
  • 网络natural radionuclide;Natural radioactive nuclide;NORM
  1. 室内氡的问题一直是辐射防护领域关注的重点,2005年世界卫生组织启动了全球住宅氡项目(IRP),将天然放射性核素氡作为全球疾病负担评价的首选核素。

    Indoor radon problem has been the focus of the radiation protection . The World Health Organization launched the Global Residential Radon Project ( IRP ) in 2005 and made the natural radionuclide of radon as the preferred global burden of disease nuclides evaluation .

  2. 黑龙江省土壤中天然放射性核素含量调查

    Investigation of natural radionuclide contents in soil in Heilongjiang Province

  3. 天然放射性核素~(32)P和~(33)P在海洋生物地球化学中的示踪研究概况

    A review of natural radionuclides ~ ( 32 ) p and ~ ( 33 ) p tracer studies for the biogeochemistry in the ocean

  4. 某厂锆(Zr)生产流程中不同产物的天然放射性核素含量测定

    Determination of natural radionuclides in process of producing zirconium

  5. 稀土矿中的天然放射性核素~(138)La和~(176)Lu

    Natural radioactive nuclides ~ ( 138 ) La and ~ ( 176 ) Lu in rare earth ore samples

  6. 进行了各类建材表面a、b辐射水平和其天然放射性核素g比活度关系的研究和不同饰材表面b辐射水平的饱和厚度研究。

    We have studied the relationship between gamma specific activities of natural radionuclides and alpha and beta ray level in building materials used in interior decoration , and the saturated thickness of beta ray from the surface of different materials .

  7. 详细叙述了采用NaI低本底多道γ谱仪测量建筑材料天然放射性核素镭、钍、钾放射性比活度的原理与方法。

    This paper describes the principles of detecting the radium , thorium , potassium radioactivity in architectural material using NaI ( Tl ) low background detector in detail .

  8. 属正常本底范围。内剂量估算结果表明,我国居民经饮水摄入天然放射性核素所致内照射剂量低于UNSCEAR1986年报告的UNSCEAR估算值,而接近ICRP估计值。

    And the results of estimation of internal doses from ingestion in the population of China is below the corresponding results given in UNSCEAR 1986 report , but near the results given by ICRP .

  9. 本文报告了利用HPGe反康普顿谱仪分析钢铁样品的结论,其中包括效率刻度、样品制备和测量,以及确定样品中天然放射性核素含量的γ峰选择方法等。

    This paper reports the conclusion of analysing natural radiation nuclei in Fe sample by HPGe anti-compton spectrometer . It includes : the efficiency calibration , sample preparation and measurement , and the selection method of γ peaks during determining the natural nuclei content in the sample .

  10. 既可自动计算钾、铀、钍含量,又可用于现场快速检测石材、建材和工业废渣中天然放射性核素226Ra、232Th、40K的比活度,并可区分A、B、C3类建材产品。

    It can be used both to automatically calculate contents of 40 K , U and Th , and to fast measure the specific activity of natural radioactive nuclides 226 Ra , 232 Th and 40 K in stones and architecture materials and industrial wastes on the spot .

  11. 分析结果表明,所采集的33个石材样品,有3个样品的天然放射性核素(226Ra,232Th,40K)含量异常偏高,其放射性比活度大于C类控制值;

    And a division of them is made in the light of national standard . As indicated by analytical results , 3 out of 33 samples of building stone are very high in natural radioactive nuclide content , with a specific activity greater than control value of class C ;

  12. 对137Cs和90Sr的含量水平,137Cs和90Sr及其与样品中天然放射性核素含量相关性,海洋生物对137Cs和90Sr的浓集,以及137Cs和90Sr的地球化学进行了讨论。

    The 137 Cs and 90 Sr content level , content correlation between 137 Cs and 90 Sr and natural nuclides , marine organisms enriching for 137 Cs and 90 Sr , and marine geochemistry of 137 Cs and 90 Sr have been discussed .

  13. 新疆土壤的天然放射性核素水平

    The level of natural radioative elements in the soil of Xinjiang

  14. 钢铁样品中天然放射性核素的分析

    Analysing Natural Radiation Nuclei in Fe Sample With HPGe Anti-compton γ Spectrometer

  15. 高密度样品中天然放射性核素的分析测量方法

    Method of analyzing and measuring natural radiation nuclei in high density environmental specimen

  16. 成都市土壤天然放射性核素的外照射水平估算研究

    Estimation of Natural Terrestrial External Exposure Levels of Nuclides in Soils in Chengdu

  17. 江西省非铀矿山废水中天然放射性核素调查

    Investigation on the Natural Radioactive Nuclides of the Non-uranium Mine Drainage in Jiangxi

  18. 工业废渣天然放射性核素水平及综合利用评价

    Determination of natural radionuclide level in industrial waste slags and evaluation of comprehensive utilization

  19. 我国饮水中天然放射性核素水平及评价

    Assessment and the levels of radioactivity of natural radionuclides in drinking waters in China

  20. 闽南常用石材天然放射性核素含量分析

    Analysing the Content of Natural Radioactive Nuclide in Building Stone Commonly Used in South Fujian

  21. 全国水体中天然放射性核素浓度调查(1983&1990年)

    Survey of natural radioactivity level of the waters in china ( 1983 & 1990 )

  22. 我国水泥产品天然放射性核素比活度的调查分析

    The investigation and analysis on natural radioactivity nuclide specific activity of cement product in china

  23. 五省(市)环境水体中天然放射性核素分析的质量控制

    Quality control of analysis of natural radionuclides in the environmental water in five provinces and cities

  24. 煤电链由于燃煤将煤中天然放射性核素转移到环境中。

    While coal power chain transfer the natural radionuclide in coal into environment during coal combustion .

  25. 中国食品和水中天然放射性核素水平及其对居民所致内照射剂量

    Investigation of natural radionuclides in foods and waters in China and evaluation of internal dose to public

  26. 报道了闽东南地区土壤岩石中天然放射性核素含量调查的结果。

    This paper reports on the survey of natural radio nuclides in soil and rock conducted in Southeast Fujian .

  27. 调查结果表明,上海市各类水体中天然放射性核素浓度属正常本底水平。

    The results show that the radioactivity level of varied water bod-ies of the city was within normal natural background .

  28. 方法参照国家有关标准对佛山地区部分建材产品的天然放射性核素进行监测。

    [ Methods ] Surveillance was carried out on the natural radioactive elements in the construction products according to the national criteria .

  29. 本文报道广东高本底地区11种主要食品中,天然放射性核素的含量水平。

    The concentrations of the natural radio-nuclides in11 varieties of main food in high background radiation area of Guangdong Province were reported .

  30. 结果表明:兰州地区块根、块茎类地下作物中天然放射性核素的含量属于本底水平。

    Results indicate that the contents of naturally occurring radionuclides in subterranean crops in Lanzhou area have been approximated to the background level .