
  • 网络Omaha Beach;Obama Beach;Omaha Beach near Coleville-sur-Mer
  1. 我眼睛或许遗留在奥马哈海滩了。

    I may have left my eyes on Omaha beach .

  2. 仅奥马哈海滩的美军伤亡人数就超过两千

    There are more than 2000 US casualties on Omaha Beach alone .

  3. 美军在奥马哈海滩伤亡惨重!

    The American forces suffered heavy casualties on this beachhead .

  4. 巴斯副官:他可是第一个死在奥马哈海滩的美国人。

    Bus'Cummings : He was the first American to die on Omaha Beach .

  5. 同奥马哈海滩上肤色各异的其他战友一样

    Like every other soldier on Omaha Beach ,

  6. 那是诺曼底的奥马哈海滩,波涛拍岸。

    On Omaha Beach , at Normandy .

  7. 仍在奥马哈海滩,约翰·米勒上尉(汤姆·汉克斯饰)接受另一项任务。

    Still reeling from Omaha Beach , Captain John Miller ( Tom Hanks ) is given another assignment .

  8. 也许我把眼睛留在了奥马哈海滩(战场),但是我不打算乞求山姆大叔(美国政府)的施舍。

    I may have left my eyes on Omaha Beach , but I ain 't asking no charity from Uncle Sam.

  9. 艾森豪威尔和蒙哥马利乘坐一艘驱逐舰,登上了曾经给盟军最大伤亡的奥马哈海滩。

    Eisenhower and Montgomery arrived on board of a destroyer at the Omaha beachhead that caused heavy casualties to the Allies .

  10. 这部电影最为著名的就是其开头的27分钟,展现了1944年6月6日奥马哈海滩突袭的场景。

    The film is especially notable for the intensity of its opening 27 minutes , which depictthe Omaha Beach assault of June 6 , 1944 .

  11. 这是为什么美国大兵在奥马哈海滩、硫磺岛战役、伊拉克和阿富汗中挥洒鲜血,为什么从塞尔玛到格林尼治石墙的男男女女也都准备好了,要献出他们的生命。

    It 's why GIs gave their lives at Omaha Beach and Iwo Jima , Iraq and Afghanistan . And why men and women from Selma to Stonewall were prepared to give theirs , as well .

  12. (一个月后,他被降薪40%,养老金计划被终止。)911事件中的纽约市消防员、(诺曼底登陆时)突袭奥马哈海滩的军人,也只是在做自己的工作。

    ( A month later , his pay was cut by 40 per cent and his pension was terminated . ) The New York City firefighters on September 11 and the troops who stormed Omaha Beach just did their jobs .

  13. 最让人难以释怀的是代号为奥马哈的海滩

    The most infamous is code-named " Omaha Beach , "

  14. 在奥马哈和犹他海滩发生了激烈的战斗。数小时内,整个远征的命运吉凶难卜。

    Bitter fighting occurred at Omaha and Utah beaches , and for some hours the fate of the entire expedition hung in balance .