
  1. 公司内部设有拍卖业务部、宣传策划部、财务档案部、标的交接服务部和委托人、竞买人、买受人服务大厅。

    With the auction business unit within the company , publicity Planning Division , Finance Department of Archives , the subject of transfer of Services and clients , Bidders , buyer services hall .

  2. 竞买人可以自行参加竞买,也可以委托其代理人参加竞买。

    Bidders may participate in bidding on their own , or may trust their agents to participate in bidding for them .

  3. 外国人、外国企业和组织在中华人民共和国境内委托拍卖或者参加竞买的,适用本法。

    This law is applicable to foreigners , foreign enterprises and foreign organizations trusting auctions or participating in bidding within the territory of the people 's Republic of china .