
  • Female consumer psychology;female consumption psychology
  1. 解读征服女性消费心理的广告策略

    Interpretation of Advertisement Strategies on How to Conquer the Female

  2. 因此,研究女性消费心理特征对于市场营销有着重大意义。

    So , studying modern women will have great significance in studying marketing .

  3. 女性消费心理与家纺产品的设计

    Women Consumption Mentality and Design of House Textile Product

  4. 在我国,女性消费心理随着社会的发展而发生了重大的变化。

    In our country , great changes have taken place with the development of the society in women consumer psychology .

  5. 以女性消费心理为依据,对优秀的化妆品广告词进行实例分析,从中归纳整理出化妆品广告词创意设计的6种方法,以期对化妆品广告词的设计有所帮助。

    Based on female consumer psychology , an analysis in made of some excellent examples of cosmetics advertising commentaries and six methods are advanced for planning cosmetics advertising commentaries .

  6. 女性体育消费心理的影响因素及市场营销策略

    The Psychological Factors and the Marketing Strategies in Sports Consume of Female

  7. 论女性群体的消费心理与商品包装

    On the Consumer Psychology and the Commodity Packing for Female Group

  8. 文艺片如何商业?&女性观众的消费心理分析

    How Art Films Are Commercialized : Psychology of Female Audience as Consumers

  9. 企业界应在了解当前我国城市女性消费特征和心理的基础上,开展针对女性的营销活动。

    Enterprises should know female consuming characteristics and psychology and promote to sell more commodities to females .

  10. 女性品牌服装消费心理的实证研究

    Analysis of the Garment Consumption Difference between Cities and Countrysides A testifying investigation of women 's consuming psychology on brand clothing

  11. 其次,以所做的问卷调查为依据,比较贴近实际地考察了手机文学的主要消费群体&中学生、大学生以及都市年青女性群体的消费心理。

    Thirdly , based on the survey , the author analyzes the psychology of main consumers of mobile phone literature & middle school students , college students and young city females .

  12. 由于女性受众的消费心理和消费需求是确定化妆品广告诉求重点的主要依据,因此,这部分首先分析了受众的消费心理和化妆品的广告诉求重点;接着分析了化妆品广告的诉求方式及其特点。

    Consumer psychology and consumer demand of the female audience is the main basis to determine the focus of cosmetics advertising appeals , therefore , this part of the first analyzes consumer psychology of the audience and cosmetics advertising appeals ; then analyzes the cosmetics advertising appeals and its characteristics .

  13. 影响女性购买化妆品的消费心理与行为的六个因素项目,依次为性价比、品牌安全、时尚与美感、指导意见、功能、销售服务。

    Affect women buy cosmetics consumer psychology and behavior of the six factors successively were price , brand security , fashion and beauty , guidance , function , marketing services .

  14. 本文根据女性家具市场的现状,透过女性的文化背景,分析女性的消费心理特点。以花卉仿生设计为手段,从家具的外观、尺度、材料及色彩等角度进行女性家具开发设计的探讨。

    Based on the market state of " female furniture " and female culture background , this paper analyses the consumptive mentality of woman and discusses the exploitation and design of female furniture from the aspects of shape , scale , material and color by imitating the forms of flowers .