
  1. 培育农村先进文化的有益实践&宁波市图书馆农民读书节的开展与思考

    The Fostering of a Progressive Suburban Culture : Valuable Practice of the Ningbo City Library

  2. 宁波市公共图书馆现状调查及对策研究

    A Survey of the Present Situation of Public Libraries of Ningbo City

  3. 宁波市数字图书馆机电塑料模具特色库建设实践与探索

    Constructing Practice and Exploration of Electromechanical Plastic Mould Characteristics Database of Ningbo Digital Library

  4. 区域性数字图书馆建设探究&以宁波市数字图书馆为例

    Research on the Construction of the Regional Digital Library & A Study Case of Ningbo Digital Library

  5. 宁波大学园区图书馆与中小学图书馆合作的实践与思考

    Practice and Thoughts of the Cooperation between Ningbo University District Library and Libraries in Primary and Middle Schools

  6. 城市图书馆开放式服务的实践与思考&以宁波大学园区图书馆为例

    The Practicing and Thinking about the Open Service of a City Library : for Example of Ningbo University Zone Library

  7. 宁波市数字图书馆建设模式与运行机制研究&探索城市数字图书馆建设创新之路

    A Study on Management System and Operational Mechanism of Ningbo Digital Library & Exploring the Way of Innovation for Urban Digital Library

  8. 宁波市数字图书馆是国内近年来新建的数字图书馆之一,它是以政府为主导,服务地方经济为导向,专家把关,整合各个图书馆资源,共建共享的公共图书馆。

    The Ningbo Digital library was one of newly domestic builted Digital libraries at recent years . It was take serves the provincial economy as the guidance , the government to lead , the expert to check , unifies various library resources , builds the sharing Public library together .

  9. 宁波高教园区图书馆集高校馆和公共馆两类属性于一身,学术性和文化性并举,教育职能和信息职能与文化休闲职能并列。

    This paper introduces the management model of the Ningbo Higher Education Zone Library which is a mixture of academic library management and public library management .