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tiān wánɡ
  • King;epithet for the emperor;title assumed by Hong Xiuquan, founder of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom;name for certain deities
天王 [tiān wáng]
  • (1) [emperor]∶天子

  • (2) [Hong Xiu-quan (Hung Hsiu-chuan)]∶太平天国的洪秀全自封天王

  • (3) [god]∶某些威力很大的天神

  1. 我认为每个人都知道MichaelJackson是谁。美国音乐家流行音乐天王。

    I think every body knows who Michael Jackson is , The king of pop , musician from America .

  2. 白奶奶给孙子起名为Michael(迈克尔),和已故流行天王名字一样。白奶奶因舞蹈自学成才赢得了众人的喝彩。

    Mrs Bai , whose grandson is named Michael after the late pop star , has won plaudits for her self-taught dancing .

  3. 乡村音乐天王TraceAdkins

    Please welcome country music superstar Trace Adkins !

  4. 纽约时报的音乐评论家期待这融合天王幻影与3D技术的演出将带给给所有观众一场视听上的盛宴,并将让无数歌迷们津津乐道。

    Jim Farber , music critic for the New York Daily News , said the combination of3-D technology and Michael Jackson could be a strong way for the show to get viewers talking .

  5. 谷歌和Facebook是新的广告天王,亚马逊正蓄势待发。广告业的男男女女们都知道如何讲故事,但现在还不清楚他们自己的故事将如何结尾。

    Google and Facebook are the new advertising kingpins and Amazon is waiting in the wings . Ad men and women know how to tell stories but it is unclear how their own will end .

  6. 本周一公布的一项民调显示,(美国已故流行天王)迈克尔•杰克逊的热门单曲《颤栗》MV被评为流行音乐史上最具影响力的音乐电视作品。

    Michael Jackson 's video for his hit single " Thriller " has been voted the most influential in pop music history , according to the results of a poll released Monday .

  7. 穆雷在过去的26场比赛中取得了25次胜利:唯一一次失利是败给世界排名第二的西班牙人拉斐尔纳达尔。穆雷的上佳表现使得费天王8年来首次被挤出了ATP排名榜三甲。

    Murray 's 25th victory from 26 matches - his only loss coming to world No. 2 Rafael Nadal of Spain - sends Federer out of the top three for the first time in eight years .

  8. 同时它也想要这位歌手卖掉梦幻庄园牧场(NeverlandRanch),这个曾经拥有游乐园和动物园的天王住家,在这里,发生过引发争议的儿童过夜事件。

    It also wants the singer to sell his Neverland Ranch , the home of his private amusement park and menagerie and site of his controversial sleepovers with young children .

  9. 不过,他成为国家的天王打后,在缅因州Pyar木屋领先。

    However , he became the nation 's heartthrob after playing the lead in Maine Pyar Kiya .

  10. 案件中的AEG公司曾对已故流行天王表示,他们将为天王提供医疗设备,并聘请康拉德·莫里作为私人医生,以准备接下来的伦敦演唱会。

    The suit contends AEG and its agents told Michael Jackson the company would provide the equipment and hire Dr Conrad Murray to care for him so he could perform at the concerts in London .

  11. 其实这种效果的鼻祖主要是U2,是他们创造了酷玩乐队现在的演奏风格:这种摇滚顾及到了朋克的巨大改革,但仍然追求一种让人心跳加速的,像进行曲那般的效果,正如70年代室内摇滚天王的音乐。

    The main antecedent is U2 , who invented the form that Coldplay works within : rock that respects the sea change of punk but still wants to be as chest-thumping and anthemic as the music of the seventies stadium gods .

  12. 而且北方天王确实是应当得到我们如此的慰藉。

    And the Great Heavenly King certainly deserves our soothing efforts .

  13. 歌坛天王刘德华不是至今未婚吗?

    Heavenly king Andy Lau is not music you still single ?

  14. 天王补心丹中棘苷的定性、定量分析方法研究

    Analysis of Spinosin in Tianwang Buxin Dan by TLC and HPLC

  15. 一天王还是那个,这只老猫看见一只小老鼠。

    One evening , the old cat sees a little mouse .

  16. 任贤齐:别叫我天王

    Richie Ren : Don , t Call Me Heavenly King

  17. 其中包括粤语流行天王刘德华和黎明。

    The others include Cantopop Heavenly Kings Andy Lau and Leon Lai .

  18. 看看天王们德华,郭富城。

    Look at the heavenly kings , Andy lau , Aaron kwok .

  19. 你是如何表达对流行天王的敬意的?

    How are you paying tribute to the late King of Pop ?

  20. 包括几个月前公布了自己秘密婚姻的香港天王刘德华。

    Hong Kong singer Andy Lau admitted his secret marriage months earlier .

  21. 我可以集中精力去实现成为一个嘻哈天王的梦想。

    And I could concentrate on my dream of being a rapper .

  22. 亚瑟小子是继麦克尔·杰克逊之后的新一代流行天王。

    Usher is the new generation of pop king after Michael Jackson .

  23. 星期六我参加《天堂口》放映会,昨天我们放映了《四大天王》。

    I screened Blood Brothers on Saturday and we screened THK yesterday .

  24. 她成为了音乐界的天王巨星之一。

    She has become one of music 's biggest stars .

  25. 他一飞冲天成为广东歌乐坛的新天王。

    He skyrocketed as a new Prince of Canton-pop .

  26. 娱乐界奉他为小天王。

    The entertainment industry has nicknamed him " a small heavenly king " .

  27. 现在想到周杰伦,我们仍会视他为天王。

    When we think of Jay Chou nowadays , we see a king .

  28. 《送子天王图》(一称《释迦降生图》)是宋人对他作品的临摹本。

    There is a Song Dynasty copy of his the presentation of buddha .

  29. 他忙著作漫画天王!

    He 's too busy being an animation god !

  30. 我们去听那个天王巨星的演唱会,好吗?

    Let 's go to the megastar 's singing performance , shall we ?