
  • 网络Pacific Fleet;CINCPAC
  1. 过去18个月里,中国已将包括永暑礁和约翰逊南礁在内的六七个暗礁和珊瑚环礁吹填成岛。今年4月,美国太平洋舰队司令哈里•哈里斯(HarryHarris)曾将此比作“一道沙制的长城”。

    Fiery Cross and Johnson South are among just over half a dozen submerged rocks and coral atolls that China has dredged into islands in the past 18 months , an effort Harry Harris , commander of the US Pacific Fleet , likened in April to " a great wall of sand . "

  2. 美国太平洋舰队的总部在哪座城市?

    What city is the headquarters of the U.S. Navy 's Pacific Fleet ?

  3. 最后你的太平洋舰队发了一份你的服役档案过来。

    Finally your c-in-c Pacific sent us a copy of your service record .

  4. 你的太平洋舰队总司令部忙得象蚁山一样沸沸扬扬,这我亲眼看见啦!

    Your Cincpac building is boiling like an anthill , I saw that !

  5. 从1941年2月开始,珍珠港就是美国太平洋舰队的总部。

    Pearl Harbor has been the U.S. Pacific 's Fleet headquarters since February 1941 .

  6. 他们的太平洋舰队在这干什么?

    What is their Pacific fieet here doing ?

  7. 当时该市是苏联太平洋舰队所在地,是一个封闭的城市。

    As home of the Soviet Pacific Fleet , it was a closed city .

  8. 美国太平洋舰队是政策的工具,而不是外交的工具。

    The American Pacific Fleet is an instrument of policy , rather than that of diplomacy .

  9. 珍珠港是美国太平洋舰队的基地,在夏威夷的火奴鲁鲁市附近。

    The base of the Pacific Fleet of the U.S.A.near the city of Honolulu in Hawaii .

  10. 他们只能度一天蜜月,然后他就直接到太平洋舰队去。

    They 'll have a one-day honeymoon , and then he goes straight out to the Pacific fleet .

  11. 他说,至少有三个这样的运营商将被建成,北部和太平洋舰队。

    He said that at least three such carriers were to be built , for the Northern and Pacific Fleets .

  12. 太平洋舰队发言人中尉克林特·拉姆斯登周三表示,最近有俄罗斯海军Balzam级一般情报收集船经抵达。

    Pacific Fleet spokesman Lt Clint Ramsden said Wednesday the Russian Navy Balzam-class auxiliary general intelligence ship had recently arrived .

  13. 今天,太平洋舰队有180条船,接近2000架飞机和14万名水手和平民。

    AZUZ : Today , the Pacific Fleet includes 180 ships , nearly 2000 aircraft and 140000 sailors and civilians .

  14. 八月三十日,海军少将夏悫爵士率领英国太平洋舰队抵港,成立临时军政府。

    On August 30 , Rear Admiral Sir Cecil Harcourt arrived with units of the British Pacific Fleet to establish a temporary military government .

  15. 在海参崴,金正日亦将参观远东大学、一座儿童中心和俄罗斯太平洋舰队的一艘军舰。

    In Vladivostok , Kim Jong-il will visit a Far East State University , a children center and a warship of the Russian Pacific Fleet .

  16. 第一,俄国太平洋舰队相对日本舰队为弱,不可能轻易夺取黄海的制海权。

    Firstly , the Russian Pacific Fleet was small and weak to Japanese fleet , and could not take con-tro of the Huanghai Sea easily .

  17. 在1941年的时候他并没有那么庞大,但美国太平洋舰队的潜在军事实力导致了71年前的今天所发生的事。

    It wasn 't quite that big in 1941 , but the potential military might of the U.S. Pacific Fleet led to what happened 71 years ago today .

  18. 华盛顿方面表示打算让这些军舰留在那里等候,但是,美军太平洋舰队司令基廷上将这个星期说,这批军舰可能只能再守候几天,而不是几个星期。

    Washington says it intends to keep the ships in place , but the commander of U.S. forces in the Pacific Admiral Timothy Keating said this week that would likely be only for matter of days , not weeks .

  19. 1941年12月7日,日本战机在夏威夷珍珠港袭击美国太平洋舰队基地,使得美国卷入第二次世界大战,超过2300名美国人牺牲。

    On Dec. 7 , 1941 , Japanese warplanes attacked the home base of the U.S. Pacific fleet at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii , drawing the United States into World War II . More than 2300 Americans were killed .

  20. 国防部长罗伯特·盖茨称,太平洋舰队司令负责美国一半的军事行动,执行从人道主义到与盟国建立关系,以及帮助陷入困境的敌对国家和组织等各种任务。

    Secretary of Defense Robert Gates noted that Pacific Command is responsible for U.S. military operations in half the world , and s a variety of missions ranging from humanitarian efforts to building relations with allies and helping to keep states and organizations

  21. .周一在夏威夷火奴鲁鲁举行的典礼上,美国亚太和印度洋军队换帅。太平洋舰队司令罗伯特·威拉德称,美国对太平洋地区的承诺将会继续。

    New Commander Says US Commitment to Pacific Will Continue Command of U.S. forces in Asia and the Pacific and Indian Oceans passed to a new commander on Monday at a ceremony in Honolulu , Hawaii . Navy Admiral Robert Willard said the U.S. commitment to the region will continue .

  22. 在按照传统举行的仪式上,蒂莫西·基廷正式卸任美军太平洋司令部司令一职,原太平洋舰队司令罗伯特·威拉德将接替他的职位。在过去两年,罗伯特·威拉德一直担任美国海军司令。

    In a ceremony steeped in tradition , Admiral Timothy Keating transferred command of all U.S. forces in the region to Admiral Willard , who has been working for him as chief of U.S. Navy forces in the area for the last two years .