
tiān diàn ɡān rǎo
  • static disturbance
  1. 任何物理可实现的干扰,如天电干扰、电子对抗中的有源干扰,当ω→∞时,其频谱Yn(ω)至少以1/ω~2的速度趋于零。

    The spectra Y (ω) of any physical realizable interference , such as atmospheric interference , active Jamming in electronic rejection , will approch zero with at least a speed of proximate 1 / ω 2 when frequency ω→∞ .

  2. 天电干扰太大,听不清他们的电讯。

    There is too much static to hear their message clearly .

  3. 抗工业电干扰及其它天电干扰能力强等。

    It has high resistance to the interference of industrial electricity and the interference of other atmospherics .