
  • 网络orwell;George Orwell;Orville;ORAVIVE
  1. 乔治•奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)曾哀叹“无产阶级小说”的缺乏。

    George Orwell lamented the scarcity of " proletarian novels . "

  2. 如果你想在30分钟里提高你的写作,请读一读乔治•奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)的杂文《政治与英语》(PoliticsandtheEnglishLanguage)。

    If you want to improve your writing in 30 minutes , read George Orwell 's essay Politics and the English Language .

  3. 正如奥威尔指出的那样,历史能够而且经常被改写以迎合当下的需要。

    As Orwell pointed out , history can be and often is rewritten to suit the needs of the present .

  4. 像乔治•奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)一样,哈维尔也对在谎言中生活加以描述。

    Like George Orwell , Mr Havel described living within the lie .

  5. 乔治•奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)曾哀叹无产阶级小说的缺乏。

    George Orwell lamented the scarcity of proletarian novels .

  6. 奥威尔的这篇杂文于70年前的4月发表在《地平线》(Horizon)杂志上,但他给出的建议还没有过时。

    Orwell 's essay appeared 70 years ago this month in Horizon magazine , but his advice hasn 't dated .

  7. 但乔治•奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)有一句著名的反驳之词:煎蛋在哪儿?

    But , as George Orwell once famously responded : where 's the omelette ?

  8. 客户一词已成为奥威尔(Orwell)式的故弄玄虚。

    The word client has become Orwellian doublespeak .

  9. 其它大多数是所谓的政府组织的非政府组织&这个名称会令乔治•奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)感到骄傲。

    Most of the rest are so-called government-organised non - governmental organisations , or Gongos , an appellation that would make George Orwell proud .

  10. 斯诺登在国家安全局的上司在片中被称为科尔宾•奥布赖恩(CorbinO’Brian),显然得名于奥威尔(Orwell)《一九八四》(1984)中的那个反派。

    Snowden 's N.S.A. boss is unsubtly named Corbin O'Brian , after the antagonist in Orwell 's 1984 .

  11. 哦,忘了提一句,他不但炒掉了Twitter真正的创始人,而且具有奥威尔式(Orwellian)讽刺意味的是,他在媒体采访中假装从没有这样一个人存在过。

    Oh , he also fired the real founder and , in an Orwellian turn , pretends the guy never existed in press interviews .

  12. Facebook、Twitter或者博客上的大多数人都试着像奥威尔那样写作:他们使用日常语言,以第一人称口吻发表看法,而不是借看似渊博的专家之口。

    Most people on Facebook , Twitter or blogs try to sound like Orwell : they use everyday words , and speak in the subjective " I " rather than as some fake-omniscient expert .

  13. 那次见面是在1999年,加州大学伯克利分校(UniversityofCalifornia,Berkeley)举办的一次演讲,他在接受新闻学院院长奥威尔o斯科勒采访的时候,用了大部分时间抨击微软(Microsoft)。

    It was during a talk at the University of California , Berkeley in 1999 where he was interviewed by the dean of the journalism school , Orville Schell . Ellison spent most of his time bashing Microsoft .

  14. 奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)、托马斯?德?昆西(ThomasDeQuincey)、纳西姆?尼古拉斯?塔勒布(NassimNicholasTaleb)、弗里德里希?尼采(FriedrichNietzsche)、布鲁斯?查特文(BruceChatwin)、温弗里德?格奥尔格?泽巴尔德(WGSebald)、弗拉基米尔?

    George Orwell , Thomas De Quincey , Nassim Nicholas Taleb , Friedrich Nietzsche , Bruce Chatwin , WG Sebald and Vladimir Nabokov are just some of the others who have written about it .

  15. 这看上去像是一个奇特的奥威尔式(Orwellian)结尾,但在此之后,我们俩都不知道该如何让谈话继续下去。

    It seems like an oddly Orwellian note to end on , but neither of us can think of how to take the conversation further after that line .

  16. 他买下这本杂志时,很多人希望他的硅谷经验和著名的出版历史——他曾出版过乔治·奥威尔(GeorgeOrwell)、弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(VirginiaWoolf)和菲利普·罗思(PhilipRoth)的书——会让他取得巨大的成功。

    When he bought the magazine many hoped that the combination of his Silicon Valley experience and the storied history of the publication - which has published George Orwell , Virginia Woolf and Philip Roth , and has a reputation for producing talented editors and writers - would prove formidable .

  17. 奥威尔引用了哈罗德•拉斯基(HaroldLaski)教授写的一句话:“事实上,我不确定这样说是否不正确:一度看上去不是不像17世纪的雪莱(Shelley)的弥尔顿(Milton),并没有变成……”

    He cites a sentence from Professor Harold Laski , which starts , " I am not , indeed , sure whether it is not true to say that the Milton who once seemed not unlike a 17th-century Shelley had not become   .   .   .   "

  18. 许多读者认为奥威尔是个政治作者。

    Most of the readers know Orwell as a political writer .

  19. 奥威尔甚至会认可赖特这种随意的语法。

    Orwell would have approved even of Wright 's casual grammar .

  20. 是奥威尔精确地预见了历史?

    Is it Orwell who had accurately predicted the history ?

  21. 前所未有奥威尔式的集权手段……

    This is a Orwellian measure on a scale unprecedented ...

  22. 对于我们-巴勒斯坦人-奥威尔和卡夫卡都是没有工程的小说,但具体的现实。

    For us-Palestinians-Orwell and Kafka are not works of fiction but concrete reality .

  23. 我们为什么要支付奥威尔的牌照费?

    Why should we pay the Orwellian licence fee ?

  24. 奥威尔曾公开赞扬沃夫的道德勇气。

    Orwell praised Waugh publicly for his moral courage .

  25. 但从另一方面来说;奥威尔是对的,而且直到今天仍然是对的。

    But in another way Orwell was right , and continues to be .

  26. 奥威尔的小说主要涉及政治与贫困两大主题。

    Orwell ′ s novels cover the two main themes of poverty and politics .

  27. 还是你认为我们正在走向一个奥威尔大规模监视系统吗?

    Or do you think we 're heading for an Orwellian mass surveillance system ?

  28. 因此,用奥威尔的说法,并购公司决定改名换姓。

    So in Orwellian fashion , the buyout firms decided to change their moniker .

  29. 就《动物农庄》和《一九八四》看奥威尔政治小说的艺术性

    On the Art of Orwell Political Novels from Animal Farm , Nineteen Eighty Four

  30. 解读奥威尔现象

    An Interpretation on the " Orwell Phenomenon "