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  • 网络Olympus
  1. 一名审计师来自日本生命保险公司(nipponlifeinsurance),该公司也是奥林巴斯的大股东之一。

    One auditor hails from Nippon Life , an insurer that is also a big Olympus shareholder .

  2. 奥林巴斯正在开发一款新的基于奥林巴斯E系统的数字单镜头反光照片相机。

    Olympus Imaging Corporation ( President : Masaharu Okubo ) is developing a new interchangeable-lens digital SLR ( single lens reflex ) within the Olympus E-System .

  3. 该档案显示佩雷拉温伯格公司也在奥林巴斯收购Gyrus一案中扮演了二级顾问的角色。

    The filing noted that Perella Weinberg acted as a subadvisor to Olympus'acquisition of Gyrus .

  4. 然后,董事会投票表决,解除伍德福德的总裁兼CEO的职务。15名董事中有14人支持解雇伍德福德(不过伍德福德仍然是奥林巴斯的董事之一)。

    Then , 14 of the15 board members voted to fire Woodford as president and CEO ( although he remains a director ) .

  5. 该金融机构否认与掩盖奥林巴斯(Olympus)亏损一事有任何关联。

    The bank denied any involvement in a cover-up of losses at Olympus .

  6. 接收奥林巴斯款项的是注册于开曼群岛的基金公司AxamInvestments,这家关联公司由Axes管理。

    The related Axam Investments was a Cayman Islands-registered fund overseen by Axes that received the payments from Olympus .

  7. 奥林巴斯(Olympus)2011年爆出的丑闻也必然如此。奥林巴斯曾有连续数位掌门人掩盖会计操纵的问题。

    So , inevitably , did the 2011 scandal at Olympus , where successive leaders covered up accounting manipulation .

  8. 除了个人心态,他的解释也适用于整体公司文化,比如被指有意向公众隐瞒亏损的明富环球(MFGlobal)和奥林巴斯(Olympus)。

    His explanation is applicable to both individuals and entire corporate cultures , such as MF global ( mfglq ) and Olympus , where losses were allegedly buried from public view on purpose .

  9. 奥林巴斯(Olympus)透露将对其董事会和管理层进行全面改革,以期在那起破坏性的会计丑闻后重塑公众信任。

    Olympus has unveiled an overhaul of its board and management as the camera maker seeks to restore public trust following a damaging accounting scandal .

  10. 这是强大企业文化的阴暗面,瑞银、英国的巴克莱(barclays)和日本的奥林巴斯(olympus)最近都发现自己存在这个问题。

    This is the dark side of a strong culture , where companies such as UBS , Barclays of the UK and Olympus of Japan have recently found themselves .

  11. 上周,包括卡西欧(Casio)、日立(Hitachi)和奥林巴斯(Olympus)在内的一系列日本电子产品公司预测,其销售将从10月份开始复苏。

    This week , a string of Japanese electronics companies , including Casio , Hitachi and Olympus , predicted that sales would recover from October .

  12. 后来他发现,有两家咨询公司以现金、认股证书和优先股等形式,从奥林巴斯获得了6.87亿美元的费用,他们分别是纽约的AxesAmerica公司以及它在开曼群岛的子公司AxamInvestments公司。

    Woodford then discovered that two advisory companies axes America of New York and its Cayman Islands subsidiary axam investments received $ 687 million in fees through cash , warrants and preferred shares .

  13. 一种是走在亚洲的绅士,一个良好的距离边缘人群,拍摄的照片与一个什麽样子奥林巴斯素E1用电池手柄。

    An Asian gentleman was walking around , a good distance from the edge of the crowd , shooting photos with what looked like an Olympus E1 with a battery grip .

  14. 日本检方对深陷会计丑闻的相机及医疗设备制造商奥林巴斯(Olympus)的东京总部及相关经营场所进行了突击搜查。

    Japanese prosecutors have raided the Tokyo headquarters and related premises of Olympus in connection with an accounting scandal that has engulfed the camera and medical equipment maker .

  15. 奥林巴斯前总裁迈克尔伍德福德(MichaelWoodford)表示:其中自然存在利益冲突。他透露,自己前任进行的可疑并购与去年10月的丑闻相关。

    There is a natural conflict of interest , said Michael Woodford , former Olympus president whose revelations about suspicious acquisitions conducted under his predecessor touched of the scandal in October .

