
ào yùn cūn
  • Olympic village
奥运村[ào yùn cūn]
  1. 澳大利亚承包商联盛集团(lendlease)的筹资问题影响了奥运村的建设。

    Construction of the Olympic village is threatened by fundraising problems at Lend Lease , the Australian contractor .

  2. 在SBNation体育新闻的记者罗杰•舍曼分享了名叫埃里克的小伙在奥运村发安全套的照片以后,埃里克在推特爆红。

    A man named Eric has gone viral on Twitter after SB Nation reporter Rodger Sherman shared a picture of him dishing out condoms in the Olympic village .

  3. 一位国际奥委会高级委员表示,武术比赛选手甚至不能住在奥运村(OlympicAthlete'sVillage)。

    A senior IOC member says wushu competitors will not even be allowed to stay in the Olympic Athlete 's Village .

  4. 美国柔道运动员NickDelpopolo被伦敦奥组委驱逐出奥运村。

    American judo fighter Nick Delpopolo was expelled from Olympics in London for doping .

  5. 多年来,我帮助挖掘了数英里长的隧道,包括英法海底铁路隧道(ChannelTunnelraillink)以及伦敦奥运村(OlympicVillage)地下的输电线路隧道。

    I 've helped dig miles of tunnels over the years , including the Channel Tunnel rail link and a tunnel that carries the electrical power supplies underneath the Olympic Village in London .

  6. 北京奥运村是最近一个取得美国绿色建筑委员会LEED黄金证书的项目。

    Beijing Olympic Village was the latest project to receive a LEED gold certification from USGBC .

  7. 单身的运动员们纷纷使用热门约会软件Tinder,来为里约奥运村的生活增添趣味。

    Single athletes are using the wildly popular hook-up app Tinder to spice things up at the Olympic Village in the Brazilian city .

  8. 引起担忧的问题非常多,从奥运村澳大利亚代表团居住区的管道问题、火灾和失窃,到蚊媒寨卡(Zika)病毒病的爆发。

    The concerns have ranged from plumbing problems and a fire and theft in the Australian quarters of the athletes " village , to the outbreak of the mosquito-born disease , Zika .

  9. 新西兰队的老板RobWaddell说他对奥运村依旧未完工这件事感到很失望。他还说:“把这地方搞定真的不容易,不过经过我们的一番努力之后,我们的设施已经可以迎接第一批到达的运动员了。”

    New Zealand team boss Rob Waddell said he was " disappointed " the Village was not ready , adding " it hasn 't been easy , " but said with " a bit of hard work , " their facilities were ready for the first athletes arrival .

  10. 就在奥运村1号门和2号门外面。

    It 's just outside the village near gates No.1 and2 .

  11. 今天早上我们去了奥运村。

    We visited the Olympic Village first thing in the morning .

  12. 英国伦敦下里亚谷地重建及奥运村总体规划

    Lower Lea Valley regeneration and Olympic Games masterplan london , England

  13. 从这儿到奥运村怎么走?

    How can I get to the Olympic Village from here ?

  14. 你不知道啊,那是奥运村。

    You don 't know ? That 's the Olympic Village .

  15. 奥运村的赛后利用研究

    Study on the Post - Games Use of Olympic Village

  16. 谢谢,我一直期待着能来奥运村参观。

    Can I have a look at your Accreditation Card , please ?

  17. 巴塞罗那1992年奥运村(规划方案),西班牙

    Barcelona Olympic Village , 1992 ( Planning Progect ), Spain

  18. 直接式污水源热泵系统在奥运村换热站中的应用

    Application of direct sewage-source heat pump system to Olympic Village Heat Exchange Station

  19. 尤其是在展览会和奥运村在的地区。

    Especially in the area where the Expo and the Olympic Village are .

  20. 奥运村的所有相关设施也将采用无障碍设计。

    All supporting facilities in the Olympic Village will also be so designed .

  21. 我们能快点到奥运村吗!

    Could we get to the Olympic Village please .

  22. 北京奥林匹克公园奥运村D区地下防水施工技术

    Underground waterproofing technique of section D of Olympic Village in Beijing Olympic Park

  23. 奥运村的清洁工人得照看140580间房间。

    Cleaners at the Olympic Village will have to look after 140,580 rooms .

  24. 奥运村由于其特殊含义,对计算机管理系统的要求比较高。

    A high standard of computer management system is required for Olympic village .

  25. 北京奥运村北部地区临时设施投标方案

    The Bidding Plan for Temporary Facilities in the North Part of Olympic Village

  26. 在索契奥林匹克运动会期间,住在奥运村里的运动员竟收到10万个避孕套!

    At the Sochi Olympics , athletes at Olympic Village received 100000 condoms .

  27. 请简要介绍一下奥运村的情况好吗?

    Could you please briefly describe the Olympic village ?

  28. 我可以从这进入奥运村吗?

    Can I enter the village through this gate ?

  29. 俄罗斯奥运村的温度已经升至华氏60度。

    The Russian resort is heating up with temperatures soaring to 60 degrees .

  30. 奥运村就属于此类。

    The athletes " village falls into this group .