
  • 网络the velvet revolution
  1. 此时,哈维尔刚从他位于波希米亚(Bohemia)的乡间别墅回来,一群反对派活动人士请他担任领袖。于是,哈维尔领导了天鹅绒革命,由害羞的知识分子转型为精明的政治策略家。

    A group of opposition activists looked to Havel , just returned from his country house in Bohemia , for leadership . He took command of the Velvet revolution , transformed from shy intellectual into shrewd political tactician .

  2. 中欧天鹅绒革命的全球化视角

    A Global Perspective of Central European Velvet Revolution

  3. 天鹅绒革命是怎样发生的

    How did the Velvet Revolution happen

  4. 务实的捷克人尽管一直批评欧洲的决策机制,但不会试图发动一场泛欧洲的“天鹅绒革命”,而是将致力于推动欧洲的利益与要务。

    The pragmatic Czechs with all their criticism of European decision-making mechanisms will not attempt to initiate a pan-European " Velvet Revolution " but will promote their interests and priorities .

  5. 直到1989年的天鹅绒革命之后,来自西欧和美国的游客开始涌入,想要一睹与卡夫卡有关的景点,捷克人才意识到他的重要性。

    It wasn 't until after the 1989 Velvet Revolution when tourists from Western Europe and the United States began turning up wanting to see the Kafka-related sites that Czechs recognized his importance .

  6. 要强调参与的重要性,没有任何地方比“天鹅绒式的革命”的故乡布拉格更好;

    Where better than here in Prague , home of the Velvet Revolution , to underscore the central importance of participation ?