
  • Chicken over sky
天鸡 [tiān jī]
  • [Chicken over sky] 神话中天上的鸡

  • 空中闻天鸡。--唐. 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》

  1. 有关柯达的大多数描述都是标准版的《四眼天鸡》(ChickenLittle):天要蹋了;美国梦破灭了;又一家优秀公司遭遇滑铁卢。

    Most of the Kodak conversation has been standard issue chicken little : the sky is falling ; the American dream is dead ; another classic company has bitten the dust .

  2. 采用14天鸡胚股骨无血清培养、5-溴尿嘧啶核苷(BrdU)掺入标记和细胞核增殖抗原(PCNA)免疫染色方法,研究转化生长因子-β(TGF-β)对骺软骨细胞增殖的作用。

    To understand the effect of transforming growth factor beta on epiphyseal chondrocyte proliferation , we detected BrdU incorporation and PCNA expression of epiphyseal chondrocyte of embryonic chick femora which were cultured in serum free and treated with TGF β .

  3. 用8天鸡胚大脑半球进行分散神经细胞培养,培养6天时神经细胞占83%。

    The dissociated monotypic nerve cell culture was established using 8 day chick embryonic cerebral hemispheres .