  16. 一台打字机奥林巴斯B12便携打字机它的最大优点在于只有12磅重可以放到箱子里正是在杜克读大学的那段时间

    It was a typewriter , a B12 Olympus portable typewriter The best thing about it was it weighed only 12 pounds , carrying in case and all It was during my time at Duke

  17. 与奥林巴斯大众化数码相机系列的其它型号一样,1030sw所使用的闪存卡也基于较不知名的xd卡格式,但明智的是,这款相机同时也支持市面上更常见的microsd卡。

    Like other models in the Olympus line-up of consumer digital cameras , the 1030 SW uses flash memory cards based on the relatively obscure xD-Picture card format , but sensibly this model also supports the more widely available micro SD cards as well .

  18. 丑闻缠身的日本照相机制造商奥林巴斯(olympus)希望消除投资者对其资产负债表的疑虑,此前,该公司承认去年提交的虚假财务报告导致其违反了与银行的贷款协议。

    Olympus , the scandal-hit Japanese camera maker , sought to reassure investors over its balance sheet after acknowledging that false accounting reports it submitted last year had put it in violation of loan agreements with its banks .

  19. 三(3)个胜利者将会接受战争的一个上帝:奥林巴斯山UMD示范圆盘的链,。(没有ARV)为完全的官方规则在这里按。

    Three ( 3 ) winners will receive a God of War : Chains of Olympus UMD demo disc ,( no ARV ) . Click here for complete Official Rules .

  20. 其他一些企业,比如日本的奥林巴斯也在开发智能眼镜,正如Babbage(本博客)曾经提到的那样,许多关于缩小显示设备的有趣探索都在进行当中。

    Other companies such as Japan 's Olympus are also experimenting with smart goggles and there is much interesting work being done to shrink displays even further , as Babbage has noted elsewhere .

  21. 它还延续了松下的图像稳定系统和Panny一贯的“莱卡”镜头&尽管我们知道这种镜头3/4来自奥林巴斯。

    The DMC-L1 also includes Panasonic 's image stabilization system , and continues Panny 's use of Leica-branded lenses & though in this case the lenses use Olympus 's Four Thirds system .

  22. 售价699美元(约4850人民币)、设计时髦的富士X70相机就是你的最佳拍档,或者你也可以选择传统外表与前端科技相结合的奥林巴斯PEN-F相机(售价1200美元),走一发复古范。

    The * sleek design of the Fujifilm X70 , $ 699 ( 4850 yuan ) , makes it the perfect companion , or you could go * retro with the Olympus PEN-F ( $ 1200 ) that offers old school looks alongside cutting edge technology .

  23. 前述西方律所的报告显示,奥林巴斯总裁笹宏行(HiroyukiSasa)、董事长木本泰行(YasuyukiKimoto,已于去年退休)以及身在东京的另外两名董事,曾要求香港和深圳的下属推进这项房地产交易。

    At one point , the Olympus president , Hiroyuki Sasa ; chairman , Yasuyuki Kimoto , who retired last year ; and two other board members in Tokyo told subordinates in Hong Kong and Shenzhen to move forward with the real estate deal , according to the report by the Western law firm .

  24. 一心以为答案会是奥林巴斯公司。

    He recalls asking , expecting the answer to be Olympus .

  25. 是日本产的奥林巴斯变焦115型相机。

    It 's an Olympus zoom 115 made in Japan .

  26. 宙斯:我赐予你奥林巴斯之剑。

    Zeus : I offer you the Blade of Olympus .

  27. 文件显示,奥林巴斯提议进行一项房地产交易。

    Olympus , the documents show , proposed a real estate transaction .

  28. 它不会工作,对索尼和奥林巴斯相机

    It won 't work on Sony and Olympus cameras

  29. 奥林巴斯可以把它在深圳的两栋宿舍楼卖给安远的附属公司。

    Olympus would sell two dormitory buildings in Shenzhen to the Anyuan affiliate .

  30. 内部调查发现,奥林巴斯还向安远支付过没被财务部门登记在册的其他款项。

    Olympus made other off-the-books payments to Anyuan , the internal inquiry found .