
  1. 上周,美国食品生产商亨氏(H.J.Heinz)则召回了几批含铅量超标的婴儿米粉。

    Last week , the American food producer H.   J. Heinz recalled several batches of baby cereal products after they were discovered to contain high levels of lead .

  2. 最近一周中国有关部门又发现亨氏(H.J.HeinzCo)婴儿米粉“含铅量严重超标”,将这个食品巨头推向了风口浪尖。

    This week , food giant H.J. Heinz Co. found itself in a storm as Chinese regulators said they found " severely high levels of lead " in the company 's infant cereals .

  3. 婴儿营养米粉配方的优化设计

    Optimum Design of Nutritive Rice Flour Formulation for Infants with Computer

  4. 婴儿营养米粉中益生菌添加工艺的研究

    Study on the adding technics of probiotics in infant nutrition cereal

  5. 蚁群算法在婴儿营养米粉配方中的应用

    Application of Ant Colony Algorithm in Formula of Infant Nutrient Rice Flour

  6. 利用巨胚米和黑米研制婴儿营养米粉

    Processing of nutritious meal for babies from giant embryo rice and black rice

  7. 铁强化婴儿营养米粉预防小儿贫血的效果

    Efficacy of Iron-fortified Infant Cereals in the Prevention of Iron-deficiency Anemia in Infants

  8. 酶制剂在婴儿营养米粉生产中的应用研究

    Studies on amylase application in infant cereal production

  9. 婴儿营养米粉三种加工工艺及其对大米氨基酸的影响

    Three Kinds of Processing Technology of Nutritional Rice Flour for Baby and Their Effects on Rice Amino Acids

  10. 4~8月龄婴儿补充营养米粉的喂养观察

    Feeding Study of Supplementing Rice Powder to 4 ~ 8 Month Old Infants

  11. 婴儿高蛋白营养米粉动物实验研究

    The experimental study of high - protein infant cereal

  12. 此外,检验出的不合格婴儿食品还包括产自澳大利亚的宝利氏牛奶、百乐斯婴儿米粉等。

    In addition , Pauls milk and rice flour , produced by Parmalat Australia , a subsidiary of the Italian food giant , was also among the unqualified list .