Taiwan 's market .

  8. 按照规定,外资银行在中国大陆银行的持股比例不得高于20%。

    Foreign banks are capped at 20 per cent stakes in mainland lenders .

  9. 在这一时期内,大陆银行建立了严密的组织和科学的管理制度。

    Within this period , The Continent Bank set up tight organization and scientific management system .

  10. 投资主要来源于两家大陆银行今年夏天在台北开设分行。

    Most of that came from two Chinese banks that opened branches in Taipei this summer .

  11. 分析人士预计,这些措施将抑制贷款增长,同时也将降低中国大陆银行的收益能力。

    Analysts have expected the measures to curb loan growth and cut profitability of the mainland lenders .

  12. 不过,香港银行和中国大陆银行之间的联系还是有着特别的渊源。

    Still , there is a particular logic to the tie-up between lenders from Hong Kong and the rest of China .

  13. 经济学家说,毫无疑问,放宽管制使大陆银行受益,大陆银行除上市和小额银行业务外,又多了一种新的融资渠道。

    The deregulation will definitely benefit mainland banks , which offers them a new fund-raising channel apart from listing and retail banking , economists said .

  14. 大陆银行和房地产股票领先下跌影响到中国管理机构将开始着手另一轮严厉措施去驾驭通货膨胀。

    Mainland banking and property stocks led the decline on concerns that the Chinese authorities will embark on another round of austerity measures to tame inflation .

  15. 在这一高潮中涌现出一批实力雄厚、信誉较好、经营有实效的银行,大陆银行便是其中一家。

    A batch of influential , prestige is better , banks effectual in management emerge in this climax , The Continent Bank is one of them .

  16. 截至去年十月,22家国外银行花费了165亿美元收购17家中国大陆银行的股份,但所获的实际影响力甚微。

    By last October , 22 foreign banks had spent $ 16.5 billion on stakes in 17 mainland lenders , but had gained little real influence .

  17. 然而一旦其获准生效,这笔交易将是有意义的,因为这是中国大陆银行首次于美国控制的框架下运营。

    If approved , the transaction would be significant because for the first time a Chinese mainland bank would have activities operating under America 's regulatory framework .

  18. 2005年,瑞银以5亿美元购入中行1.3%的股权,第二年,瑞银为这家中国大陆银行的上市提供了顾问服务。

    It acquired the 1.3 per cent stake for $ 500m in 2005 , a year before it advised on the stock market listing of the mainland lender .

  19. 对海峡两岸银行法的主要内容进行比较和评析,借鉴台湾银行立法中的经验,对祖国大陆银行立法中存在的不足之处提出了若干修订的建议。

    A comparison and comment on each other 's legislative structures and contents can draw on experience of the bank legislation in the Taiwan areas and perfect the bank legislation in the Mainland .

  20. 但他表示,根据上月签署的一份谅解备忘录,“两家”大陆银行可能获准在台湾开设分行。

    But under a memorandum of understanding on financial co-operation signed last month , " a couple of " mainland banks could gain approval to open branches on the island , he said .

  21. 该公司10月在台湾提交了破产保护申请,希望重组超过300亿元新台币(合9.61亿美元)欠台湾和大陆银行及供应商的债务。

    The company sought insolvency protection in October , filing in Taiwan for a restructuring of more than NT30bn ( $ 961m ) in debts owed to local and mainland lenders and suppliers .

  22. 通过比较两岸税收制度和税负转嫁条件,认为两者是导致大陆银行流转税负高于台湾地区的重要原因。

    Through the comparison of the tax systems and the conditions of tax shifting , it shows that both are important factors resulting in the heavier turnover tax burden in banking industry of mainland .

  23. 在香港债券发行当天的一次演讲上,他表示非金融机构的中国公司将获得离岸融资的许可,在此之前这一直是大陆银行的特权。

    In a speech in Hong Kong on the day of the sale , he said that non-financial Chinese firms would be allowed to raise yuan offshore , a privilege previously reserved for mainland banks .

  24. 实证结果表明大陆银行业的市场集中度与银行利润间呈显著负相关性,台湾银行业的市场集中度与银行利润间呈显著正相关性。

    The empirical results show that there is a significant negative correlation between the mainland banking market concentration and bank profits . And there is a significant positive correlation between the Taiwan banking market concentration and bank profits .

  25. 台资银行仍被禁止直接入股中国大陆银行,尽管在去年底签署《两岸金融监管合作谅解备忘录》后,台资银行现在可在中国大陆建立分行和子行。

    Taiwanese banks are still barred from taking direct stakes in Chinese banks , although they can now apply to set up branches and subsidiaries in China following the signing of a cross-strait financial memorandum of understanding at the end of last year .

  26. 鉴于巴克莱(barclays)和渣打(standardchartered)最近出现的类似问题,美国方面提出的疑问就是:为什么英国和欧洲大陆的银行未能更加守法?

    Given similar recent problems at Barclays and standard chartered the question from the US perspective becomes : Why are British and European banks not more law compliant ?

  27. 沈庆京说,该项对华投资三分之一的资金由CPDC提供,另外三分之二将通过向中国大陆各银行融资实现。

    CPDC would finance a third of the China investment , but two-thirds would come from project financing from mainland Chinese banks , Mr Shen said .

  28. 利用DEA模型计算出了中国大陆商业银行1998年到2002年的成本效率、配置效率和技术效率,比较了商业银行之间效率的差异,分析了银行效率的随时间变化趋势。

    Based on the historical data between 1998 and 2002 of 14 Chinese commercial banks , the cost efficiency , technical efficiency and allocative efficiency are computed by DEA model , and the efficiency difference among commercial banks is outlined and the efficiency variance crossing time is examined .

  29. 1949年以来,中国大陆的银行部门经历了几次大规模的改革,对银行和企业关系的结构性变革产生了深远的影响。论德国企业性银企关系制度

    On the Relationship between Firm and Bank in Germany

  30. 欧洲大陆的银行也热切希望分得一杯羹。

    The continent 's banks are also keen to jump on the bandwagon .