
  • 网络solar pond;SGSP;OTEC-OSP
  1. 太阳池经济可行性的探讨

    A preliminary investigation on the economical feasibility of solar ponds in China

  2. 中国建造太阳池的区划初探

    A preliminary exploration for division into districts of solar ponds in China

  3. 是的,我们知道,英国也有一个乐lego酒店,在温莎,从希思罗机场到那大约只要20分钟。但它跟美国的不太一样,因为你可以躺在佛罗里达的太阳池沐浴,不是吗?

    And yes , we know there is a Lego hotel at Legoland Windsor but being 20 minutes from Heathrow isn 't quite the same as lying by the pool in the Florida sun , is it ?

  4. 此外,本文还分析了四种不同盖层太阳池的实验结果,计算了微型池内的Soret效应和Dufour效应的影响,并提出了相应的建议。

    Experimental results for four mini-solar ponds , namely , three with different covers and one without cover were provided and corresponding suggestions were given . The Soret effect and Dufour effect in the ponds were calculated .

  5. 盐梯度太阳池(SGSP)作为兼集热和长期蓄热为一体的能量利用装置,是当前新能源应用领域一个活跃的课题。

    A salt-gradient solar pond ( SGSP ) is an excellent design for energy collection as well as for long-term energy storage , and it is also an active topic in the new energy source application domain .

  6. 碳酸盐型盐湖卤水的模拟太阳池结晶试验

    Simulation Experiments on Solar Pond Crystallization of Carbonate-type Saline Lake Brine

  7. 太阳池和池下土壤的跨季度蓄热

    Seasonal heat storage of the solar pond and the ground underneath

  8. 全饱和型太阳池的初步探讨

    A Preliminary Investigation of a " Fully Saturated " Solar Pond

  9. 青海地区太阳池发电技术开发应用

    Development and Application on Solar Pond Generation Technology in Qinghai-region

  10. 浊度和池底反射率对太阳池热性能的影响

    Effect of turbidity and bottom reflectivity on thermal performance of solar pond

  11. 海水太阳池辐射透射率与浊度的实验研究

    Experimental Study of Radiation Transmission and the Turbidity on the Solar Pond

  12. 氯化镁溶液太阳池的动态研究

    A dynamic study on magnesium chloride solution solar pond

  13. 太阳池的最佳梯度层厚度和最大能量收益

    Optimal Thickness of Gradient Layer and Maximum Gains of Energy in Solar Pond

  14. 太阳池温度和浓度分布的计算机拟合

    The Computer Simulation in the Temperature and Concentration Disstribution of the Solar Pond

  15. 盐湖太阳能的利用&太阳池

    Solar energy utilize of salt lake ─ Solar pond

  16. 盐水的辐射透射率对太阳池性能的影响

    Effect of brine ′ s radiation transmission on thermal performance of solar pond

  17. 卤水太阳池的透过率研究

    The Study of Transmissivity of Solar Pond With Bittern

  18. 盐梯度太阳池内部稳定性的实用判据和监测方法

    A practical criterion and monitoring method of internal stability of salt-gradient solar pond

  19. 太阳池中海水盐浓度的测定

    The Simple Methods of Measuring the Salt Concentration of Sea-water in Solar Ponds

  20. 芒硝太阳池转化无水芒硝研究

    Research on the transformation from mirabilite in Solar Pool to Anhydrous sodium sulphate

  21. 还讨论了太阳池的部分结构参数对太阳地稳态特性的影响。

    Partial structural parameters influencing to the steady behaviour of solar pond were discussed .

  22. 海水太阳池二维数学模型

    A two-dimensional mathematical model of seawater solar pond

  23. 在盐梯度太阳池储热层添加锅炉渣的实验和理论研究

    Adding coal cinder at LCZ of solar pond : an experimental and numerical study

  24. 本文的结论对于太阳池海水淡化系统的设计及运行具有指导意义。

    The conclusions are helpful to the design and operation of solar desalination plant .

  25. 太阳池盐水溶液的折射率

    Refractive index of salt solution in solar ponds

  26. 稳态圆形斜壁太阳池最大过余温度的研究

    Study on the Maximum Surplus Temperature of the SteadyState Round Slant Wall Solar Pond

  27. 微型太阳池不同盖层的对比实验研究

    Experimental comparison on different covers on mini-solar ponds

  28. 氯化镁、氯化钙太阳池热稳定系数的测定

    Determination on the Stability Coefficient of Solar Ponts of Magnesium Chloride and Calcium Chloride

  29. 盐田太阳池实验研究

    Study of salt - pan solar pond

  30. 用计算机模拟研究太阳池稳态特性及结构参数

    An Investigation on the Steady Behaviour and Structural Parameters of Solar Ponds by Computer Simulation