
  • 网络BONG Joon-ho;Bong Jun-ho;Joon-ho Bong
  1. 奉俊昊和凯利·马斯特森(KellyMasterson),《雪国列车》

    Bong Joon-ho and Kelly Masterson , " Snowpiercer "

  2. 2014年,演员蒂尔达·斯文顿(TildaSwinton)在四部电影中戴着假牙:《零点定理》(TheZeroTheorem)、《布达佩斯大饭店》、《唯爱永生》(OnlyLoversLeftAlive),以及奉俊昊导演的《雪国列车》(Snowpiercer)。

    In 2014 , the actress Tilda Swinton wore false teeth in four movies : " The Zero Theorem , " " The Grand Budapest Hotel , " " Only Lovers Left Alive " and " Snowpiercer , " a film directed by Bong Joon-ho .

  3. 这部电影奠定了奉俊昊节奏掌控大师的声名。

    It established the director as a master of tonal shifts .

  4. 奉俊昊的《母亲》是他最搞笑也是最大胆的电影。

    Bong 's " Mother " is his funniest - and riskiest - endeavor .

  5. 奉俊昊导演的这部新片是一部悲喜剧,探索处于截然不同的社会环境中的两个家庭之间的相互作用和影响力。

    Bong Joon-ho 's latest film is a tragicomedy that explores the power dynamics between two families who live in very different social circumstances .

  6. 与《寄生虫》和《杀人回忆》一样,该片的取景地规模较小,但却带有奉俊昊的标志性黑色幽默。

    Like " Parasite " and " Memories of Murder , " it takes place on a smaller scale but has Bong 's signature vicious wit .

  7. 该片是奉俊昊第一次和宋康昊合作,后来宋康昊又主演了奉俊昊的《汉江怪物》、《雪国列车》和《寄生虫》。

    The movie was also Bong 's first time working with Song Kang-ho , who later starred in " The Host , " " Snowpiercer , " and " Parasite . "

  8. 曾导演过反乌托邦主题的气候变化科幻片《雪国列车》(2013年)的奉俊昊表示,电影《寄生虫》本土气息浓厚,可能无法被外国观众完全理解。

    Bong Joon-ho , director of dystopian climate-change sci-fi Snowpiercer ( 2013 ) , has said he thinks Parasite may be too localized to be " 100 % understood " by foreign audiences .

  9. 奉俊昊巧妙地平衡了拍摄智障人物电影,表达对这个无视他需求的社会的义愤,以及一位慈母的爱三者的关系,而这位慈母的爱正是这部影片的灵魂。

    Bong pulls off the tricky balance of making a movie featuring a character with an intellectual disability , the righteous rage at a society that doesn 't take his needs seriously , and a caring mother whose love is the beating heart of the story .

  10. 奉俊昊的科幻杰作《雪国列车》拥有他在《寄生虫》中体现的所有阶级斗争的思想,但这部由克里斯·埃文斯、宋康昊和蒂尔达·斯文顿主演的大片更契合当前社会的实际。

    Bong 's sci-fi masterpiece has all of the class-warfare ideas he refined in " Parasite . " But here , they 're scaled up to the level of a blockbuster . Starring Chris Evans , Song Kang-ho , and Tilda Swinton , " Snowpiercer " has only gotten more socially relevant with time .