
léi zǔ
  • Lei Zu
嫘祖 [léi zǔ]
  • [Lei Zu] 一作累祖,据传为西陵氏之女,黄帝之妻。神话传说她是养蚕制丝方法之创造者,自北周以后,祖祀为蚕神

  1. 黄帝之妻嫘祖便去寻找能吐丝的蚕种,采桑饲蚕。后世民间崇奉嫘祖为养蚕的蚕神,黄帝为织丝的机神。

    His wife Lei Zu searched until she found a type of caterpillar capable of spinning silk fibers from its mouth.She raised these silkworms by feeding them mulberry leaves she picked herself.Later generations came to worship Lei Zu as the Silkworm Goddess , and the Yellow Emperor as the God of Weaving .
