
  1. 该系统首先将于今年上半年在拥挤的回龙观和天通苑地区进行测试。

    The system will first be tested in the congested Huilongguan and Tiantongyuan areas within the first half of this year .

  2. 现在她早上把车停在天通苑北站停车场,坐城铁去国贸上班。

    But now , every morning she drives to the terminal of Tiantongyuan North Station and transfers to the subway to get to the World Trade Center .

  3. 通过比较分析指出了天通苑地区轨道交通与常规公交换乘所存在的问题以及进行优化的必要性。

    By comparing , points the problem which exists in the transfer between rail transit and bus transit , and puts forward the necessary to optimize the transfer system .