
  • 网络tianjin station;TianJin Railway Station;Tianjin East Railway Station
  1. 使用质量展开方法(QFD),解决如何将抽象的利益相关者诉求转化为比较明确的设计要求,从而实现天津站综合交通枢纽的项目规划。

    And Quality Function Deployment method ( QFD ) is used to transfer abstracted functional demand into identified design demand , so as to fulfill the Tianjin Railway Station Integrated Transport Hub Project benefit arrangement .

  2. 天津站交通枢纽后广场工程地下结构防水技术

    Waterproofing technology in underground structure of Tianjin Railway Station Back Square

  3. 天津站交通枢纽规划设计方案综述

    Plan and Design of Tianjin Railway Station as Junction Terminal

  4. 群控系统在天津站交通枢纽冷水系统工程中的应用

    Group Control of Cold Water System in Tianjin Station Traffic Hub Project

  5. 天津站斜拉天桥的动力测试与抗风分析

    Dynamic test and anti-wind analysis of cable-stayed pedestrian overcrossing at Tianjin railway station

  6. 天津站交通枢纽工程振动台试验二维数值模拟

    The Planar Simulation of Shaking Table Experiment of the Transportation Project of Tianjin Station

  7. 最后将天津站综合交通枢纽作为价值规划的案例进行验证。

    Finally , Tianjin integrated transportation hub was taken example to study its value planning .

  8. 最后通过实际案例对天津站交通枢纽电梯安装项目的质量管理进行了系统分析。

    Finally through practical examples , Tianjin Station transportation hub elevator installation project quality control were analyzed .

  9. 天津站轨道换乘中心逆作法桩柱定位安装技术

    Location and Installation Technology of Pile and Column Constructed with Reverse Method in Transfer Center of Tianjin Station

  10. 最后,本文以天津站交通枢纽运营管理为例,分析研究了设施管理在整个项目中应用。

    At last , the theory of FM is applied for the operational management in Tianjin transportation hub .

  11. 天津站交通枢纽工程盖挖逆作段中间立柱桩施工技术

    Means depreciation kilometre Application of Intermediate Post Pile in Segment of Cover-excavation Reverse Operation in Transportation Hub Engineering , Tianjing Station

  12. 一般来说,“明日之星”小学校园网球项目的教练员首先都是花大量时间教孩子们如何打好基础,从怎样正确握拍开始教起,但是天津站却有些特别。

    Normally " STP " coaches spend most of their teaching time on the very basics of holding a racket properly but not with these Tianjin youngsters .

  13. 介绍了天津站项目所采用的空调系统,采暖、制冷的方式、通风排烟的方案、消防系统的设计及运行管理模式。

    Tianjin Station project introduced by the air conditioning system , heating , cooling mode , ventilation and smoke exhaust of the program , fire system design and operation management .

  14. 根据天津站交通枢纽接口识别及接口管理体系的构建原则,构建了天津站三级管理体系,即项目集层面接口管理、项目层面接口管理和技术层面接口管理。

    According to the recognition of interface of transportation pivot and construction principle of interface management system , three-level management system is constructed , that is interface management of project set , project and technology .

  15. 通过对天津站改扩建项目的节能减排分忻,说明了建筑节能还存在更大的潜力,为公共建筑节能和控制社会能源消耗提供了一定的参考价值。

    Through the analysis of Tianjin Railway Station redevelopment project of energy saving , the energy-saving building still shows greater potential for public building energy efficiency and control of social energy consumption provides some reference value .

  16. 天津站交通枢纽工程属于市内综合型交通枢纽,具有交通功能、服务功能、集聚功能、扩散功能、连接功能、导向功能及城市景观功能等。

    Tianjin railway station transport hub project is an urban integrated transport hub , with a lot of functions , such as transport , service , gathering , diffusion , connectivity , guiding , and urban landscape .

  17. 本文以天津站交通枢纽工程为背景,成功设计并完成了大型振动台试验,实验得到大量可靠的数据,通过对数据的分析,验证了天津站交通枢纽工程结构的抗震性能良好。

    This paper in background of the Tianjin Station transportation hub project , successfully designed and completed a large-scale shaking table test . A large number of reliable experimental data has been achieved from the experiment . Through analysis of the data , verify the good seismic performance of structure .

  18. 天津纬度站经纬度的测定

    Determination of the longitude and latitude of the latitude station of Tientsin

  19. 他在天津火车站。

    He was at the train station .

  20. 临海暴露试验华北(天津)站的设计与建造

    Design and Construction of North China ( Tianjin ) Laboratory for Seaside Atmospheric Exposure Testing

  21. 天津纬度站于1962、1963年继续用180毫米天顶仪进行纬度变化的观测。

    Latitude observations with the zenith telescope ZTL-180 have been continued at the Tientsin Latitude Station .

  22. 天津纬度站的建立

    The Tientsin latitude station

  23. 天津地区CORS站天顶对流层延迟年周期变化研究

    Annual period changes of zenith tropospheric delay of CORS stations in Tianjin District

  24. 针对不同结构形式的地铁站台建立同尺寸的数值模型,如天津洪湖里站为双层侧式站台结构,天津南楼站为双层岛式站台结构。

    Numerical models which have same sizes in subway station are established based on different structural form of subway platform . Such as the Hong hu li station is two layer side-type platforms , and the Nan lou station is two layer island-type platform .

  25. 天津市GPS连续站数据的处理与分析

    Processing and Analysis of Continuous GPS Data in Tianjin

  26. 天津市垃圾转运站的变迁

    Changes of Tianjin Waste Transfer Stations RUBBISH

  27. 并通过对天津文化中心地铁站商业设计的介绍和分析进一步论证以上措施的可行性。

    Through the introduction and analysis of Tianjin Culture Center subway station commerce , the paper proves the feasibility of aforementioned measures .

  28. 今年2016届夏季达沃斯论坛在中国北方的一个主要港口城市天津举行,佳佳站在展览厅的入口处。

    Jia Jia stood near the entrance of the exhibition hall that hosted this year 's 2016 Summer Davos Forum in Tianjin , in a major port city in North China .