
  • 网络august;Auguste;Augustus
  1. 他叫奥古斯特吧他是个作家

    Goes by " August . " He 's a writer .

  2. 奥古斯特拜托我需要你的帮助

    August , please , I need your help .

  3. 在1987年公司50周年庆聚会上,荷美尔自己给自己做了一个形似奥古斯特洛丹的沉思者的刻有SPAM字样的模型。

    At a50th birthday party Hormel gave for itself in1987 , one celebrant carved a SPAM model of Auguste Rodin 's The Thinker .

  4. 对顶级大厨奥古斯特•埃斯科菲耶(AugusteEscoffier)的崇敬并不是能够指导现代生活的原则。

    Homage to Escoffier is no principle for modern life .

  5. 这些神秘的事件全被才智出众的奥古斯特?杜平破解了。

    These mysteries were solved by the fiercely intelligent parisian , Auguste dupin .

  6. 奥古斯特补充说,技术不仅仅可被利用做自动化工作。

    Adds Auguste : We can use technology to do more than automate tasks .

  7. 1814年,法国新古典主义画家让-奥古斯特-多米尼克-安格尔绘制了一幅弗娜丽娜坐在拉斐尔膝盖上的作品。

    In1814 , the French artist Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres painted La Fornarina sitting on the artist 's knee .

  8. 奥古斯特孔脱是19世纪德国第一流的实验物理学家。

    August Kundt was a leading experimental physicist in Germany during the last half of the nineteenth century .

  9. 奥古斯特和路易斯·吕米埃在巴黎演示最早的电影片。

    1895 The earliest demonstration of a celluloid cinematograph film was given at Paris by Auguste and Louis Lumiere .

  10. 奥古斯特你得说清楚我们要去哪儿这怎么能帮我对付瑞金娜

    August , you gonna tell me where we 're going and how it 's gonna help me beat Regina ?

  11. 这只黑色冠猕猴脚托下巴,酷似奥古斯特.罗丹创作的著名雕塑思想者。

    With his hand on his chin , the crested black macaque sat like Auguste Rodin 's famous sculpture The Thinker .

  12. 1801年,乔治三世和夏洛特王后的第六个子嗣奥古斯特王子获封该爵位。

    The title was created in 1801 upon the birth of Prince Augustus Frederick , the sixth son of King George III and Queen Charlotte .

  13. 法国建筑师奥古斯特•蒙特费朗花了40年的时间在圣艾萨克大教堂工作,建成了最后一座古典风格的建筑。

    The French architect , August Montferrand , spent 40 years working on St. Isaac 's Cathedral , the last building in the classical style .

  14. 19世纪时曾利用气球做军事空中观测站,20世纪时,科学家奥古斯特?皮卡德用气球收集高空资料。

    Balloons provided military aerial observation sites in the19th century and were used in the20th century by scientists such as Auguste Piccard to gather high-altitude data .

  15. 奥古斯特工作的商店屋顶在上周六的强震中倒塌,她的胸部、腹部和手臂都受了伤。

    Auguste had wounds on the chest , stomach and arm after the roof of the store she worked at collapsed during a powerful earthquake on Saturday .

  16. 除了这些分区以外,博物馆还有一个专门的卢浮宫历史区,其中就包括菲利普·奥古斯特在1190年修建的中世纪护城河的历史。

    In addition to these departments , the museum presents a section devoted to the history of the Louvre , including the medieval moats installed by Philippe Auguste in1190 .

  17. 因此,奥古斯特只能等待当地医院出现空位,或是等待将伤员送往海地首都太子港的小型飞机上的位置。

    So , Auguste could only wait for space at a local hospital or a spot on one of the small planes taking injured people to Haiti 's capital , Port-au-Prince .

  18. 奥古斯特解释说,技能差距是真实存在的,但它是以下情况的表象而不是原因,即存在一个失调的劳动力市场,工资停滞和就业流动性下降。

    The skills gap is real , explained Auguste , but it is a symptom not the cause of a dysfunctional labor market , along with stagnant wages and declining job mobility .

  19. 画家罗丹的名字是奥古斯特•罗丹(1840-1917)的中文音译,法国著名雕塑家,作品有《青铜时代》、《思想者》和《吻》。

    PAINTER Luo Dan 's name is the Chinese transliteration of Auguste Rodin ( 1840-1917 ), the French sculptor famous for works such as The Age of Bronze , The Thinker and The Kiss .

  20. 拉斯·冯·提尔被看作是继比利·奥古斯特后丹麦为世界影坛贡献的又一位大师级导演,他的电影深深浸透着欧洲电影的艺术气息和理性思索。

    Lars von Trier is considered as another master director following Bille August in Denmark , who makes great contribution to the world moviedom . He combines the European art style and thoughts together , and blends them into his movie .

  21. 画家罗丹的名字是奥古斯特•罗丹(1840-1917)的中文音译,法国著名雕塑家,作品有《青铜时代》、《思想者》和《吻》。

    PAINTER Luo Dan 's name is the Chinese transliteration of Auguste Rodin ( 1840-1917 ) , the French sculptor famous for works such as " The Age of Bronze , " " The Thinker " and " The Kiss . "