
  1. 因为稻米在食物安全,收入来源和政治上的安定里占的角色,它的生产便受制各国政府极大的干涉。

    Because of its role in food security , income generation and political stability , rice production is subject to much government intervention .

  2. 中部地区粮食安全与农民收入不相容问题的实证分析

    The Empirical Analyses on the Uncompatible Problem of " Food Safety and Farmer Income " in Central China

  3. 他们在就业机会、劳动安全、工资收入、教育等各方面与城市居民有着较大的差别,特别是在社会保障方面与城镇居民相距甚远。

    There are big differences between rural citizens and urban citizens on employment opportunities , working security , payment and education , etc.

  4. 本文提出的指标分为四类,包括资本充足率指标,流量指标充足,资产安全指标,收入合理的指标。

    This is mainly four categories of indicators , including indicators of capital adequacy , liquidity adequacy index , safety index of assets , income and reasonable indicators .

  5. 农户的技术需求是利润最大化的函数,政府的技术供给是以粮食安全和农民收入增长为主要内容的社会效益最大化的函数。

    The farmer 's technology demand is the function of profit maximization , but the government 's supply of technology is the function of social benefit maximization , including grain safety and farmer 's e growth of income .

  6. 如何在正确的战略思想指导下科学制定规制政策,事关中国未来粮食产业发展、粮食安全、农民收入、国民福利和国家政治经济地位。

    How to make scientific regulation policies under the guidance of strategic thinking involves the future development of grain industry in China , food safety , farmers ' incomes , the citizen well-being , and the political and economical status of the country .

  7. 并认为农村贫困人口的微观粮食安全状况与其收入水平、粮食生产能力以及粮食流通状况正相关;

    Then , the paper draws several important conclusions as follows : the income of the poor people in the rural area , their capability of producing grain and the condition of the circulation of grain have positive correlation with the poor people 's micro-food security .

  8. 财富管理经理同样供不应求,因为银行希望有安全、稳定的收入来源。

    Wealth management types are also in demand as banks look to secure stable sources of income .

  9. 粮食补贴政策是保障粮食安全、提高农民收入的一项重要政策措施。

    The grain subsidy policy is an important measure to guarantee the grain sufficiency and raise the farmers income .

  10. 粮食直补是农业补贴政策的核心,在保障粮食安全、提高农民收入水平方面发挥着非常重要的导向性功能。

    Grain direct subsidy is the core of agricultural subsidy policy , which plays a significant guiding role in ensuring grain security and raising farmers'income .

  11. 一般情况下,只有战略粮食安全才与粮农收入高度相关,常规粮食安全则与农民收入没有直接的制度关联。

    Under normal circumstances , only strategic food security has a close relationship with the income of the farmers while the regular food security is not directly associated with the income of the farmers systematically .

  12. 渔业是我国大农业的重要产业之一,在国民经济中占有重要地位,对于保障国家粮食安全,增加农民收入,繁荣农村经济有着积极而重要的作用。

    Fisheries is an important part in agriculture . It plays an important role in the national economy . The development of the fisheries can protect national food security , increase the income of peasants and prosper rural economy .

  13. 河南省是一个传统农业大省,在经济发展中面临着保障国家粮食安全、增加农民收入、转移农村剩余劳动力的压力,并受到资源和环境的约束。

    Henan is a traditional agricultural province , faced with the pressure of guaranteeing nation grain safety , increasing peasants ' income and shifting rural surplus labor force in economic development under the situation of the restriction of resources and environment .