
yǔ zhòu lùn
  • cosmology
  1. Kaluza-Klein-Jordan-Brans-Dicke理论中的准Torsion场及其在宇宙论中的简单解

    The Quasi-Torsion in Kaluza-Klein-Jordan-Brans-Dicke Theory and Its Simple Solution in Cosmology

  2. 他的科学兴趣还包括宇宙论与高能天文学。

    His other scientific interests concern cosmology and high-energy astrophysics .

  3. 这种实验检验给那些人们正在考虑的宇宙论模型施加了限制。

    This experimental test imposes restrictions on the kind of cosmological models that are considered .

  4. 这个要求可望在量子宇宙论中得到满足。

    This requirement for cosmology might be satisfied by quantum cosmo-logy .

  5. 论理念的宇宙论意义、本体论意义和逻辑意义

    On the Cosmological , Ontological and Logical Senses of Idea

  6. 佛教宇宙论是随着佛教的传入而同步发展的。

    Buddhist cosmology develops along with the introduction of Buddhism .

  7. 从宇宙论寻找人性论的根据&中国古代人性学说的特点

    Searching for the Ground of Human Nature Theory from Cosmology

  8. 天文学和宇宙论中的各种分形及其可能的起源

    Various Fractals in Astronomy and Cosmology and Their Possible Origins

  9. 这些规律对我们研究粒子物理、天体物理和宇宙论等。

    These laws enlighten our researches in particle physics , astrophysics and cosmology .

  10. 大爆炸宇宙论与无神论&大爆炸理论缘何无助于有神论者?

    Blast theory and atheism & why doesn 't blast theory help theism ?

  11. 他们的天道观首先是一种宇宙论。

    Their view of the way of heaven is at first a cosmology .

  12. 先验自由是在宇宙论理念的第三个二律背反中表现出来的。

    The prior freedom is displayed in the third antinomy in Cosmology Idea .

  13. 《蒂迈欧篇》宇宙论及其对近代科学的影响

    On the Cosmology of Plato 's Timaeus and Its Influence on the Modern Science

  14. 这些因素包含了您的宇宙论和种族。

    These factors include your cosmology and race .

  15. 这种宇宙论模式也深刻地影响古代学术与政治。

    This kind of cosmos theory also effect profoundly China ancient science and politics .

  16. 彝族古宇宙论研究三题

    Three Subjects of the Yis Ancient Universe View

  17. 老子思想涉及宇宙论、本体论、人生论和政治学,道是贯穿其中的主线。

    Laozi 's thoughts ( involve ) cosmism , ontology , philosophy and political science .

  18. 新的宇宙观意涵着本体宇宙论的体验与观察;

    The new world outlook means the experience and observation of ontology of the world ;

  19. 徐声称他能够将八卦宇宙论和现代科学结合起来进行地震预报。

    Xu claims he can predict earthquakes by combining the Eight Diagrams theory with modern science .

  20. 远古和中世纪宇宙论中被认为是构成物质世界的四大要素之一。

    One of four substances thought in ancient and medieval cosmology to constitute the physical universe .

  21. 洛克认为,可以通过一种宇宙论来证明上帝的存在。

    Locke thought that you could prove the existence of God by a sort of cosmological argument .

  22. 本文对斯多亚学派的宇宙论作了三方面的分析:(1)宇宙扩张论和生机论;

    This paper analyzes its cosmogony from three aspects : ( 1 ) cosmological outspread and vitalism ;

  23. 本片关注现代作品和帕米欧基翁运动的宇宙论理解。

    Koriam 's Law concerns itself with the contemporary works and cosmological understandings of the Pomio Kivung .

  24. 傅立叶宇宙论是波德莱尔“应和”论的哲学、美学来源之一。

    One of the philosophical and esthetic sources of Baudelaire 's correspondence theory was Fourier 's cosmology .

  25. 弗里德曼空间和宇宙论

    Friedmann space and Cosmology

  26. 会议将集中在弗罗茨瓦夫的当代趋势在现代物理,包括宇宙论与空间物理学。

    The Wroclaw conference will focus on contemporary trends in modern physics , including cosmology and space physics .

  27. 亚里士多德的宇宙论以及相关的运动法则极富吸引力。

    This cosmology of Aristotle 's , together with the associated laws of motion , was enormously appealing .

  28. 怀特海的宇宙论和孔子的伦理学对过程的阐发为当代教育提供了理论基础。

    The elucidation of " process " in Whitehead 's Metaphysics and Confucius'ethics is the foundation of contemporary education .

  29. 王畿发挥师说表现在:疏通本体论与宇宙论、四无论、良知信仰论;

    Wang-chin 's achievement had three part : integrating ontology and cosmism , making Doctrine of Four-noting and believing Liang-chin .

  30. 但是宇宙论并不把它的对象看成是一个具体的全体,而是只按照抽象的规定去看对象。

    This object however it viewed not as a concrete whole , but only under certain abstract points of view .