
ān quán cāo zuò
  • safe operation
  1. 运用敏感度方法研究连续搅拌釜式反应器(CSTR)放热反应的参数敏感性行为及规律,探讨CSTR反应器的安全操作区域和敏感操作区域。

    The parametric sensitivity behavior and rule of a CSTR are discussed with parametric sensitivity . Safe operation region and runaway reaction region were determined based on the equations of energy balance and mass conservation .

  2. 在红光照射9h及日光灯照射1~2h内BTM几乎不发生异构化,这两种光源可提供安全操作光环境适用于不同的实验。

    But during the exposure time of red light for 9 h and daylight lamp for 1-2 h , no isomerization of BTM was found , which indicated these two light sources can provide the safe operation of light environment for different experiments . 2 .

  3. 基于Linux的安全操作系统开发过程与质量控制的研究

    Study of Process and Quality Controlling Based on Researching Secure Linux OS

  4. 现阶段,我军正在大力推进军用安全操作系统平台下军用Office的研发。

    PLA helps boost the research of military Office which working on the military security OS at this stage .

  5. 同时,在代码的任何地方都能很轻松地访问Subject,允许在任何需要的地方进行安全操作。

    It is also easy to access a Subject anywhere in code , allowing security operations to occur anywhere they are needed .

  6. 基于Linux开发安全操作系统,主要是对Linux的安全性进行增强。

    Developing the Linux-based secure operating system is mainly to enhance the Linux operating system security .

  7. 构建最小Linux安全操作系统是安全领域中一个关键性的问题。

    How to build the minimum Linux security OS is a key problem in security domain .

  8. 在NT中维护ASP的安全操作

    Safty operation of ASP in the maintenance of NT

  9. 安全操作系统中反LinuxELF病毒研究

    Research on Linux Anti-ELF Virus in Security OS

  10. 然后,详细介绍了Linux四级安全操作系统中审计系统的设计和实现。

    Firstly , this thesis presents the design and implement of the audit system in the Linux 4th level security operating system .

  11. 访问控制研究是安全操作系统研究中的一个关键问题,本文较为详细地分析、比较了现有通用操作系统的各种访问控制技术,同时对uC/OS-Ⅱ深入分析。

    Study of access control model is the key problem in the study of secure OS .

  12. 安全操作系统是网络安全的重要研究内容,通过分析Linux内核入侵检测系统(LIDS),验证了Linux操作系统良好的安全性。

    Safety operation system in network security is an important subject of research , and LIDS proves the reliable performance of Linux .

  13. Subject代表了当前用户的安全操作,SecurityManager则管理所有用户的安全操作。

    While the Subject represents security operations for the current user , the SecurityManager manages security operations for all users .

  14. 增强后的安全操作系统的全局体系结构图说明系统完全符合Flask结构。

    The overall architectural structure graph of the enhanced security operating system illustrates that the system conforms the Flask structure completely .

  15. 基于BLP的安全操作系统信息安全模型

    BLP-based Information Security Model in Secure Operating System

  16. 第四,论述了通过安全操作系统的其他部分如MAC、DAC等来保证审计系统的安全。

    Fourthly , by cooperating with other parts in secure operating system , such as MAC and DAC , the security of auditing system is guaranteed .

  17. 文章首先分析了轻型目录访问协议的LDAP分布式目录服务,实现了仿真资源的统一命名、快速定位和数据的安全操作。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the Light Directory Access Protocal LDAP , which come true the simulation resource named uniform , orientation rapidly and manipulate safety ;

  18. 研究安全操作系统的评价标准并结合嵌入式操作系统的特征,引入B1级嵌入式子集作为嵌入式操作系统的安全评价标准;

    Research on the standard of secure operating system , presents B1 level embedded subset for the security evaluation of embedded real time operating system .

  19. e-PTFE隆鼻手术安全操作程序

    Augmentation rhinoplasty with e-PTFE and safe operating sequence

  20. 目的观察疟疾疗法(急性血源间日疟)治疗人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染的不良反应或并发症,探索疟疾疗法治疗HIV阳性患者的安全操作程序。

    Objective To observe side effects or complications of malariotherapy ( hematogenous acute Plasmodium vivax malaria ) for human immunodeficiency virus ( HIV ) infection and to explore the safe procedures of the therapy in treating HIV infected patients .

  21. 然而,Shiro集成现有的JVM安全操作并非白日做梦-只是没人给项目贡献这方面的工作。

    However , it is not unconceivable that Shiro could integrate with the existing JVM security operations-it is just that no one has contributed such work to the project .

  22. 今年,中国的双汇国际控股有限公司(ShuanghuiInternationalHoldingsLtd.)以47亿美元收购美国的猪肉加工商SmithfieldFoodsInc.,原因之一就是要获取新的技术和安全操作。

    Acquiring new technology and safety practices was a reason for this year 's $ 4.7 billion takeover of U.S. - based pork processor Smithfield Foods Inc. by China 's Shuanghui International Holdings Ltd.

  23. 在研究分析传统安全操作系统的安全理论和技术的基础上,结合嵌入式操作系统的特点,提出一种适合于嵌入式操作系统的安全核框架:ESK(embeddedsecuritykernel)。

    Based on research and analysis of traditional embedded operating system security theories and technologies , combining with characteristics of embedded operating system , this paper puts forward a security kernel frame fit for embedded operating system : ESK ( embedded security kernel ) .

  24. WCCP还可以使用跨多个缓存引擎的信息流负载均衡,确保故障容错、故障安全操作。

    The WCCP also enables load balancing of traffic across multiple cache engines and ensures fault-tolerant , fail-safe operation .

  25. 在试验的基础上,阐述了MTS815试验机的安全操作程序,并对试验中遇到的故障及排除方法作了探讨。

    The safety operating procedure of MTS815 rock mechanics testing system is explained , and the solutions to the troubles in testing are discussed .

  26. 结合以Linux为基础的一个安全操作系统(RS-Linux)的开发,讨论抽象的BLP安全公理在安全操作系统实现中的实际意义。

    With the development of a secure operating system , named RS-Linux , which is based on the Linux system , the practical significance of the abstract BLP security axioms in the implementation of a secure operating system is discussed .

  27. SECOS是一个自主产权的安全操作系统,符合国家4级标准。

    SECOS is a secure operating system with independent intellectual property right , which accords with the requirements of level 4 secure operation system technology .

  28. 本文面向开发高等级安全操作系统所必需的形式化安全策略模型,结合GB/T20272-2006对访问控制的具体要求,主要完成了以下工作:第一,设计了一种混合多策略模型SOSHMPM。

    Based on these pre-works , combining the concrete access control requirements of GB / T 20272-2006 , it completes three jobs , which are : Firstly , one type of hybrid multi-policy model SOS_HMPM , abbr. for secure operating system hybrid multi-policy model , is designed .

  29. 从安全操作系统的角度分析了堆栈溢出的原理,以BLP模型为工具对堆栈溢出进行了形式化并在此基础上适当调整了该模型,从安全模型的层次上消除了堆栈溢出的隐患。

    The mechanism of buffer overflow from the point of view of security operating system is analyzed , buffer overflow with BLP model is formalized . Based on it , the BLP model is adjusted properly and the crisis of buffer overflow is removed on the level of security model .

  30. 研究人员检查了参与者的住所,对煤油安全操作进行了评价。

    Researchers inspected participants ' homes to evaluate paraffin safety practices .