
  • 网络Consignment
  1. 关于委托代销商品核算的探讨

    Probe into Accounting Calculation of Goods in Consignment Sale

  2. 保险业务手续费退费管理系统委托代销中收取手续费的纳税认定

    The Manage System of Commission Charge and Returned Charge in Insurance Business

  3. 委托代销中收取手续费的纳税认定委托代销业务的会计核算图解

    Tax Identification Imposed upon the Service Charge of The Commission Agent Sales

  4. 委托代销业务的会计核算图解

    The Illustrations of the Business Accounting on Commission Sale

  5. 银行盈利的新模式委托代销中收取手续费的纳税认定

    Transformation Of China 's Banking Earning Tax Identification Imposed upon the Service Charge of The Commission Agent Sales

  6. 各省级体彩中心与代销商签订的是委托代销合同而非行政合同;

    Every provincial sports lottery center which contract to the commission agent is commission contract and not the administrative contract .

  7. 本文以旅游委托代销基本理论为基础,分析了当前旅行社委托关系,并对旅游业发展进行调查分析。

    This paper commissioned by the sales agency for tourism based on the basic theory , analysis of the current travel agency commission , and a survey of tourism development .

  8. 由合营公司与中国外贸公司订立的销售合同,委托其代销,或由中国外贸公司包销的占×%

    The joint venture company may sign sales contract with Chinese foreign trade companies , entrusting them to be the sales agencies or exclusive sales agencies , which accounts for X % .

  9. 委托商业部门代销。

    Commodities can be sold by the commercial departments on a commission basis .

  10. 外资企业可以自行在中国销售本企业生产的产品,也可以委托商业机构代销其产品。

    A wholly foreign-owned enterprise may sell its products by itself or commission commercial organizations to sell its products in China on a consignment basis .

  11. 委托其他纳税人代销货物,为收到代销单位销售的代销清单的当天;感谢贵公司将50包羊毛,委托本公司销售。

    For sales of goods on a consignment to other taxpayers , it shall be the date on which the detailed account of consignment sales are received from the consignee ; We thank you for your consideration in making us the consignment of fifty bales of wool .

  12. 认为体彩中心不具有行政主体的法律地位,而是总局委托授权的事业组织;各省级体彩中心与代销商签订的是委托代销合同而非行政合同;

    The writer consider that sports lotteries center do not have legal status of administrative main body , but a public organization authorized by General Administration of Sports ;